英语人>词典>汉英 : 二碳糖 的英文翻译,例句
二碳糖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与二碳糖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Carbon Fixation- Ribulose 1,5-Bisphosphate Carboxylase All plants and algae remove CO2 from the environment and reduce it to carbohydrate by the Calvin cycle.

碳固定——核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶所有的植物和藻类吸收环境中的 CO2,通过卡尔文循环将其还原为碳水化合物。

The recombinant yeast strain could grow well on cellobiose as a sole carbon source and could be us.


After optimization of the genetic engineered enzyme,the recombinant yeast was cultivated on the medium supplied with cellobiose as sole carbon source.

使异源表面表达了Bgl1的酵母在以纤维二糖为唯一碳源的培养基中生长,发酵结果表明纤维二糖被明显利用了,但在培养186 h后,发酵液中仍残留一定量的纤维二糖。

Metabolic pathway analysis for this strain showed that pentose and hexose could be transferred to succinic acid and other byproducts including acetic acid and α-ketoglutaric acid.


The monosaccharides in LBP-4 identified by GC were xylose , galactose , mannose , Rhamnose , glucose and arabinose with the molar ratio of 4. 45: 1. 20: 1. 0: 0.98: 0.90: 0.85. The content of calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron in LBP-4a were 127. 9070mg·g〓, 32. 3953mg·g〓, 0.3845mg·g〓 and 0.2930mg·g〓, respectively. The content of galacturnic acid in LBP-4a was 55. 45% while the content of protein is 3. 80%. According to IR spectra, it contains -COOH group,-NH- roup,-OH group,-NH〓 group and β-D-glucose. The backbone of sugar residues chain in LBP-4a were contained 1→6 indican bond according to periodate oxidation and the results of β-elimination reaction indicated that the chain of polysaccharides and protein were connected by O-linked chemical bond. The photograph of LBP-4a got by laser scanning confocal microscope and scanning electron microscope showed that the LBP-4a combined both with each other and with itself in its crystalloid. The crystalloid was flake and anisotropic.


The monosaccharide compositions were identified as mannose and rhamnose; the lipid compositions included decanoic acid, lauric acid, hexadecanoic acid and stearic acid, and the protein constituents were composed of sixteen amino acids.


The main gluconeogenic precursor in kidney is thought to be lactate; however, less is emphasized enantiomerically. L-lactate is a glycolysis end-product, but D-lactate is formed after detoxification of methylglyoxal, which is the main source of advanced glycation end-products.

乳酸为肾脏糖质新生的主要来源,其含有一不对称碳,故具有D-、L-乳酸两种镜相异构物,而D-、L-乳酸两者之生成相当不同,L-乳酸是糖解作用之终产物,D-乳酸为体内一醣化终产物(advanced glycation end-products)─甲基乙二醛进行去毒化反应所生成,目前缺乏对乳酸镜像异构物与肾脏糖质新生间相关的探讨。

Synthesis with carbocyclic compounds, such as cyclodienylsilane, quinic acid and norbornene etc, as starting materials is discussed in detail.


Previous studies demonstrated that the gluconeogenesis is involved in the pathogenesis of Xanthomonas campestris pv.


Product of glycolysis is two three-carbon sugars, called pyruvates, and some ATP, which supplies energy to the yeast and allows it tomultiply.


更多网络解释与二碳糖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Calvin cycle:卡尔文循环

卡尔文循环(Calvin Cycle)是光合作用的暗反应的一部分. 反应场所为叶绿体内的基质. 循环可分为三个阶段:羧化、还原和二磷酸核酮糖的再生. 大部分植物会将吸收到的一分子二氧化碳通过一种叫二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶的作用整合到一个五碳糖分子1,

hexose diphosphate:二磷酸六碳糖

"六炭糖二磷酸酯酶","hexose diphosphatase" | "二磷酸六碳糖","hexose diphosphate" | "单磷酸六碳糖","hexose monophosphate"

hexose diacide:己糖二酸

hexose 己糖,六碳糖 | hexose diacide 己糖二酸 | hexose diphosphate 己糖二磷酸,二磷酸己糖


单糖类(Monosaccharide):不能再水解为更简单形式的糖类,根据碳原子数目可区分为三碳糖、四碳糖、五碳糖、六碳糖、七碳糖、八碳糖等. 双糖类(Disaccharide):指经过水解后可产生二分子相同或不同单糖者,例如蔗糖(sucrose)、乳糖(lactose)及麦芽糖(maltose).


还可根据碳原子数分为丙糖(triose),丁糖(terose),戊糖(pentose)、己糖(hexose). 最简单的糖类就是丙糖(甘油醛和二羟丙酮)由于绝大多数的糖类化合物都可以用通式Cn(H2O)n表示,所以过去人们一直认为糖类是碳与水的化合物,称为碳水化合物


还可根据碳原子数分为丙糖(triose),丁糖(terose),戊糖(pentose)、己糖(hexose). 最简单的糖类就是丙糖(甘油醛和二羟丙酮)由于绝大多数的糖类化合物都可以用通式Cn (H2O)n表示,所以过去人们一直认为糖类是碳与水的化合物,称为碳水化合物


糖还可根据碳原子数分为丙糖(triose),丁糖(terose),戊糖(pentose)、己糖(hexose). 最简单的糖类就是丙糖(甘油醛和二羟丙酮)由于绝大多数的糖类化合物都可以用通式Cn (H2O)n表示,所以过去人们一直认为糖类是碳与水的化合物,


二碳糖;乙糖 diose | 二體的 diadelphous | 二體雄蕊 diadelphous stamen

dicarbonate; bicarbonate:二碳酸盐;重碳酸盐

二羧酸環 bicarboxylic acid cycle | 二碳酸鹽;重碳酸鹽 dicarbonate; bicarbonate | 二碳糖;乙糖 diose

pentamethylene diamine:戊二胺;尸胺

pentabutyryl glucose 五丁酰葡糖 | pentaglucose 五碳糖;戊糖 | pentamethylene diamine 戊二胺;尸胺