英语人>词典>汉英 : 乘气球 的英文翻译,例句
乘气球 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与乘气球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They like to go ballooning at weekends.


They like to go ballooning on the weekend.


"You must be an engineer",said the balloonist.


"Well",answered the balloonist ,everything you told me is technically correct,but i still have no idea what to make of your information,and the fact is i am still lost.


Incredibly, the man had made an ascent in Lowe's balloon the previous year when the balloonist had been in Charleston.


The first free balloon ascension of the Montgolfier brothers in paris was an exhibition flights,including carnival shows,racing,and record attempts.


Although some might call Piccard crazy, he's a psychiatrist who would seem to have adventure in his DNA: His late father Jacques dove deeper beneath the ocean than any other man, and grandfather Auguste was the first to fly a balloon into the stratosphere.


The American Civil War , there are five northern balloon to escape the siege of Yugoslav Army, half-way by the storm overblow a desert island in the Pacific Ocean.


This is how a "ballooning" spider can end up in the ocean hundreds of miles from shore.


French parachutist Michel Fournier,64,broke 4 skydiving world records Tuesday,for transonic fastest freefall,longest freefall,highest jump,and highest altitude reached by a man in a balloon,Freefalling Fournier plunged from a balloon 40km above Canada's western plains.


更多网络解释与乘气球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

balloonist:气球驾驶者 (名)

ballooner 乘气球飞行者; 游艇帆 (名) | balloonist 气球驾驶者 (名) | ballot 投票, 投票表决, 抽签 (动)

Samuel Butler:勃特勒

塞缪尔.勃特勒(Samuel Butler)的>(Erewhon Revisited)一书中对这种说法的讽刺. 在这本书中,有一位希格斯访问一个边远国家,住了一段时间后乘气球逃离那里. 二十年后,他故地重游,发现那里有了一个崇拜他的新宗教,

ballistocardiograph:心冲击描记器 (名)

ballistics 弹道学; 发射学 (名) | ballistocardiograph 心冲击描记器 (名) | ballooner 乘气球飞行者; 游艇帆 (名)

ballooner:乘气球飞行者; 游艇帆 (名)

ballistocardiograph 心冲击描记器 (名) | ballooner 乘气球飞行者; 游艇帆 (名) | balloonist 气球驾驶者 (名)


balloonfish | 河豚 | Balloonflower | 桔梗属 | ballooning | 气球操纵, 乘气球, (蜘蛛)随风飘荡


balloonfish || 河豚 | Balloonflower || 桔梗属 | ballooning || 气球操纵, 乘气球, (蜘蛛)随风飘荡