英语人>词典>汉英 : 书包 的英文翻译,例句
书包 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
satchel  ·  schoolbag  ·  satchels  ·  schoolbags

更多网络例句与书包相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Into the classroom, the resettlement asperse with good, long bag to urge breath, the study of life.


Yes, it is. It's my backpack.


No ,it is not. that is his backpack.


As you know, schoolbag is very important for me as a student because several necessities were in it.


Stuffed everything in my bag, slung the strap over my shoulder, and sucked in a huge breath.


Was later bought several bags, but not like the first bag, and then the memories worth treasuring.


Eslite Books, arguably the classiest of Taiwan's bookstore chains, zeroed in over a decade ago on the elegant simplicity of The King, and began selling the bags in its stores.


They're behind the chairs.What's in the schoolbags?We can't see.


Gender, academic year, types and weight of students' satchels, and length of time for students carrying their satchel per day were not significantly associated with scoliosis. The height-weight ratio was found to be a significant factor for scoliosis , especially for girls.


I grabbed his school bag belt, the force toward his fierce fling just to hear "popping" is heard, and his bag by his heavy school bag strap falling off.


更多网络解释与书包相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


随后Courage准备了实物道具:兔子(rabbit)和书包(bag),让孩子们随着口令把兔子放在书包的相应位置上. 哈哈,这一切难不倒孩子们,他们完成的十分出色,不仅把兔子准确无误的放在正确的位置上,而且还能准确说出方位单词. 看到这一切,Courage不由得竖起了大拇指......

a bagful of:一书包

a mouthful of 一口...... | a bagful of 一书包...... | a pocketful of一袋......

在我书包里的这是什么? It's a ballpen.它是一支圆珠笔:What's in my school bag

What's this in your pencil box ? 在你铅笔盒里的这是什么? It's a pencil.它是一支铅笔. | What's in my school bag ? 在我书包里的这是什么? It's a ballpen.它是一支圆珠笔. | clock 钟

book bag:书包

它跟一般的书包(book bag)不一样的地方在于它尽量让重量由腰和盆骨承担,以减少对肩膀的拉力. 而Backpacking则就是把你吃喝拉撒睡的东西全部背上,用你的脚步感受大自然. 简单地说,backpacking is hiking with your backpack on carrying everything you need (很罗嗦的一句话,

Your book bag:你的书包

I'd do it myself, but I don't have my bag on me.|我都自己弄 ... | Your book bag?|你的书包? | - How'd you two crazy kids meet, Rick? - It's a funny story, actually.|- 你们这两位疯狂的家伙是怎么认识的 Ri...

satchel,book bag:书包形手袋

首饰箱 jewel box | 书包形手袋 satchel,book bag | 数字钟附收音机 digital clock radio


launch box便当,午餐盒 | schoolbag书包,学校规定使用的书包 | school bus 校车

I unburdened the boy of his satchel:我从那孩子的肩上解下书包

Satchel n.书包,小背包 | I unburdened the boy of his satchel. 我从那孩子的肩上解下书包. | Lingerie n.女用内衣

Royal Elastics:黑色人造皮苏格兰风书包

12.NIKE JORDAN传奇尼龙材质书包. | 13.Royal Elastics黑色人造皮苏格兰风书包. | 14.Hedgren黑橘灰格纹帆布侧背包.

Put your pencil case in your school bag:把笔袋放进书包里

Put your book in your school bag 把书放进书包里 | Put your pencil case in your school bag 把笔袋放进书包里 | Put your scissors in your schoolbag 把剪刀放进书包