英语人>词典>汉英 : 二倍体植物 的英文翻译,例句
二倍体植物 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与二倍体植物相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In all plants and some algae there is an alternation between sexual haploid and asexual diploid stages.


Sporophyte The diploid generation in the life cycle of a plant, which gives rise asexually to haploid spores.


With diploid, multiploid medicinal plant has the characteristics of giantism, which express in roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruits


DNA C-values might be one of important indices in the evaluation of angiospermous invasiveness. To test this viewpoint, we compared DNA 1C-values and basic genome sizes in 3,676 angiosperms. The results suggest that:(1) the two nuclear values vary greatly among different groups, e.g., significantly higher in herbs than in trees, in monocots than in dicots, in perennials than in non-perennials;(2) the two nuclear values both have significant effects on plant invasiveness, especially in herbs, dicots, monocots, perennials, non-perennials, diploids, polyploids, Compositae, and Poaceae, while not significant in trees and Fabaceae.

DNA C值与被子植物入侵性密切相关,为考察应用DNA C值评估被子植物入侵性的可靠性和局限性,我们统计分析了全世界范围内3676种被子植物的DNA 1C值(配子未发生DNA复制时的染色体DNA含量)及基因组大小(单个染色体组的DNA 含量),结果表明:1)DNA 1C值和基因组大小在被子植物不同类群中差异极大,例如在草本植物中显著高于木本植物,单子叶植物显著高于双子叶植物,多年生植物显著高于非多年生植物;2)两项指标都与被子植物入侵性显著负相关,尤其是在草本植物、双子叶植物、单子叶植物、多年生植物、非多年生植物、二倍体、多倍体、菊科和禾本科中,然而在木本植物、豆科植物中其与植物入侵性无显著关系。

In this work, we used the sequences of nuclear genes (ITS, Adh2, Adh3 and Waxy) and cpDNA (trnL-F and matK) to explore the origin of Elymus species and the Y genome, and to reveal the mechanism of the geographical differentiation of the StY-genome Elymus species.


The haploid plant produces gametes mitotically and is thus termed the gametophytes while the diploid plant produces spores meiotically and is called the sporophyte.


更多网络解释与二倍体植物相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diplont plant:二倍性植物

diplont 二倍性植物,二倍体 | diplont plant 二倍性植物 | diplophase 二倍期


真蕨类中这种诱导成的无孢子生殖的二倍体(diploid)的配子体,也可以与单倍染色体(hapoid)的配子体相互交配,由此产生了三倍体(triploid)的孢子体. 蕨类植物的分类系统,各植物学家的意见颇不一致,过去常将蕨类植物作为1个自然群,

introgressive hybridization:渐渗杂交

近年来基因组学的巨大进展,解释了高等植物多倍体普遍性的原因,在二倍体重组途径导致新种形成的研究领域,也取得突破性进展,但关于第3种途径,即渐渗杂交 (introgressive hybridization) 在进化上的意义,实验性研究不多.

Psathyrostachys Nevski:新麦草属

huashanica Keng ex Guo)是禾本科(Poaceae)小麦族(Triticeae)新麦草属(Psathyrostachys Nevski)的一个多年生二倍体(2n=14)物种,含Ns基因组. 它是我国特有的禾草植物,仅生长在陕西华山,与同属的其他物种有较大的形态差异和形成间断地理分布.