英语人>词典>汉英 : 二苯胺 的英文翻译,例句
二苯胺 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与二苯胺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The photochemical and thermal decomposition of various diphenylamine diazonium salts in ethanol were studied. It was found that, the major products in photochemical decomposition are their corresponding substituted diphenylamino-4-ethyl ethers while their corresponding diphenylamines were obtained as only one product in the case of thermal decomposition.


The reaction of aniline over catalyst DH-1 to synthesize diphenylamine has been studied .

对苯胺在DH 1催化剂上合成二苯胺的反应规律进行了研究。

Many aromatic amine, such as aniline and N-methylaniline and diphenylamine, whose antidetonating quality are excellent, are not only often employed as concocting ingredient of antiknock but also suitable to research with electrochemical methods.


A liquid amine ashless antioxidant HAO without phosphorus and zinc was prepared by alkylation of diphenylamine and 12 carbon iso olefin mixture, which can be applied at high temperature.

二苯胺和含C12 的混合异构烯烃为原料,通过烷基化工艺,研制出了适于高温条件下应用的不含磷、锌元素的液态胺型无灰抗氧剂双十二烷基二苯胺

Diphenylamine method) and 1240mgkg-1NO3- for corn.


Monodispersive Au nanoparticles were synthesized via the redox reaction between diphenylamine sulfonate and HAuCU-The effect of the amount of sodium diphenylamine sulfonate and polyon the morphology and size of Au nanoparticls were examined.


2,7-di-diphenylamine-spiro[fiuorene -7,9'-benzofluorene] was successfully synthesized .Its structure was determined by 1HNMR、MS、IR and Elemental Analysis.Yield of each reaction was more than 70%.


Diamino-dipenylamine-2-sulfonicacid was used as an alternative of benzidine,and reacted withl-hy droxy-8-aminonaphthalene-3,6-dusuifonicacid,m-benzioc-diamine and aniline to synthesize eco-friendly black direct dye s.


The environmental black direct dye stuff without carcinogensis was prepared by 4,4'-diamino-dibenzidine-2-sulfonicacid,1-hydroxy-7-aminonaphthalene-3,6-dusuifonicacid,m-benzoic-diamine and aniline.


The environmental black direct dyestuff without carcinogensis was prepared by 4,4'- diamino - dibenzidine - 2 - sulfonicacid, 1 - hydroxy - 7 - aminonaphthalene - 3,6 - dusuifonicacid, m - benzoic - diamine and aniline.


更多网络解释与二苯胺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


游发展状况分析三、丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业下游对丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业影响力分析第十二章 丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)重点企业发展分析第十三章 丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业投资策略分析第


区丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业分析第五章 丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业投资与发展前景分析第一节 2009年丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业投资情况分析第二节 丁丙酮-二苯胺高温缩合物(BLE)行业投资机会分析一


美国拟定梨内二苯胺(Diphenylamine)限量2006年12月18日,美国宣布拟制定二苯胺限量法规. 美国环保署(EPA)建议根据按1996年食品质量保护法(FQPA)修改的联邦食品药物及化妆品法(FFDCA)制定梨内/表二苯胺(Diphenylamine)的残留限量.


acid sodium salt 二苯胺磺酸钠 | Diphenylamine 二苯胺杀虫剂 | diphenylcarbazide 二苯碳酰二肼

diphenylamine blue:二苯胺蓝

dipeptide 二肽 | diphenylamine blue 二苯胺蓝 | diphenyloxazole 二苯基唑

diphenylamine hydrochloride:二苯胺盐酸盐

diphenyl-imidazolone 二苯咪唑酮 | diphenylamine hydrochloride 二苯胺盐酸盐 | diphenylamine sulfonic acid sodium salt 二苯胺磺酸钠

DPA diphenylamine:二苯胺[防老剂]

D-P dimeric polymer 二聚物 | DPA diphenylamine 二苯胺[防老剂] | DPCdi-n-propylamine di-n-propyldithiocarbamate 二正丙氨荒酸二正丙胺[促进剂]

dipicrylamine:二苦胺 六硝基二苯胺

calc- [前缀]表示"钙"之义 | dipicrylamine 二苦胺 六硝基二苯胺 | multiple centrifugal pump 多级离心泵


六硝二苯砜 hexanitrodiphenyl sulfone | 六硝二苯胺 hexanitrodiphenylamine | 三硝苯硫醚;硫化六硝二苯 hexanitrodiphenylsulfide

thiodiphenylamine:硫撑二苯胺 硫代二苯胺

thiodiglycolicacid 硫二乙酸 | thiodiphenylamine 硫撑二苯胺 硫代二苯胺 | thiodotherapy 硫碘疗法