英语人>词典>汉英 : 二中心的 的英文翻译,例句
二中心的 的英文翻译、例句


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Therelationship of the amount of catalyst and the ee% of product was seen to be negative nonlin-ear. Catalyst 3 was used in the enantioselective addition of diethylzinc to aromatic aldehydesand gave good results. The configuration of products was determined by the configuration ofthe catalysts' chiral carbon linked with hydroxy group. Using β- amino alcohols bearing only one chiral center as catalysts for the enantiose-lective addition were studied. D-N, N-dialkyl-2-amino butanol gave poor catalytic effect be-cause of their structure. The configuration of the product is the same as the catalyst. Anotherkind of β- amino alcohols - phenylglycine derivatives and valine derivatives have chiralcenter on the carbon linked with amino group. Catalyzed by-phenylglycine derivatives 6,7, 9, 10, the reactions gave satisfied results. The optical yields exceeded 80%.


The teaching term took sixteen periods. The curriculum contained two topics,"acid and base", and "Taiwan's climate". Experimental treatments were teaching method. The research tools utilized in the study were " Science Concept Comprehension Test, Science-related Attitudes Scale, Problem Solving Ability Test and Questionnaire on the Attitude toward Science Teaching". A pretest administered before the experimental treatment and a posttest was held after the treatment. The data of SCCT, SRAS, and PSAT collected from pretest and posttest were analyzed by two-way ANOVA. Responses from the QAST were analyzed by ANOVA.


A new multiclass SVM algorithm based on binary tree was introduced on E-mail filtering. It could convert multiclass problem to binary classification by constructing binary tree. The idea of clustering first and classification later was adopted, and the largest similarity between testing sample and sub-category center and the separation measure of sub-categories were calculated, in oder to construct the optimal class hyperplane of decision-making nodes.


Crystal structural analysis reveals that, because water molecules bond to Cu atoms, the dhbd ligand can only adopt a hydroxyl oxygen atom to bridge two reversed U-shaped subunits into a novel centrosymmetric dual-U-shaped tetranuclear Cu structure. Each U-shaped frame consists of two crystallographically distinct Cu atoms, two dpphen ligands and one coordinated water molecule.

晶体结构分析表明,由于水的配位阻断, 2,3-二羟基丁二酸根仅通过单羟基氧桥联两个U形双核亚单元形成具有一个对称中心的双U形四核结构,其中U型亚单元包含晶体学上不对称的2个Cu原子、1个2,3-二羟基丁二酸根、2个4,7-二苯基-1,10-邻菲咯啉和1个配位H2O分子。

A pivotal problem to recognize of the precise position of laser facula has been solved in the process of design work: Firstly the method of background-subtraction is used to eliminate or weaken the affect of background light. Secondly the image threshold segmentation operation and morphologic operation are used to locate the sketchy position of laser facula ; Then the new method of Extracting Edge are designed based on character of laser facula , by using this method in the search area the edges of laser facula can be extracted effectively; At last the optimum picture of laser facular is selected by using the triggering function of hardware and function of software. The exact result can be obtained only by image processing to optimum picture.


The article, focusing on the thought orbit especially in the field of literature, emphasizing the inter-link between the changes of their thought, explaining the life choice of thought subject and taking the learning and thought idea of World Consciousness and World View as breakthrough points, depicts their social and moral bear and transcendality of their thought version. Contrasting their literary thoughts of organon and ontology with each other, the article explains the central role played by "tragedy" in their thought structure and homorganic and interdynamic relations between their best but last aesthetic "tragedy" and life "tragedy".


There are two positive results, proton and sodium that has been reported previously, and three candidates including succinate, phosphate and melibiose that was found in this study.


A modified γ-Al〓O〓 was prepared by a special precipitation method with aluminum nitrate solution containing a certain amounts of orthosilicic acid and ammonia aqueous solution. Compared with commercial γ-Al〓O〓, the modified γ-Al〓O〓 was an effecient catalyst for dehydration of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol to dihydropyran. The results revealed that the strong acid sites on the surface of the catalyst may play a crucial role in this reaction.


We can compute three dimensionalvelocity distribution on a planar domain of flow field based on conventional ParticleImage Velocimetryand 3D reconstruction theory of stereophotogrammetry.


Henry Rambo II the center of Bay Square Garden will reach 6000 square meters, one, two green area will reach 10,000 square meters.


更多网络解释与二中心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bicentennial:二百年, 二百周年纪念

bicentennial watch | 二百周年纪念手表 | bicentennial | 二百年, 二百周年纪念 | bicentric | 二中心的, 双心的

biennial plant:两年生植物 二年生植物

bicentric distribution 双中心分布 雙中心分布 Y | biennial plant 两年生植物 二年生植物 Y | biennials 两年生的 二年生的 Y

center of pressure:压力中心

●强大的软件分析功能:多线程力信号采集、压力中心 (center of pressure)计算、压力中心的包络轨迹显示、多分量力/力矩动态曲线显示、合力曲线显示、力分量夹角计算和显示、动量冲量能量计算、频谱分析等二十几项参数;

confocal central conics:共焦中心二次曲线

confocal 共焦的 | confocal central conics 共焦中心二次曲线 | confocal central surfaces 共焦中心曲面




淮安疾控,健康热线,12320,疾控中心,卫生应急本标准是为工作场所有害因素职业接触限值配套的监测方法,用于监测工作场所空气中芳香族硝基化合物 [包括硝基苯(Nitrobenzene)、二硝基苯(Dinitrobenzene)、二硝基...工作场所空气有毒物质测


首先需要关注的,是"自民族中心主义"(ethnocentrism)问题. R.M.威廉斯把"自民族中心主义"概括为五大特征:一、以自身族属的标准来判断他者族属;二、自身族属在所有方面或若干方面,均拥有优于他者族属的信念;三、对他者族属的无知;






进念二十面体(Zuni Icosahedron)策划的"建筑是艺术节",将于今年9月1日-10月18日在香港文化中心隆重展开(届时恰逢香港文化中心成立二十周年),推出一系列有关艺术设计、建筑与及城市发展的精彩活动.