英语人>词典>汉英 : 乖张 的英文翻译,例句
乖张 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

eccentric and unreasonable
更多网络例句与乖张相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Being at variance with what is right, proper, or suitable; perverse.


The line places thoroughly namely if with us person of Heibei laborious collect says be troubled by old~!But the jest in the human association with these buckish and Bacchic loose to mixing styles,we are indistinct saw neutral of even if film"overrun"but those who communicate is those sexes that are afoundation with love,perhaps be fundamental love with the gender,a variety of patting the result that drag,it is at least in afew kisses,exuding tenderness and love through eyes saw true love in afew dialogs,saw that situation of the intention.The film of Bmerican clique series exaggerated of purpose the to the gender understanding that those resemble our euqally big children in the Western Hemisphere and fumble,although be exaggerated,but mix after all the circumstance conform to of those Bmerican reality,believe to be in what had been our country learns in much and not been for the student of the college,but that is miserable in the ear that the thing has passed parents~!


The attitude of the invalid toward the cattleman was something like that of a peevish, perverse child toward an indulgent parent.


She had done her best over the years to thump the contrariness out of him; he was certainly a better person for it, she knew.


The original meaning of "li" is "contrariness" or "cruelty" and its extended meaning is "violation".


Filled with contrariness in the fashion circles, often in such times, we all can not help but be impressed, and even before that arrogant star: Master are in the end, professional level is not an ordinary person than even a feather of the swing frequency off ...... Of course, this story is historical, the total class fashion photographer Guy Bourdin is one of his three wives can not stand him because of the spirit of "abuse", one after another bizarre dead, he has a sudden Fantasy hair wanted to take the golden sunset mermaid nearly covered with sequined models until suffocation, but in the end, this picture has become a classic fashion.

在充斥着乖张的时尚圈,往往就在这种时候,大家都情不自禁地被折服,甚至连以往目中无人的明星都说:到底是大师,专业程度不是一般人能比,连一根羽毛的摆动频率都不放过……当然,这样的故事是有历史的,时尚界泰斗级摄影Guy Bourdin就是其中一位,他的三个老婆由于受不了他的精神"虐待",相继离奇死去,有一次他突发奇想要拍夕阳下的金色美人鱼,差点让满身亮片的模特等到窒息,但最终,这张照片成为了时尚界的经典。

Ominously for Beijing, the value of the RMB may be one of the few things the fractious American political class seems to agree on.


Considerable attention is given to the effects of contention, slander, gossip, and deceitful words (26:17-28). Those who speak in these perverse ways have wicked hearts and cause strife and ruin. The Lord will reveal their wickedness and bring back upon them, all the ruin they planned for others (26:26-27). Similarly, the Apostle Paul warned the Galatian Christians,"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap"(Gal. 6:7). We serve a God of perfect justice!


When we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.


Cruelty of disposition; malice and ill-nature; that most anti-social and odious of all passions, envy; dissimulation and insincerity, irascibility on insufficient cause, and resentment disproportioned to the provocation; the love of domineering over others; the desire to engross more than one's share of advantages; the pride which derives gratification from the abasement of others; the egotism which thinks self and its concerns more important than everything else, and decides all doubtful questions in its own favour;—these are moral vices, and constitute a bad and odious moral character: unlike the self-regarding faults previously mentioned, which are not properly immoralities, and to whatever pitch they may be carried, do not constitute wickedness.


更多网络解释与乖张相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


contrarily /反之/相反地/反对地/ | contrariness /反对/矛盾/乖张/ | contrariwise /反之/顽固地/


contrariness /反对/矛盾/乖张/ | contrariwise /反之/顽固地/ | contrarotation /反向旋转/反向转动/反旋/反转/


crabapple /野苹果/ | crabbed /乖张的/执拗的/难解的/ | crabber /捕蟹人/捕蟹小船/专爱挑剔的人/


我觉得,斯特劳斯用的是矫枉过正的语气,他可能觉得一般地说,反正也不会有很多人当真,从策略上讲,他有意偏于乖张,有意激惹(scandalise)读者,即使与柏拉图之辩证(dialectics) 是不一样的.


9. abatement: 减少,减弱. | 10. humourous: 性情乖张的. | 11. girdles and garters: 腰带和吊袜带.


perveance /电子管屏导数/ | perversely /倔强地/顽固地/ | perverseness /乖张/倔强/顽固/

perversely:倔强地 (副)

perverse 乖张的, 错误的, 倔强的 (形) | perversely 倔强地 (副) | perverseness 倔强; 堕落 (名)


perversely /倔强地/顽固地/ | perverseness /乖张/倔强/顽固/ | perversion /曲解/颠倒/误用/堕落/


作为英国现今最出色的电音厂牌"弯曲"(Warp)的忠实拥趸,我最迷恋的其实并不是旗下那些乖张的实验科技舞曲(Experimental Techno)团体. 什么"两个孤剑客"(Two Lone Swordsmen)、"黑狗"(The Black Dog)还有"奥特可瑞"(Autechre),


contrariness | 反对, 矛盾, 乖张 | contrarious | 对抗的(尤指)作对的 | contrariously | 相反地, 不利地