英语人>词典>汉英 : 乌拉坦 的英文翻译,例句
乌拉坦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
urethan  ·  urethane

更多网络例句与乌拉坦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experments were carried out on male SD rats anesthetuzed with urethane (700 mg/kg) and chloralose (35 mg/kg).


Experiments were Performed on male SD rats anaesthetized with urethane(700 mg/kg) and chloralose(35 mg/kg).

上海医科大学生理学教研室。上海 200032摘要雄性Sprague-Dawey大鼠,用乌拉坦(70mg/kg)和氯醛糖(30mg/kg)腹腔麻醉。

Rats were anesthetized with urethane(700mg/kg) andα-chloralose(35mg/kg),and the trachea,femoral artery and extemal jugular vein were cannulated respectively.


The efferent system could be suppressed by some anesthetics.


Methods Animals were randomly and equally divided into five groups: saline control group, positive drug control group, low-dose, medium-dose and high-dose crocetin group. Animals were anesthetized with urethane (1.2 g/kg), then followed by the perfusion of aconitine (10 μg/mL) through caudal vein in rats, or of ouabain (9 μg/mL) through external jugular vain in guinea pigs in a constant velocity of 0.1 mL/min, and the emergence time of ventricular fibrillation, ventricular extrasystole, ventricular tachycanlia and cardiac arrest were then detected and recorded. The recorded time was then translated to the cumulated amount of aconitine and ouabain. Experimental arrhythmia was induced by rapid injection of 4% CaCl2 (140 mg/kg), and the emergence time, persistence time, incidence and death of arrhythmia after the administration were observed.

将实验动物随机分为生理盐水组,阳性药物对照组,藏红花酸高、中、低剂量组,SD大鼠采用1.2 g/kg乌拉坦麻醉后,从尾静脉匀速(0.1 ml/min)灌注10μg/ml乌头碱溶液,豚鼠麻醉后从颈静脉匀速(0.1 ml/min)灌注9μg/ml哇巴因溶液,观察出现室性期前收缩、室性心动过速、室颤和心脏停搏的时间,然后换算成乌头碱和哇巴因的累积量;快速推注4%氯化钙(140 mg/kg)诱导大鼠心律失常,观察给药后心律失常出现时间、持续时间、心律失常发生数及死亡数。

Effects of isoflurane, pentobarbital, and urethane on apoptosis and apoptotic signal transduction in rat kidney


Of espective central and peripheral secretin on discharge of gastrointestinal related neurons in Nucleus of tractus solitarius.


MATERIALS AND METHODS: The newborn mice were divided into DES, urethan and U+ DES groups. U was given in 500 mg/kg dose ip on the 14th day after they were born. DES was administered by ip on 1 d, 8 d, 15 d in the doses of 1/7, 2/7 and 4/7 LD50 of the day of treated.

材料与方法:ICR新生鼠,分设DES、乌拉坦和U+DES组。U在14d以500mg/kg腹腔注射(intraperitoneal,ip);DES分别在1d、8d、15d ip,共3次,分别以注射日龄LD50的1/7、2/7、4/7为DES低、DES中、DES高组。

Ung tumors were induced by a single intraperitoneal injecting of urethan (500mg/kg) and multi intramuscular injecting of estrogen (50mg/kg) in mice, and the animals were administered orally with 0.02% or 0.2% of tea polyphenols simultaneously for 18 weeks to study its inhibitory effect.


ObjectiveTo study the effect of lycopene on lung carcinogenesis induced by urethane.


更多网络解释与乌拉坦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethyl carbamate:氨基甲酸乙酯

常配(3)硫喷妥纳(pentothal sodium)为淡黄色粉末,水溶液不稳定,一(4)氨基甲酸乙酯(ethyl carbamate)又名乌拉坦或脲酯. 氨基甲酸(5)氯醛糖(chloralose)溶解度较小,常用浓度为1%,使用前须加半导体应变片两种,

diphosgene; trichloromethylchloro-formate:双光气;氯甲酸三氯甲酯

二苯三[氮]唑 diphenyltriazole | 二苯基乌拉坦;二苯胺甲酸乙酯 diphenylurethane | 双光气;氯甲酸三氯甲酯 diphosgene; trichloromethylchloro-formate

Poloxyl Lanolin:聚羊毛脂

乌拉坦泡沫胶 Polyurethane Foam | 聚羊毛脂 Poloxyl Lanolin | 聚依他丁 Polyetadene;Polyethadene


乌拉坦 Urethane | 乌洛托品 Methenamine;Urotropine | 乌美螺酮 Umespirone

isoamyl urethan; isoamyl urethane; isoamyl carbamate:异戊乌拉坦;胺甲酸异戊酯

异戊乌拉坦;胺甲酸异戊酯 isoamyl urethan; isoamyl urethane; isoamyl carbamate | 异戊基乙烯基醚 isoamyl vinyl ether | 异戊胺 isoamylamine


继而导致炎症反应的降低. 同时,在Smad7转基因小鼠模型中,乌拉坦(urethane)诱导的肺癌发生率明显高于对照组,提示在呼吸道上皮细胞中阻断TGF-b信号通路能够促进肺癌的发生发展.


硫脲 thiourea | 硫乌拉坦;硫胺甲酸乙酯 thiourethane | 二硫草酸 thioxalic acid

urethane; ethyl carbamate:乌拉坦;胺甲酸乙酯

脲乙酸 ureidoacetic acid; hydantoic acid | 乌拉坦;胺甲酸乙酯 urethane; ethyl carbamate | 胺甲酸甲酯 urethylan; methylurethane

Ethyl carbamate, Ethylurethane,Urethane:尿烷; 氨基甲酸乙酯; 乌拉坦

蚜灭磷亚砜,完灭硫磷亚砜 Vamidothion-sulfoxide | 尿烷; 氨基甲酸乙酯; 乌拉坦 Ethyl carbamate, Ethylurethane,Urethane | 乙撑硫脲 Ethylene thiourea

carbamic acid ethyl ester; ethyl carbamate; urethane:胺甲酸乙酯;乌拉坦

胺甲酸苄酯 carbamic acid benzyl ester; benzyl carbamate | 胺甲酸乙酯;乌拉坦 carbamic acid ethyl ester; ethyl carbamate; urethane | 胺甲酸甲酯 carbamic acid methyl ester