英语人>词典>汉英 : 主脉的 的英文翻译,例句
主脉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Actinodromous(palmate; digitate) Describing a form of leaf VENATION in which three or more primary veins radiate from the base of the lamina toward the margin, as in sycamore, resulting in a leaf that has several large lobes or several leaflets all originating at the same point.


Results showed: in Podocarpus leaves, there is only one midrib, the xylem tracheid of midrib vascular bundle is multi-form, transfusion tissue belongs to Cycas-type and transfusion tracheids are isodiametric, the accessory transfusion tracheids between palisade tissue and sponge tissue are developed; in Nageia leaves, there are plenty of parallel leaves, the xylem tracheids of each vein are relatively simple, transfusion tissue belongs to Taxus-type and transfusion tracheids are longer in longitudinal section than that in transverse section, the accessory transfusion tissue between palisade tissue and sponge tissue is absent.


In the leaves of Liriodendroideae, some of the abaxial epidermal cells are papillose and the vascular tissue of the main vein appears to be separated. However, papillose were not found and there are uniseriate, multicellular or unicellular hairs distributed on the epidermis, and the vascular tissue of the main vein appears to be continuous in the leaves of Magnolioideae. Furthermore, in the Magnolioideae, the structure of the leaves of plants in Manglietia are different from that of Magnolia.


Leaves parallel veined, without clear, transverse venation between main veins; filaments not forming a ring.


General yellow-green or yellow interveinal chlorosis of fully expanded and younger leaves with major veins and most minor vein clearly defined green without appreciable adjacent green lamina; some younger leaves with profuse interveinal brown necrotic spotting.


Results Cuticular papillates,glandular hairs,peltate scales,and non-glandular hairs presented on the leaf epidermis of C.paliurus.Anomocytic stomata were confined to the lower epidermis.Large cluster crystals existed in the uppermost layer of palisade cells.Midrib included one closed vascular system and one additional vascular strand.Secondary veins are semicraspedodromous and form marginal loops,tertiary veins are percurrent,quaternary veins form orthogonal or polygonal areoles filled up by branched and freely ended veinlets.


Epiaortic ultrasound wasperformed at the time of surgery to assess for atherosclerosisof the ascending aorta.


The most sensitive part to K ftertilization was in the mid-upper midrib at low positions. The relative value of K content, expressed by Vm/Im, in the midrib between 5th and 1st leaves from top, was used for evaluating the K nutrient status of banana. The sampling part was in the connective zone between midrib and blade.


Leaf blade usually ovate to lanceolate, main veins 3--7, connected by a network of cross veins and veinlets.


Are there seven major chakras (or twelve if one has opened a twelve chakra system) plus the chakras above the head leading to one's source and oversoul?


更多网络解释与主脉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


costarican 哥斯达黎加人的 | costate 主脉的 | costate 肋骨状的


costate 主脉的 | costate 肋骨状的 | costateribbed 有肋骨的


costarican /哥斯达黎加[人] 的/ | costate /有肋骨的/肋骨状的/主脉的/ | costeen /试掘纵坑/

costate vector:共态向量

costarum | 肋 | costate vector | 共态向量 | costate | 有肋骨的, 肋骨的, 主脉的

Dionaea muscipula:捕蝇草

捕虫机能最发达的捕虫叶有貉藻(Aldrovandavesiculosa)和捕蝇草(Dionaea muscipula). 当昆虫触动其叶面的触毛时,离主脉不远处,发生强烈的纵向弯曲反应,使叶片沿着主脉迅速对折闭合以捕捉昆虫. 捕虫叶一般能分泌对所捕昆虫防腐的有机酸和消化的酶类.

mucilage hair:粘液毛

[2]亦称粘液毛(mucilage hair)为分泌毛的一种,生长在苔类叶状体生长点附近的主脉腹面,由1-2个细胞构成,向上弯曲伸长. 它有保护生长点和保持水分的作用. 在两个细胞构成的粘液毛,其顶端的细胞分泌粘液,多见于小叶苔科(Fossombroni-aceae).

netted venation:网状脉

网状脉(netted venation) 具有明显的主脉,经过逐级的分枝,形成多数交错分布的细脉,由细脉互相联结形成网状,称为网状脉. 其中有一条明显的主脉,侧脉自主脉的两侧发出,呈羽毛状排列,并几达叶缘,称为羽状网脉,如女贞、垂柳. 如果主脉的基部同时产生多条与主...

Philadelphus pekinensis:太平花

山林中的灌木有太平花(Philadelphus pekinensis)对生着暗绿的,具三主脉的卵状披针形叶子;半开的下垂的清香花朵有四片洁白如布帛的宽大花瓣和花心中乳黄的花蕊.

costae:肋脉, 叶的主肋

costa || 肋, 缘, 中脉, 前缘脉 | costae || 肋脉, 叶的主肋 | costal brace || 前缘小脉(蜉蝣的翅)

cross vein:横脉

此外,在高等昆虫中,连结这些纵脉(longitud-inal vein)的横脉(cross vein)有一定的位置,同一主脉的分枝之间的横脉,用其主脉简略号的小写字母(例如连结M2与M3的m);在不同主脉之间的横脉,是把两主脉的简略号连结起来,