英语人>词典>汉英 : 二糖 的英文翻译,例句
二糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disaccharide  ·  biose  ·  diglucoside  ·  diose

更多网络例句与二糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xylanases are a group of enzymes that break down xylans into xylooligosaccharides, xylose and arabinose, and thus are of high potential for use in feed, paper making and food industry.


Thin-layer chromatography analysis showed that the xylanase released mainly xylobiose and xylotriose from birchwood xylan. The hydrolysis of xylotriose appeared to proceed via transglycosylation, since the xylobiose was the predominant product.


There are a few sugars that can not be effectively used by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in thedistillate of ethanol fermentation, mos of which are melibiose and cellobiose .


After optimization of the genetic engineered enzyme,the recombinant yeast was cultivated on the medium supplied with cellobiose as sole carbon source.

使异源表面表达了Bgl1的酵母在以纤维二糖为唯一碳源的培养基中生长,发酵结果表明纤维二糖被明显利用了,但在培养186 h后,发酵液中仍残留一定量的纤维二糖

The hydrolysis yield of bleached pulp was lower than that of unbleached pulp under similar optimum conditions. Cellobiose concentration decreased during hydrolysis from 7.95 to 2.44g/L and from 6.59 to 3.11g/L at 6h and 72h for unbleached and bleached pulp, respectively.


According to the differences of the structures between monosaccharide and disaccharide, the relations between the characteristic spectra of disaccharides and their collective vibrational modes originated from the inter- and intra-molecules are discussed.


In borate solution, The order of effective mobilities of disaccharide-borate compolexes was saccharose<celloiose< maltose<lactose and that of polylol- borate complexes was ethylene glycol< propanetriol<erythritol<sorbitol<mannitol<dulcitol.


Based on the above-mentioned, two kinds of target glycoclusters with different glycoterminus, flexible linkers and different scaffolds were designed, disaccharide glycocluster (including TM1-TM7) and trisaccharide glycocluster (TM8-TM9) respectively, with the purpose of obtaining glycoclusters with high binding affinity to anti-Gal antibody and thus better inhibiting the HAR.


China rich Blueberry anthocyanins, Blueberry anthocyanins material in the pigment, anthocyanin mainly-2-glucosidase, anthocyanins-3-xylosidase, anthocyanins-3-Fu-glucoside, flowers Green-2-rhamnoside, D.-3-rhamnoside, D.-5-glucosidase, 3-o-original flower-Chui, Malvaceae pigment 3, 5-and two glucosidation 3, 3-such as stripping the original flower.


A comparative experiment of disaccharides and the hexoses which are the components of the disaccharides is proposed.


更多网络解释与二糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


纤维二糖 纤维二糖(cellobiose)是纤维素的基本构成单位,也是其它不少多糖和糖甙的组成成分,它是 2个葡萄糖分子以β-1,4糖苷键连接的. 自然界中无游离态,只有当纤维素经微生物发酵、酶解或酸水解时,才会产生游离态纤维二糖.

disaccharide; disaccharose:二糖;双糖

disaccharidase 二糖酶;双糖酶 | disaccharide; disaccharose 二糖;双糖 | disaggregation 解聚(作用)


bios 酵母促生物;生物活素;生长素 | biose 二糖;乙糖 | Biostat 美国生产的一种含四环素的冰


龙胆[三]糖 gentianose | 龙胆二糖;苦杏仁糖 gentiobiose | 龙胆醛;2,5-二羟苯甲醛 gentisaldehyde; gentisicaldehyde; 2,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde


它是乳糖、蜜二糖(melibiose)、水苏糖(stachyose)、棉子糖(raffinose)等的组成成分之一. 某些植物多糖例如琼脂、阿拉伯树胶、牧豆树:附胶、落叶松树胶以及其他多种植物的树胶及粘浆液水解后都可得到D一半乳糖. 1.蔗糖蔗糖(sHerose)俗称白糖、砂糖或红糖.

melibiose; melibioze:蜜二糖

melibiase 蜜二糖酶 | melibiose; melibioze 蜜二糖 | melcitose 松三糖

Rutinose:芸香二糖 芦丁糖

rutin 芦丁 芸香苷 芸香甙 | rutinose 芸香二糖 芦丁糖 | rutinoside 芦丁糖甙 芸香糖甙


saccharobiose 蔗(二)糖 | saccharogenic 产糖的;糖化的 | saccharogenic power 糖化力


糖中有葡萄糖、果糖、木糖、阿拉伯糖占97%,松二糖(Turanose)等双糖类约1.5%,低聚糖(Oligosaccharide)约0.5%. 又含异鼠李素材的甙,脂肪油约10%,谷甾醇约13%. 东方香蒲Typha orientali花粉的成分大致同宽叶香蒲. 花粉含香蒲新甙(typhaneoside),


Turanose 土冉糖/松二糖 | Tyramine 酪胺 | Tyramine hydrochloride 盐酸酪胺