英语人>词典>汉英 : 二态性 的英文翻译,例句
二态性 的英文翻译、例句


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For the purpose of evaluating the efficacy of description dosage in a clinical trial in which compliance is observed, a new parameter estimation method is proposed for a structure linear model based on the combination of least square and pseudo-likelihood , and under general regular conditions, the consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators are verified.


Heterostyly A dimorphism in which the styles of the same species are of different lengths, thus dividing the species into groups.


The DNAs that we isolated from all samples had high molecular weight and by PCR the dimorphism of ALU alleles of the 8th intron of t-PA was easy to be obtained, so they were complete and reliable.


Objective: To study the relativity of Graves' disease leukopenia and the A/G dimorphism at position 49 of exon 1 and C/T dimorphism at position 318 of promoter in cytotoxic T lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) gene in Han nationality of Tianjin.


Methods:The polymerasechain reactionand restriction fragment length polymorphismtechniques were used to detect both Hind III and Pvu IIpolymorphisms in 92 children with simple obesity and 80 healthycontrols.The levels of the plasma lipid,plasma lipoproteins,bodymass index,blood pressure,waistline,chest circumference,gluteal circumference,skinfolds thickness at three measuring points(biceps,subscapular and abdominal wall)were also measured.

应用聚合酶链反应和限制性内切酶片断长度多态性技术,检测了92例单纯肥胖症儿童和80例正常健康儿童的LPL-Hind III与LPL-Pvu II基因多态性,并测定血脂、BMI、血压、腰围、胸围、臀围、以及肱二头肌、肩胛下、腹壁等三个部位的皮褶厚度。

Polymorphism in diploid species G.arboreum was the same as in tetraploid species G.hirsutum,both were 11.84%.


Blastomyces albicans is a kind of dimorphism fungus which includes yeast phase and hypha phase The cell wall is rich of β-glucans which can be recognized by phytohemagglutinin-like inherent immunity receptor Dectin-1, induce phagocytosis and bactericidal action of phagocytes and cytokines release.


The data byχ~2 were consistent with the separation ratio as 1: 2: 1 χ~2=4.028<χ_(0.05,2~2=5.99, which further conformed that glandless character was controlled by a incomplete dominance gene, Gl_2~e. 2. SSR markers every about 5cM were selected in the chromosome 12 of our lab genetic linkage map to screen the parent plants. The markers with the polymorphism were used to amplify the DNA of 210 F_2 segregating plants selected randomly and recorded the marker genotypes. After eliminating the segregation distortion markers byχ~2 test, other SSR markers were detected by linkage analysis.


Calcite and aragonite are the two crystal forms of calcium carbonate, a property of minerals geologists call dimorphism.


Twelve microsatellite markers selected from the GENE-BANK were analyzed for polymorphism in silkies. Allele frequencies were estimated based on band presence or absence. Average heterozygosity and polymorphism information content were calculated by allele frequencies, and then, linkage analysis between character and markers by least squares means and the correlation among the 6 characters of egg traits in silkies were studied.


更多网络解释与二态性相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bimodal distribution:双峰分布,二态分布 雙峰分布

big-bang 终生一胎 一次產卵性 Y | bimodal distribution 双峰分布,二态分布 雙峰分布 Y | binding genera 共存属 共存屬 Y



seasonal dimorphism:季节二态性

seasonal aspect 季相 | seasonal dimorphism 季节二态性 | seasonal fluctuation 季节性动摇

seasonal fluctuation:季节性动摇

seasonal dimorphism 季节二态性 | seasonal fluctuation 季节性动摇 | seasonal form 季节型

therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty:治疗性角膜移植

功效发挥方向:direction of therapeutic effect | 治疗性角膜移植:therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty | 单核二苷酸多态性:Therapeutic effect

Neural spine:神经棘

奥氏长喙龙Dolichorhynchops osborni有厚重的横突间(zygapophyseal)及神经棘(Neural spine )联合 , 但牠的前后颈椎能抵抗游动时产生的水压. 奥氏长喙龙Dolichorhynchops osborni和盖尔三尖股龙Trinacromerum kirki的颌骨联合形态的不同可能只是来自性二态性 ,

genetic polymorphism:多态性

二、补体的遗传学特征 补体的遗传学特征学特征表现为多种补体分子具有遗传的多态性在染色体上密切连锁的,形成不同的基因家族. (一)补体的遗传多态性 补体的遗传多态性(genetic polymorphism)是指在同一集团中,两个或两个以上非连续性突变体或基因型(...

transience:暂时性 暂态

transidione 吗苯茚二酮 | transience 暂时性 暂态 | transient-causeforcedoutage 暂态性故障

dimorphic flower:二形花

dimlight vision 微光视觉 | dimorphic flower 二形花 | dimorphism 二态性


鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)粉蝶科(Pieridae)昆虫. 粉蝶科共1,000多种,除白粉蝶外还包括黄蝶和橙尖粉蝶两类,世界性分布. 成虫翅展3763公釐(1.52.5吋),翅白色,翅缘有黑色斑纹,许多种表现颜色和花纹的雌雄二态性及季节二态性. 幼虫色青绿,