英语人>词典>汉英 : 书签 的英文翻译,例句
书签 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bookmark  ·  bookmarker  ·  bookmarks  ·  marker

更多网络例句与书签相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Yet more POWERFUL FUNCTIONS: XML forms/templates/export; HTML toolbar/menu/insert-code/export-to-Website (opt:dynamic tree)/etc; self-updating fields; template function; hyperlinked history/bookmarks/favorites lists; undo/redo; high-security encryption; image-compression; print preview; drag-drop; zoom; calendar; a multitude of import/export option; auto-save;'browser-style' hyperlinks to files, directories, WWW,email, ftp, news, phone (with autodial - inc.prefix), user-defined; etc. Import IE bookmarks and Windows shortcuts.

然而,更强大的功能: XML的表格/模板/出口;的HTML工具栏/菜单/插入代码/出口到网站/等;自我更新的领域;模板功能;超连结的历史/书签/最爱名单;还原/重做;高安全性加密;图像压缩;打印预览;拖放;变焦;日历;千头万绪,导入/导出选项;自动保存;浏览器式'的超文本链接文件,目录的WWW ,电子邮件的FTP ,新闻,电话(与自动拨号-i nc.prefix),用户定义;等进口即书签和W indows的快捷方式。

I'm Bookmarks,I love Miles and all the bookmarks!


The drawback is that, once the text file is closed you lose all the bookmarks set in that particular file and it's a pain to set them all again.


In other places need to reference the bookmark directly into the corresponding cross-reference it, do not bookmark.


SV Bookmark is a visual bookmark manager that allows you to associate screenshots of a web site with each entry.


The last page can be generated without providing an explicit in - document reference to a specific anchor in the FO document.

现在 XSL -FO v1.1 中增加了添加书签的能力,这样处理器就可以将书签传递给支持这种功能的格式。

Note first of all delete all the text of the code (we do not need it, because its format is correct or not), and then select all the text of a note, point "Insert | Bookmark", named as the "reference text", added to bookmarks.


This invention can use video instrument with a support for bookmark function as well as bookmark function and saltatorial function of the video products transmitted from the D-VHS support device, and this invention facilitate usage of user.


When click, Firefox 3 quick-save the web page into Bookmarks' Unsorted Bookmarks category without any pop-up or confirmation box.

当按一下, Firefox的3快速保存网页到书签'未排序的书签类别,没有任何弹出式或确认框。

If you don t have already some bookmarking accounts, you will need to create BELIEVABLE accounts - This means bookmarking WITH posting a positive comment on our site, not just only positing our website there without any comments.


更多网络解释与书签相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Next Bookmark:(下一个书签) [左箭头]

Add Bookmark(添加书签) [B] | Next Bookmark(下一个书签) [左箭头] | Previous Bookmark(前一个书签) [右箭头]

Next Bookmark:后一个书签

Previous Bookmark:前一个书签 | Next Bookmark:后一个书签 | Clear Bookmark:清除书签

Next Bookmark:将光标移至下一个有书签的数据行

Toggle Bookmark 改变光标所在行书签设置状态 | Next Bookmark 将光标移至下一个有书签的数据行 | Previous Bookmark 将光标移至前一个有书签的数据行

Previous Bookmark:(前一个书签) [右箭头]

Add Bookmark(添加书签) [B] | Next Bookmark(下一个书签) [左箭头] | Previous Bookmark(前一个书签) [右箭头]

Previous Bookmark:上一个书签

Next Bookmark=下一个书签(&M) | Previous Bookmark=上一个书签(&V) | Toggle Bookmark=设置/清除书签(&K)

Previous Bookmark:前一个书签

Toggle Bookmark:增加书签 | Previous Bookmark:前一个书签 | Next Bookmark:后一个书签

Previous Bookmark:将光标移至前一个有书签的数据行

Next Bookmark 将光标移至下一个有书签的数据行 | Previous Bookmark 将光标移至前一个有书签的数据行 | Clear Bookmark 删除所有书签

Toggle Bookmark:设置/清除书签

Previous Bookmark=上一个书签(&V) | Toggle Bookmark=设置/清除书签(&K) | Clear All Bookmarks=清除所有书签(&C)

Toggle Bookmark:设置/取消书签

Previous Bookmark=上一个书签 | Toggle Bookmark=设置/取消书签 | Clear All Bookmarks=清除所有书签

Manage bookmarks:管理书签

首先进入Firefox的书签(Bookmarks)菜单,然后选择"管理书签"(Manage Bookmarks)命令,一个名为"书签管理器"(Bookmarks Manager)的新窗口就被打开了. 下一步,进入"书签管理器"的文件菜单,选中"导出"(Export)命令,