英语人>词典>汉英 : 二氯化汞 的英文翻译,例句
二氯化汞 的英文翻译、例句


bichloride of mercury · mercury bichloride · hydrargyri bichloridum
更多网络例句与二氯化汞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Studies has been carried out on normal seedling of treating bacteria-bearing wheat seed by four chemicals, and optimum condition has been explored on mercuric chloride by quadratic regression orthogonality design.


更多网络解释与二氯化汞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mercury bichloride:升汞,氯化高汞,二氯化汞

mercury benzoate 苯甲酸汞 | mercury bichloride 升汞,氯化高汞,二氯化汞 | mercury boiler 水银锅炉,水银蒸煮器

mercury bichloride:二氯化汞

氯化铵汞 mercury ammonium chloride | 二氯化汞 mercury bichloride | 焦硫酸汞 mercury bisulphate

mercuric bichloride:二氯化汞

汞盐类 mercuric | 二氯化汞 mercuric bichloride | 碘化汞 mercuric ioide

Bichloride of tin:二氯化锡

bichloride of mercury 二氯化汞 | bichloride of tin 二氯化锡 | bichromate cell 重铬酸电池


mercuric(正)汞的;二价汞的 | mercurous亚汞的;一价汞的 | mercurouschloride氯化亚汞;甘汞


硫酸亚汞 mercurous sulphate | 氯化铵汞 mercury ammonium chloride | 二氯化汞 mercury bichloride

mercury bisulphate:焦硫酸汞

二氯化汞 mercury bichloride | 焦硫酸汞 mercury bisulphate | 溴化汞 mercury bromide; mercuric bromide

Troches of mercury oxycyanide:氧氰化汞锭

二氯化汞锭(升汞锭) Troches of mercuric chloride | 氧氰化汞锭 Troches of mercury oxycyanide | 氯酸钾锭 Troches of potassium chlorate

Troches of mercuric chloride:二氯化汞锭(升汞锭)

复方碳酸铋锭 Troches of compound bismuth | 二氯化汞锭(升汞锭) Troches of mercuric chloride | 氧氰化汞锭 Troches of mercury oxycyanide

bichloride of mercury:二氯化汞

bicathode tube 双阴极管 | bichloride of mercury 二氯化汞 | bichloride of tin 二氯化锡