英语人>词典>汉英 : 二氯化物 的英文翻译,例句
二氯化物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deutochloride  ·  bichlorid

更多网络例句与二氯化物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Chlordiazepoxide:a benzodiazepine drug, CHClNO, whose hydrochloride is used as an antianxiety drug and in the treatment of chronic alcoholism and alcohol withdrawal."


Methane chloridate , general name of monochloro methane , dichloro methane , trifluoro methane and tetra chloromethane mainly composed of natural gas and liquefied chlorine gas , can not only be used as solvent , degreasant , decolourant , aerosol , freezing medium and detoxicator , etc .but also the raw material for the production of medicine , pesticide , organic ailicon and organ fluorine , etc.


Dichloride:a chemical compound containing two chlorine atoms bound to another element or radical.


Any of various mixtures of xylidine isomers.The breaker, dimethy3-phenacylthiazolium chloride, or ALT-711, can tear tough AGE bonds apart.


Project Contents: Methane chloridate is a kind of chemical product including monochloro methane, dichloro methane, trifluoro methane, tetrachloromethane. It is an important chemical material and solvent.


Production processes of chlorinated methanes including monochloromethane , dichloromethane ,trichloromethane and carbon tetrachloride at home and abroad are introduced.


Based on seed-emulsion polymerization, the stable silicon-acralyte core/shell latex with little coagulum were synthesized at lower temperature with potassuim persulphate, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate and V-044 as composite initiators.

选用过硫酸钾、甲醛合次亚硫酸氢钠和2, 2'-偶氮二[2-(2-咪唑啉-2-代)丙烷]二氢氯化物(V-O44)为复合引发剂,在低温下通过种子乳液聚合技术合成了生成凝聚物少的硅-丙核/壳乳液。

Their technology and process is basically similar to that used ethylene, the raw material for the oxygen in the silver catalyst, caused by methane or nitrogen stabilizer, the existence of inhibitors of chloride, ethylene oxide directly generate ethylene oxide and ethylene B N and further to certain substances in water than in the tubular reactor for generating hydration ethylene glycol, ethylene glycol solution through evaporation to mention thick, dehydration, fractionation be ethylene glycol and other by-products.


The reaction of sodium alkylcycloperitadienide with metal chlorides gave derivatives of bisdichlorides of titanium, zirconium and hafnium where alkyls were n-propyl and n-butyl.


Monophenyltin trichloride reacts withdicarbonyl dicyclopentadienyl titanium immediately at room temperature, but no ti-tanium-tin complex produced, and the products were diphenyltin dichloride〓 and tin or stannous Chloride. When diaryltin dihalides were used, only the chlorides and bromides reacted with 〓form the complexes containing titaninm-tin bond,〓. but the corresponding iodide complex was not found. This reaction is Sensitive totemperature,when the temperature is belw 10℃,the reaction hardly takes place,but as the temperature is above 25℃,more 〓 will be found and the reactionbecome more complex.


更多网络解释与二氯化物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


biche 打捞母锥 | bichloride 二氯化物 | bichromate 重铬酸盐


dichasium 二歧聚伞花序 | dichloride 二氯化物 | dichloromethane 二氯甲


dichloride 二氯化物 | dichloride 二色性的,分色的 | dichroic filter 二色性干涉膜,滤光镜


dichloride 二氯化物 | dichloromethane 二氯甲 | dichogamy 雌雄异熟

chloridate:氯化 氯化物

chloricacid 氯酸 | chloridate 氯化 氯化物 | chloride 氯化物 漂白剂 苄叉二氯


deutocerebrum 中脑 | deutochloride 二氯化物 | deutohydrogen 氘,重氢


dichlone 二氯萘醌 | dichloramine 二氮胺 | dichloride 二氯化物

Hydrocodone hydriodide:二氢可待因酮氢碘化物

Hydrocodone citrate;二氢可待因酮枸椽酸盐;; | Hydrocodone hydriodide;二氢可待因酮氢碘化物;; | Hydrocodone hydrochloride;二氢可待因酮氢氯化物;;

Hydrocodone methiodide:二氢可待因酮甲碘化物

Hydrocodone hydrochloride;二氢可待因酮氢氯化物;; | Hydrocodone methiodide;二氢可待因酮甲碘化物;; | Hydrocodone phosphate;二氢可待因酮磷酸盐;;

Paraquat dichloride:百草枯二氯化物

Paraquat 百草枯 | Paraquat dichloride 百草枯二氯化物 | para-Tolylmethylcarbinol nicotinic acid ester 对甲基苯甲醇菸酸酯 PP-S1,S3