英语人>词典>汉英 : 争论精神 的英文翻译,例句
争论精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Through analysing, we think that Bonaventure developed Augustinianism and established the Franciscan school. The school had ever resplended very much during the debate with Thomism and Dominican school.


Legislative Reference Bureau, Report No.


Meanwhile the recording industry was hit with a major scandal over payola schemes between record labels and disc jockeys, a controversy that would bring down some of the most innovative independent studios and revered jockeys, including the legendary Alan Freed himself.


In order to overcome the separation between inside knowledge (take intelligence as the center)and the outside knowledge, to avoid rigid thinking and the check and supervision of the authority, and to strengthen the adaptation and the suitability for complicate context of education, in view of surmounting the Chinese traditional thinking of "center" and "use", according to "fusion of horizons", the practice is the "deep description" of education facts and the solution for education problems with "experiment and reform", the construction and generation of true education knowledge through "doubt and dispute", and the explanation and expression of rational education theories based on "texts and* words".


Although born in the midst of theological controversy, it is irenic in spirit, moderate in tone, devotional and practical in attitude.


It seems to be religious or theological ideas and bring us back to the endless and resultless debate of which is the base of the other between mind and matter.


Strict provisos are attached to limitations of the right out of concern for public interests.


While the right to silence has long been a subject of heated debate in both the UK and the USA, nobody has advanced an arbitrary argument as to abolishing it completely. Its moral basis, justifications and procedural values have been widely recognized. Strict provisos are attached to limitations of the right out of concern for public interests.


The pathway of course of Wolfflin's theory research had begun with the research to classicality art and the spiritual of civil, and gradually it belongs to a concept of the multiple cultures. This concept is the two sides of understanding which advocated by the ripeness applicability value of the style and the historic creed in every nation, every individual'creating and understanding. The unification of the two sides responded the dispute about the connection between the fact and the value. it had taken the view of creating perfection into a course of invariable, can be seen in the practice of art activity. Not only had his research provided a excisions illumination with the development of the emersion art, but also provided the integrated theory and a important visual angle to represent the development of modern occident art and China tradition art.


更多网络解释与争论精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

controversialist:争论者, 好争论者

controversialism | 争论精神, 争论癖 | controversialist | 争论者, 好争论者 | controversy | 论争, 辩论, 论战


"开始,然后是"demence Precoce"、"hebephernia"、"catatonia"、"dementia Praecox"一直到1911年才出现了"精神分裂症"(Schizophrenia)一词. 而此后又长期产生了究竟这是一个疾病分类单元还是一组综合征的争论,延续至今,仍未能得出结论.

Wrongful act:不法行为

L.P与L.L.P.法的基本精神就在于减轻合伙人的责任,由无条件的无限责任变为有条件的无限责任,美国学者总的来说承认这个原则,但也在争论:过失(negligence)、不法行为(wrongful act)、管理不善(misconduct)应如何理解.

controversialism:争论精神, 争论癖

controversial | 争论的, 争议的 | controversialism | 争论精神, 争论癖 | controversialist | 争论者, 好争论者