英语人>词典>汉英 : 二十四小时 的英文翻译,例句
二十四小时 的英文翻译、例句


around the clock
更多网络例句与二十四小时相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The time of interrogation and investigation shall not exceed twenty-four hours in complicated cases subject to detainment according to these Regulations.


Bentonite amounts weighing 0.1 g were transferred into 50 mL of aqueous dye solution and allowed to equilibrate for 24 hours at 25_C in a water bath.


HDTMA-bentonite amounts weighing 0.1 g were transferred into 50 mL of aqueous dye solution and allowed to equilibrate for 24 hours at 25_C in a water bath.


I could have done it in twenty-four hours.


Yet, it is impossible to watch over your children twenty-four hours a day.


We've been doing experiments 24 hours without a break.


We have been doing this job 24 hours without a break.


Our data are showed that apoptosis parameters including DNA fragmentation, nuclear morphological change and sub-G1 fraction, appeared after 24 h by 5 μM rottlerin treatment. Furthermore, rottlerin caused a decrease in 72% of ODC protein expression and an increase in threonine, rather than serine and tyrosine dephosphorylation on ODC enzyme compared with the control after incubation for 10 h. To determine whether ODC could down-regulate rottlerin-induced apoptosis, HL60 cells were stably transfected with ODC cDNA. HL60-ODC cells exhibited a 2.5-fold increase in ODC protein compared with vector only (HL60-pcDNA3) or HL60 cells.


She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours.


If this is in my life last day, one day is 24 hours, 24 hours distributions are 1440 minutes.


更多网络解释与二十四小时相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a matter of life and death:平步青云

正如英国导演米高鲍威尔(Michael Powell)于一九四六年的作品>(A Matter of Life and Death)中,因飞机失事而罹难的飞行员Peter,"滞留"在一个非地狱亦非天堂的空间,一位俨如死神的向导跟他约法三章,给他二十小时去了结生前刚燃起的情缘.

fall victim to the explosion:死于爆炸

1 暴力犯罪的受害者 the victim of violent crime | 死于爆炸 fall victim to the explosion | 2 全天二十四小时 round the clock

Modern Mafia:(时尚集团)

8. Street Map (街道地图) | 9. Modern Mafia (时尚集团) | 10. Twenty Four Hours (二十四小时)

rescue team:救援小组

都市搜救是由ICS系统架构演变而来,并建立二组轮班制度,以应付连续二十四小时,具有长达数天的运作能力,且因搜救队系着重于灾害现场的抢救作业,故将原ICS系统之抢救部门分别列出,即搜索小组(Search Team)、救援小组(Rescue Team)、医疗小组(Medical Team),

for the next twenty-four hours:意为:"未来二十四小时

10.Weather report for the next twenty-four hours.未来二十四小时天气预报... | 2)for the next twenty-four hours意为:"未来二十四小时". | 11.In the Northwest,there will be snow in the night.西北地区晚间有雪...

I started traveling twenty-four hours ago:从出门到现在乙 经二十四小时了

I'd better unpack. 我还是先把行览 打开吧. | I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. 从出门到现在乙 经二十四小时了. | I'm not so young anymore. 我不再那麽年乔 了.

I started traveling twenty-four hours ago:从出门到现在已经二十四小时了

I'd better unpack. 我还是先把行李打开吧. | I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. 从出门到现在已经二十四小时了. | I'm not so young anymore. 我不再那样年青了.

I started traveling twenty-four hours ago:从出门到现在二十四小时了

I'd better unpack. 我还是先把行李打开. | I started traveling twenty-four hours ago. 从出门到现在二十四小时了. | I'm not so young anymore. 我不再那麽年轻了.


3手三阴经络走向 正经十二经脉(meridians)与奇经任、督两脉中. 正经12脉循环系统图. 总结论:人之气血,周行无间,始于手太阴肺经脉,出云门穴,归于足厥阴肝经脉,而入期门穴. (一) 说明:十二经脉,一个经脉两小时,一天二十四小时,

Twenty-four little hours:小小的,二十四个小时

What a difference a day made 这样的一天会有多长 | Twenty-four little hours 小小的,二十四个小时 | Brought the sun and the flowers 又是谁带来了阳光和花朵