英语人>词典>汉英 : 之昵称 的英文翻译,例句
之昵称 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Due to this affection story, a boss of a stationery store in Brooklyn got the inspiration, and named Teddy for 2 bear toys made by his wife, and displayed those 2 bear toys in the store window.After that, Teddy Bear became very popular in next a hundred years.


It is nicknamed the "Garden State," and yet it is one of the most developed and industrialized states in America.


Japan's nickname,"The Land of the Rising Sun," is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning "place of the sun's origin."


Appointed governor of the new Indiana Territory in 1800, Harrison had the job of defending and extending white settlements, and he did so by going back into battle. In 1811, as the threat organized by the Shawnee Indian chieftain Tecumseh grew stronger, Harrison successfully led about a thousand men against a Shawnee uprising on the Tippecanoe River on Nov. 7. He earned the nickname "Old Tip," but more importantly the rank of brigadier general and was given command of U.S. forces in the Northwest.


That's the trick and the magic of this movie that Jim and WETA Digital had to push themselves to get to the point where we forget we are watching big, blue people and we start just rooting for the person inside them.

那正是这片子的诀窍与神奇之处,当我们忘了正注视著蓝色巨人而开始支持那隐身在角色背后的演员时,吉姆(James 的略称或昵称)和WETA数位的人必须点出来提醒我们。

It has been appropriately nicknamed the castle of dreams.


Breed of dog known for its intelligence, strong and enthusiastic herding instinct, and protectiveness; coat is moderately long, slightly wavy, and has a dense undercoat; coat color can be white or tan mixed with black, liver, or red or it can be blue merle or red merle; ears are furry and droop sideways over skull; tail is naturally or surgically bobbed; eyes may be brown, amber, blue, flecked or two different colors, leading to their nickname of ghost-eye dogs; adult stands 18 23 in.(46 58 cm) tall at shoulders and weighs 35 70 lbs (16 32 kg); despite name, originated and perfected in U.S. primarily from Basque ancestor brought to America by settlers; used today in Australia to herd sheep; also serve as narcotics detectors, trackers, search-and-rescue dogs, and hearing dogs for the deaf.


In The Chinese High School Scout Group, the badge is fondly referred to as the "sharp-tipped badge" for its pronounced oval shape at both ends.


Hugged mightily, squeezing the breath out of each other, saying, son of a bitch, son of a bitch, then, and easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers, their mouths came together, and hard, Jack's big teeth bringing blood, his hat falling to the oor, stubble rasping, wet saliva welling, and thedoor opening and Alma looking out for a few seconds at Ennis's straining shoulders and shutting the door again and still they clinched, pressing chest and groin and thigh and leg together, treading on each other's toes until they pulled apart to breathe and Ennis, not big on endearments, said what hesaid to his horses and daughters, little darlin.


Appointed governor of the new Indiana Territory in 1800, Harrison had the job of defending and extending white settlements, and he did so by going back into battle. In 1811, as the threat organized by the Shawnee Indian chieftain Tecumseh grew stronger, Harrison successfully led about a thousand men against a Shawnee uprising on the Tippecanoe River on Nov. 7. He earned the nickname "Old Tip," but more importantly the rank of brigadier general and was given command of U.S. forces in the Northwest.


更多网络解释与之昵称相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Des Moines:德梅因

爱荷华州州旗 爱荷华州州徽 所在位置 州府 德梅因(Des Moines) 昵称 鹰眼之州 The Hawkeye State 最大城市 德梅因(Des Moines) 州长 契特"库尔佛(Chet Culver) 官方语言 英语 面积 145,743 平方公里(全...

Fox Terrier:獵狐梗犬

训练它的科学家称它为柯朵亚薇卡(Kudryavka),昵称柯莉(Curly),但让它享誉全球的名字却是来自一种西伯利亚猎犬之名的莱卡,它看来比较像是猎狐梗犬(Fox Terrier),但显然有点西伯利亚猎犬(Siberian Hunter)的血统.


帕戈先生11 Paco,弗朗西斯科(Francisco)的昵称. 在这里指的是弗朗西斯科.佛朗哥(Francisco Franco)将军. 其为西班牙政治家,军事家,法西斯主义独裁者,西班牙长枪党党魁. ?巴塞罗那很'马卡'22 maca,加泰罗尼亚语"漂亮"之意.




贝尼特斯同时还相中了效力于德甲多特蒙德的波兰边锋雅库布-布瓦斯特兹考夫斯基(Jakub Bwaszczykowski ). 不过他并没有将冗长的姓氏印到球衣背后,而是以名字雅库布(Jakub)的昵称"库巴(Kuba)"代之. 此外,他还是前波兰国家队队长布雷策泽克的侄子.


肯塔基州(Kentucky)的昵称是"蓝草之州"(Bluegrass State),路易斯安那(Louisiana)是"小河之州"(Bayou State). 爱达荷州(Idaho)被人称为"宝石之州"(Gem State),这并不是因为该州有宝石,而是因为它认为它是西落基山脉(Rocky Mountains)的宝石.


而这些说法是民间版/非官方的 (unofficial)与 昵称(nickname) ,还是官方的头衔,这才是问题的重点. 这也是台湾国国内目前的争议所在. 否则,李登辉早被叫做「台湾之父」或「台湾国父」,难道,这些民间称呼可以变成中华民国官方对李登辉的称呼?


地点:萨马拉(Samara)、下诺夫哥罗德(Nizhny Novgorod)、莫斯科(Moscow)、喀山(Kazan)俄国人昵称窝瓦河(Volga River)为「亲爱的窝瓦河母亲」,是俄罗斯生命之河,流域天然资源丰富,工业发达,是俄罗斯最重要经济发展地区.


而这些说法是民间版/非官方的 (unofficial)与 昵称(nickname) ,还是官方的头衔,这才是问题的重点. 这也是台湾国国内目前的争议所在. 否则,李登辉早被叫做「台湾之父」或「台湾国父」,难道,这些民间称呼可以变成中华民国官方对李登辉的称呼?


以全世界发行最早的" 黑便士" (Black Penny)邮票而闻名,邮票上系以维多利亚女王肖像为图,以黑色单色印刷,票面为一便士,因之有此昵称. 由此发出的列车主要通往英格兰中部诺丁罕(Nottingham)、雪菲尔(Sheffield)等地.