英语人>词典>汉英 : 乡村生活 的英文翻译,例句
乡村生活 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Bring a slice of country life into your home with our wide selection of country wallpaper and country wallpaper borders.


The novel is a study in multiple dislocations: Gertie must adjust from life in the country to the city, from self-sufficiency to interconnected dependency, from stability to the jarring vicissitudes of a booming city.


The rural settlement system is the fundamental unit of the rural inhabitable environment, It is a kind of rural life system, which has definite territory boundary and spatial concepts , also it is a rural human-environment territory system .


Instead they were concerned about the putative effects of rural "degeneration" on the Nation and its food supply, as seen most glaringly in notorious stories about inbred, mentally defective families such as the Jukes and the Kallikaks.9 In order to counteract what they thought was the growing insularity, narrowness, and anarchy of rural life, they spent much of their time contemplating ways to rehabilitate institutions such as the country school, country church, and local county government so that they would more closely resemble urban models.


If you are lucky enough to have a bootroom," a page in the Oka catalogue begins, and my first thought is,"I hope to Heaven that I never have a bootroom because that would mean a life in the country, which I would loathe.


Mini rural community of interest is the minimal unit in rustication.


Rural tourism is one of the tourist forms developed in the conventional rural areas. Its attractions are conventional rural environment, senery, farm products and rustication.


Instead they were concerned about the putative effects of rural "degeneration" on the Nation and its food supply, as seen most glaringly in notorious stories about inbred, mentally defective families such as the Jukes and the Kallikaks.9 In order to counteract what they thought was the growing insularity, narrowness, and anarchy of rural life, they spent much of their time contemplating ways to rehabilitate institutions such as the country school, country church, and local county government so that they would more closely resemble urban models.


If you are lucky enough to have a bootroom," a page in the Oka catalogue begins, and my first thought is,"I hope to Heaven that I never have a bootroom because that would mean a life in the country, which I would loathe.


Village life is portrayed as sequestered in a bygone age, with farmers trailing water buffalo through postage-stamp paddies and rural labourers trudging home in the twilight from Dickensian factories.


更多网络解释与乡村生活相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

campagne f:农村,乡村,田野,战场,战役,运动

1150 campagnard,e n.;a. 乡下人,粗人;乡居的,(住)农村的 NULL ... | 1151 campagne f. 农村,乡村,田野,战场,战役,运动 campagne NULL | 1152 camper vi.;vt. 扎营,安营,过帐篷生活;使扎营,安放 NULL se~摆出神气活现...

City Life,country Life:(城市生活与乡村生活)

At the Races(竞赛) | City Life,country Life(城市生活与乡村生活) | Living with the Family(家庭生活)

country house:乡村别墅

发布会上,伊森艾伦(Ethan Allen)生活方式及广告营销副总裁诺拉.墨菲女士表示,此次主要介绍了七种生活方式,即魅力(glamour)、环球(global)、都市(metro)、庄园(estate)、乡村别墅(country house)、自由空间(loft)及别墅(villa).



live in peace and quiet:过著平静、安定的生活

the peace of the country 乡村的宁静 | live in peace and quiet 过著平静、安定的生活 | the Middle East peace process 中东和平进程

night life:夜生活

他创作的经典乡村歌曲,有"疯狂"(Crazy)和"夜生活"(Night LIfe)等;他的畅销专辑,有>(Red Headed Stranger)、>(Wanted;The Outlaws);他曾81次进入乡村音乐榜,1993年更被接纳成为乡村音乐名人堂成员.

to romanticize country life:美化乡村生活

19.to operate this business经营这项业务 | 20.to romanticize country life美化乡村生活 | 21.to manipulate public opinion操纵舆论


rusticate 去乡下 | rustication 乡村生活 | rusticism 乡土用语


rusticate 过乡间生活 | rustication 乡村生活,驱逐到乡下,停学 | sanguinary 有血的,血腥的


rustic 乡村的,乡土气的 | rusticity 乡村式,田园生活,质朴 | rusticate 过乡间生活