英语人>词典>汉英 : 为重 的英文翻译,例句
为重 的英文翻译、例句


attach most importance to
更多网络例句与为重相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Meanwhile, we are able to provide dedicated technical support and related services for heavy antisepsis coating and so on.


By regression analysis of the obtained data, a relationship has been found between the bath depth and ingot height, which can be expressed by an exponential function, h(0,Y)=A e-B/Y, where A is the asymptotic value of the exponential function (when Y→∞hmax=A), B is a shape coefficient of the curve.


Blessing pulls rare · Gordon is an aurist, the audience that meets technically for heavy metal rock and roll offers audition to treat.


Ultimately it was Chrysler's creditors that pushed the automaker into bankruptcy by balking at the government's offer.


Cars and other vehicles are the heart of modern technology and can be referred to as heavy gadgets.


He was the strongman in Fellini's classic "La Strada," a revolutionary in "Viva Zapata," a boxer in "Requiem for a Heavyweight"… and even his tempestuous Gaugin is a brawler in "Lust for Life."


It can be classified as heavy calcium carbonateand light calcium carbonateaccording to processing methods.


One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event.


But the result of improvement soil translated alkaline soil into alkalier soil. Not onlu it is unavoidable and subsisted of stabilization in commix tier of gypsum, but also it destroyed direct improvement process. It is imported find what solved seepage problem of gypsum in the study. In configured duality structure of improvement soil, it needs abundance seepage gypsum in commix tier into noncommix tier in order to losing seepage capacity reduce in all deepness of improvement soil.


She did for a long while see Confucianism in terms of submissiveness, obedience, and conventionality.


更多网络解释与为重相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tibetan antelope:藏羚羊

"福娃"是五个可爱的亲密小伙伴,他们的造型融入了鱼(Fish)、大熊猫(Panda)、藏羚羊(Tibetan antelope)、燕子(Swallow)以及奥林匹克圣火(Flame)的形象. 非英语组和英语组普遍赞同北京奥组委(BOCOG)以大局和民意为重,不计得失,


■Excitable 冲动 | ■Family-Oriented 以家庭为重 | ■Flirty 轻浮的

Rhymes For The Irreverent:韵为重拍

10. 10 . Pride Of Petrovar, The骄傲petrovar , | 11. 11 . Rhymes For The Irreverent韵为重拍 | 12. 12 . You Were On My Mind你对我的心

set store by:以...为重

以...为生 Rely on sth for their existence | 以...为重 Set store by | 以...为转移 Hinge upon

Save-A-Tooth storage device containing salt solution and a travel case:保存牙齿(为重植牙齿而保存)的装置,里面有盐水

? Safety pins in assorted sizes 不同型号... | ? Save-A-Tooth storage device containing salt solution and a travel case 保存牙齿(为重植牙齿而保存)的装置,里面有盐水 | ? Scissors, tweezers and a needle 剪...

Label: Uttermost:标签:为重

Brand: LightingByGregory 品牌: lightingbygregory | Label: Uttermost 标签:为重 | Manufacturer: Uttermost 制造商:为重

Studio: Uttermost:演播室:为重

Sales Rank: 531967 销售排名: 531967 | Studio: Uttermost 演播室:为重 | Editorial Review: 社论回顾:

Manufacturer: Uttermost:制造商:为重

Label: Uttermost 标签:为重 | Manufacturer: Uttermost 制造商:为重 | Publisher: Uttermost 出版商:为重

Publisher: Uttermost:出版商:为重

Manufacturer: Uttermost 制造商:为重 | Publisher: Uttermost 出版商:为重 | Sales Rank: 531967 销售排名: 531967

Brand: Uttermost:品牌:为重

Binding: Misc. 约束力:国际船务. | Brand: Uttermost 品牌:为重 | Label: Uttermost 标签:为重