英语人>词典>汉英 : 主人公 的英文翻译,例句
主人公 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
agonists  ·  protagonists

dramatis personae · hero or heroine
更多网络例句与主人公相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This thesis holds that Paul's life route all through Sons and Lovers, like that of many other Bildungsroman protagonists, has been away from pressure to conform and toward the accomplishment of his own ideal.


Gulliver's Travels described the hero—Gulliver's four voyages to the Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa and Houyhnhnms, and his experience staying with the kings, cabinets and citizens in those countries.


The term Byronic Hero originates from the heroes in works of Byron, a poet in the 18^th century; Hemingway Hero refers to a series of heroes in Hemingway's works.


Through the narration of the bitter love experiences of its heroine Cytherea and hero Edward,Desperate Remedies reveals the moral orientation of the major characters in their handling of kinship,friendship,love and marriage relationship.


The second chapter focuses on the formal study of narration and focalization to find out their distinctive features in the four novels.


The paper narrated the Lu Ling's novel's polyphonic factors from three aspects: the relation of the author and protagouist; the novel structure and the figure's relation structure; the protagonist's inner monologues. It pointed out the novel's generation reasons and essential features by describing the static phenomena, at the same time, it embodied the ego generation of the essay's art features by Dostoevsky, Fyodor's novel creation.


Margaret is the central as well as a multi-functional character in the novel and her special quality can be viewed in three aspects: in the story she is drawn away from the supposed female realm, into the dialogues with men and social activities; she is performing the abandoned paternalist role in her family, becoming "parent to the parent"; she is established by the author as a "rescuing heroine" and thus her final union with Thorton represents a new "unity of purpose" between the upper classes.The thesis tries to examine Margaret the heroine through a close look at the multiple role she plays in the narrative from the above three perspectives.


Spanish picaresque novel is one of the early novel forms in the west. It originates in Spain in the middle of the 16th century, whose protagonists usually are rogues or adventurers of low social degree. Adopting the form of an autobiography, it often deals with humorous detail of the adventures of the roguish hero who live by his or her wits in an unpleasant society, involving various social pictures and personages' sketches, relating the waifs' destiny and reflecting the social life state at that time.


Lyricism to lyric means of literature are diverse: one is willing to speak one's mind's made, the hero is the author's own, works directly express the hero's thoughts and feelings, showing the hero's personality characteristics; One is the care of things for Yan Zhi, the work is not that the author's own hero, but the author's thoughts and feelings of the sustenance of the objects, including figures, there are things, as well as by the negative objects; one is made by the King of the lyric, that is landscape features poetry, on the surface, written by the author saw and heard was not the hero tone of voice to express thoughts and feelings, but in fact the author is described by the mountain scenery to send Italian lyric, its hero is actually author.


Li Yi and Zhang Sheng are heroes in the Legend of Tang Dynasty Huo Xiaoyu Zhuan, Yingying Zhuan. They are two different types of betrayers. The process that they fell in love with the heroine, and the reasons that they abandon the heroine are all different.


更多网络解释与主人公相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


[>]The Private Life of Lady Swallow | [非传统英雄式的主人公]anti-hero | [非理性主义]irrationalism

Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby:论《阿拉比》故事中主人公童贞的失去

273. The Theme of Nature in Wordsworth's Poems... | 274.Adolescent Initiation Portrayed in Araby论>故事中主人公童贞的失去 | 275. The Message of the Love Values to us in Pride and Prejudice <<傲...


biograph | 初期之电影放映机或录音机 | biographee | 传记主人公 | biographer | 传记作者

In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland:(在电影《荒岛余生》中,汤姆汉克斯扮演主人公查克.诺兰. )

2. CHUCK'S FR... | In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland.(在电影>中,汤姆汉克斯扮演主人公查克.诺兰. ) | 3. Chuck is a businessman who is always so busy that he has ...

The groundhog emerges:土拨鼠终于露面了. (指主人公经常待在家里面)

3. I'm ignoring you. 我无视你. | 4. The groundhog emerges! 土拨鼠终于露面了. (指主人公经常待在家里面) | 5. ---I locked my key in the apartment.我把钥匙锁在屋子里了.


更成为服饰设计的主要色调,带出年青休闲的美式风格. 让人印象深刻的一句台词是,反面人物道哥说:"世道变了,就是没有好人了. "至少从这个电影看,这句话是正确的--唯一正常的主人公(HERO)包世宏因为前列腺炎也小便不畅.




文章摘要:在英语中,主人公(hero)或女主人公(heroine)的另一个主要意义是英雄或女英雄. 其实,在叙事性作品中集中表现英雄业绩或低层人物的不平凡经历,不论在西方还是东方都是一种悠久传统,从英雄史诗到"革命样板戏"无不如此.

RICK POLK:瑞克-波尔克[男,主人公的朋友,美国人]

FRANK CHARLES 弗兰克-查尔斯[男,主人公,美国人] | RICK POLK 瑞克-波尔克[男,主人公的朋友,美国人] | LINDA LOIS 琳达-洛伊斯[女,博物馆文物管理,美国]


外敌入侵呼唤主人公(protagonist)的爱国主义精神(patriotism)与忠诚(loyalty). 主人公通常还属于江湖中叫做武林(wulin)的一个小圈子(circle);它包括所有武术(martial arts)的习练者(practitioner).