英语人>词典>汉英 : 二次曝光 的英文翻译,例句
二次曝光 的英文翻译、例句


re-expose · after exposure
更多网络例句与二次曝光相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this paper, a novel nonlinear double-exposure technique for fabricating fiber Bragg gratings with triangular spectrum is proposed.


Time see associate with, from in those days Sun Zhigang incident takes scandal to a 3 tigers that fold, from black brickkiln official dismiss, rehabilitative, dismiss again " director of day price cigarette " Zhou Jiugeng is investigated by put on record, go abroad from officeholder " inspect the door " to " one husband 2 wife " area appoint clerical Dong Feng is become by month of exposure second half captive... network again and again reveals a tremendous energy.


The spectrum of fiber Bragg grating can be controlled by double exposure technique.


The artist sees both scene and drawing surface simultaneously, as in a photographic double exposure.


The visual fields were switched through double exposure and circumscription exposure to achieve the reappearance of different subject-background combinations in the images.


Firstly, the principle and the techniques of measuring the displacement on surface using quadratic-exposure speckle charts were introduced, and the meterage of thickness and nonuniformity of transparent solid using laser speckle techniques was discussed.


This in addition to the dirty way is to use light scattering membrane occurs in the warm sunshine away by nefractive fotographic edge resulting dirty, dirty, but this approach also makes small mesh point lost, and therefore, the image version of the print, and which it quadratical to light.


更多网络解释与二次曝光相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

double exposure:雙曝光

二次指数平滑 double exponential smoothing | 双曝光 double exposure | 双阶乘 double factorial

double exposure holography:二次曝光

接触评估:exposure estimation | 二次曝光:double-exposure holography | 暴露评价:Exposure Assessment

double exposure device:二次曝光装置,重拍机构

double exposed hologram | 二次曝光全息图 | double exposure device | 二次曝光装置,重拍机构 | double face hammer | 双面锤

double exposure device:两次曝光装置(重拍机构)

double-exposure 两次曝光,双曝光 | double-exposure device 两次曝光装置(重拍机构) | double-exposure hologram 二次曝光全息图,双曝光全息图

double exposure holographic interferometry:二次曝光全息干涉

外汇经济风险暴露:economic exposure | 二次曝光全息干涉:Double-exposure holographic interferometry | 电磁辐射安全标准:EMP exposure standatds

double exposure holographic interferometry:两次曝光全息干涉量度学

double-exposure hologram 二次曝光全息图,双曝光全息图 | double-exposure holographic interferometry 两次曝光全息干涉量度学 | double-exposure holography 两次曝光全息术,双曝光全息术

double exposure holographic interferometry:双曝光全息干涉法

double exposure 二次曝光,双重曝光 | double exposure holographic interferometry 双曝光全息干涉法 | double exposure lock 防重拍机构

Image plane hologram two-time exposal method:像面全息二次曝光法

像面全息时间平均法:Image plane hologram time-average method | 像面全息二次曝光法:Image plane hologram two-time exposal method | 数字图像处理方法:Image Processing method


re-expansion 再膨胀 | re-experiment 再试验 | re-expose 二次曝光


re-experiment 再试验 | re-expose 二次曝光 | re-firstinfirstout 重新进行先进先出