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主旨 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
leitmotiv  ·  substance

subject matter
更多网络例句与主旨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His rousing keynote address at the Democratic National Convention that same year made his name a household word.


I'm not sure what the point to this movie was ...or if it even tried to have one, except perhaps that even semi-ordinary people can be horrible human beings...Three losers get stuck on a rickety old elevator and one is a murderous a-hole, while the other two are simply uncaring jerks...


Stereotactic radiosurgery refers to the use of small, well-collimated beams of ionizing radiation to ablate intracranial lesions.


ABSTRACT Title ON INSTITUTIONS OF HUMAN CAPITAL PRODUCTION The gist of the dissertation is trying to offer theoretical support and policy proposals for innovating Chinese institutions of human capital production.


The general idea of this paper is to research these questions analytically and empirically.


In my view, suppositive forms are themselves representative of the critical attitude of Bulgakov to reality.under which Bulgakov could ridicule and criticise the ugliness of the society and the people in this society.The second part is a symbolistic anylysis of Bulgakov"s works,stressing that only symbolic reading can reach the works" inner meanings and the author"s intentions, which are philosophical thoughts upon the meanings of war,people"s responsibilities to nature and socity, people"s choices of sprirtual morals, and the future of nation and society.*"


The Plum in the Golden Vase offers male-centered descriptions of the indulgent, lewd and abnormal sex, and embodies a worldly spirit of flesh carnival with an emphasis on the purpose of abstention from lust and expostulation on kindness, thus reflecting a contradiction between the author's purpose and his lustful and leching description of sex.


In terms of themes of narrative, the research results also indicate that, in this event, media particularly emphasizes "Edison Chen is the initiator of the whole event","famous people involved in this scandal were in an unfavorable situation", and "cyber space loses its control and it's hard to stop internet misbehaves". These three themes of narrative are based on the traditional value of "Obscene is the evilest of all."


In fact the surface is so bland that attention is constantly focused on the care with which the play has been put together, and the clarity with which its argument develops; it seems natural to discuss it in terms of the notion of "the well-wrought play".


The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.The fall of Karnak's capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.


更多网络解释与主旨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


我对这些问题看法的主旨(gist)是:我们在塔旺陶勒盖项目上的决策,无论事情发展到何种情形,都不应被动的受制于任何国家或者任何利益集团. 只有在做出审慎研究和毫无偏见的评估基础上,唯有获得蒙古政府颁发的重要战略经济利益矿床开发经营许可证后,

creative gist:创作主旨

创造性教学:Creative education | 创作主旨:creative gist | 创新性人才:creative talents


包括:数据挖掘,机器学习,人工智能,认知科学,儿童教育,思维方法以及这些技术在互联网、商业等不同领域的应用. 他在国际顶级学术会议和期刊上发表100余篇论文,并在国际大会上做了有关思维策略的主旨(Keynote)报告.


tenet:原则 | leitmotif:主旨 | in the groove:处于最佳状态


leitmotif 主乐调 | leitmotiv 主旨 | leman 爱人

Livingston College:李文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性. 课程侧重于社会科学

Douglass College,道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综... | Livingston College,李文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性. 课程侧重于社会科学. | Rutgers College,罗格斯学院. 这是罗格斯大学最初的学院. 课程侧重于...

Livingston College:利文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性,课程侧重于社会科学

Douglass College,道格拉斯学院. 只收女性学生,其课程综... | Livingston College,利文斯顿学院. 其学院主旨为增进多样性,课程侧重于社会科学. | Rutgers College,罗格斯学院. 这是罗格斯大学最初的学院,课程侧重于经...

motif n.1:(文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨2.装饰图案,装饰图形

motivate v.1.激发,处于...动机 2.汽车 | motif n.1.(文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨2.装饰图案,装饰图形 | motor n.发动机,马达

motif n.1:(文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨2.基调,(反复出现的)装饰图案,装饰图形

motivate v.1.作为...的机动, 使具有...的机动 2.促动; 激发, 促成 | motif n.1.(文学作品或音乐的)主题,主旨2.基调,(反复出现的)装饰图案,装饰图形 | motive n.动机,动因,目的


这里的意义是指,由语言所传达的"主旨(purport)"和语言的"表现样式(style)"所构成的"语言研究领域". 拉斯韦尔为了对其进行科学的、定量化的处理,构筑了数量化研究的框架. 关于"表现样式",拉斯韦尔希望建构一种定型化分析模型.