英语人>词典>汉英 : 主教的 的英文翻译,例句
主教的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
episcopal  ·  Episcopalian  ·  pontifical  ·  primatal

更多网络例句与主教的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The document here brought in as evidence refers to the synod of the following year which was indeed summoned at the instigation of the pope and the Synod of Aquileia, but was not an Ecumenical synod.


The usage being that bishops shall announce their baptismal names at the head of their charges and their pastoral letters, the poor people of the country-side had selected, with a sort of affectionate instinct, among the names and prenomens of their bishop, that which had a meaning for them; and they never called him anything except Monseigneur Bienvenu .


With beaded mitre and with crozier, stalled upon his throne , widower of a widowed see, with upstiffed omophorion, with clotted hinderparts


Both Hegesippus and Irenaeus proved that Gnostic doctrines did not belong to that deposit of faith which was taught by the true succession of bishops in the primary sees of Christendom; both in triumphant conclusion drew up a list of the Bishops of Rome, from Peter to the Roman bishop of their day; as Gnosticism was not taught by that Church with which the Christians everywhere must agree, it stood self-condemned.


But if any discussion should arise in connexion with the present business among the most godly bishops Valerian, Amphilochius and the other reverent bishops in the province, and if something difficult or ambiguous crops up, then in such a case it seems good that the godly bishops of Lycia and Lycaonia should be brought in, and the metropolitan of whatever province these choose should not be left out.

但是,如果任何讨论中出现的联接应与本企业的最虔诚的主教缬草, Amphilochius和其他虔诚的主教在该省的,如果有困难或模棱两可的作物,那麼在这种情况下,似乎良好的敬虔主教的利西亚和Lycaonia应提请中,和首都的任何省这些选择不应被排除在外。

The friars' superiors are bound to specify and present in person to the same prelates the friars whom they have chosen to hear for a time the confessions of the prelate's subjects, if the prelates ask for them to be specified and presented to them; if not, then to their vicars; with the condition that they are not bound to go to prelates who are more than two days' journey away.

在修士'上级指定的约束,并亲自出席同一主教的修士他们选择了听取了一段时间的供词主教的科目,如果主教要求他们指定的,并提交给他们,如果不,然后他们vicars ;的条件是,他们没有义务去主教谁超过两天的路程了。

The vestment s and insignia of a pontiff or a bishop.


The emperor, driven to fury by the pope's determined neutrality in the war, had taken a similar course, barring out thereby any participation of the bishops, not only from Spain, but from his kingdom of the Two Sicilies (110 bishops), from the Netherlands, from Austria and Hungary; and affording an excuse for all the bishops of the empire.

皇帝,推动以愤怒的教皇的决心中立战争中,已经采取了类似的过程,从而阻止了任何形式的参与的主教,不仅来自西班牙,但是从他的王国两个西西里( 110主教),从荷兰,奥地利和匈牙利;和提供藉口,所有主教的帝国。

The emperor, driven to fury by the pope's determined neutrality in the war, had taken a similar course, barring out thereby any participation of the bishops, not only from Spain, but from his kingdom of the Two Sicilies (110 bishops), from the Netherlands, from Austria and Hungary; and affording an excuse for all the bishops of the empire.

皇帝,驱车前往暴跳如雷由教宗的决心中立,在战争中,已经采取了类似的过程,除非有出,从而任何参与的主教,不仅是从西班牙,但他从英国的两西西里王国( 110位主教),从荷兰,奥地利和匈牙利,以及提供一个借口,为所有主教的帝国。

The vestments and insignia of a pontiff or a bishop.


更多网络解释与主教的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


archdeacon 执事长 | archdeaconate 副主教的职位 | archdeaconry 副主教之职


archdeaconry 副主教之职 | archdeaconship 副主教的职位 | archdiocese 大主教之管区


archdeaconry | 副主教之职 | archdeaconship | 副主教的职位(管区) | archdiocese | 大主教之管区


bishopepisco-pateexarchpontificateprelacy 主教 | bishopric 主教的辖区 | bishopricepiscopacymitermitre 主教的职位


chimera | 狮头, 羊身, 蛇尾的吐火怪物, 妖怪, 狂想 | chimere | (英国主教的)黑缎袍 | chimeric | 妄想的, 荒诞不经的


episco-pate /主教之职/主教区/主教/ | episcopacy /主教制度/主教的职位/ | episcopal /主教/主教派的/美国圣公会/主教的/

Episcopal:主教的, 主教制度的, 英国国教的 (形)

episcopacy 主教统辖制度; 主教之职务 (名) | episcopal 主教的, 主教制度的, 英国国教的 (形) | Episcopalian 主教派教会; 圣公会成员 (名)

Exarch's Diamond Band:主教的鑽石戒指 主教的鑽石指環

Telaari Hunting Girdle 泰拉蕊狩獵腰帶 泰拉蕊狩獵束腰 | Exarch's Diamond Band 主教的鑽石戒指 主教的鑽石指環 | Firemaul of Destruction 毀滅火錘 毀滅火槌


patriarchal主教的 | patriarchate主教的职权 | pontiff教皇


pontiff 主教 | pontifical 主教的 | pontificate 教皇