英语人>词典>汉英 : 丸 的英文翻译,例句
丸 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
maru  ·  rondelle  ·  pelle

更多网络例句与丸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One day, or水丸, 6 grams each time, 3 times a day, the treatment of chloasma good effect.


H. R.: I do not claim that the Jewish mafia controls most of the international illegal drug trade, since there are no statistics on the subject, but it does not appear incredible to me, judging by all information I could gather. The fact is that from the Chinese opium traffic of the nineteenth century to the present day, this mafia has been quite active in this field. In the traffic of ecstasy, one can say for certain that the Jewish mafia holds a monopoly. Today, ecstasy is the drug that is most harmful to European young people. A pill of ecstasy gives a feeling of strength and well-being for a few hours, but it is above all a veritable chemical garbage bin. Its long-term effects are alarming because irreversible: memory loss; behavioral, sleep, and concentration problems; brain lesions in the children of druggie mother. The premier producer is Holland, but the big traffickers who were arrested ten years ago in France, Belgium, the United States, or Australia, all have Israeli passports. The business of ecstasy is 100% in the hands of Jewish gangsters, not all of whom come from Russia, since there are Sephardic traffickers as well. If you buy a pill of ecstasy, in every instance, you can be certain you are financing the Jewish mafia.


There is no significouldt variation between the function of Method 1 and 3 in the indexes of digestive and absorptive function,except the effect on body weight and food intake;as well,model 2 shows no significouldt influence on the indexes besides body weight lose.1.4 ConclusionsContrast the three modeling methods,model 3 is the most obvious and steady method for the establishment of deficiency of spleen YANG.2 comparison on the efficacy of Lizhong Pills influenced by dried ginger and its different components on digestive and absorptive functions and energy metabolism2.1 ObjectivesThis research was designed to observed the different influences of Lizhong Pills formula on the models,which contains dried ginger or its main group of components(volatile oil and water solubles).It would be explored from two levels of material base,single herb dried ginger or its different components,to confirm that the whole effects of Lizhong Pills do mainly depend on its main herb dried ginger in the formula just as the traditional acknowledgement in TCM.Further more,the connotative meaning of dried ginger used as the main herb in Lizhong Pills egthe aspect of pharmacology and chemistry would be preliminary revealed.2.2 MethodsEach group of model rats of deficiency of spleen-YANG were to be duplicated by method 3 for 14 days,and be treated by corresponding drug samples for 8 days.


Some of our products are as follows: Hong Kong Huang Dao Yi rolling oil, the French Flying human medicine, Nanyang miles Herd oil, Hong Kong, bone-wine, Germany strongly Lee Shi Su, Germany, a strong niter element, the German strong gallbladder pills, Hong Kong Bao Ying Dan, Hou Tsao San, Japan, Qi Ying Tung Uk Pills, Eu Yan Sang Bo Ying Dan, Dan save the soul of Japan, Hong Kong fertilization pills, Hong Kong weight loss pills, Germany cerebrolysin, Tian-Xi Tang Tian-Xi Wan, Shell stomach powder, Japan, stomach sen U, Hong Kong, Ma Bao-Liang Tong Dan stomach, eye drops, Japan, Germany, special wet treatment, Germany, New Zealand spirits buoyant, Germany nose Min-ching, U.S. hemorrhoids ointment.


The experimetal results show that the flexural moment of the sample in the prebending direction is far bigger than that in the vertical direction to pre-bending and the spherical shape can be conquered during pre-loading laser peening forming to a great extent.


We mainly manufacture many kinds of shot blast, steel cable, shot stainless steel shot, iron shot, steel shot, Alloy Aluminium, ungular shaped, etc.


The tracked shot-blast machine is with simple operation. Put the work-pieces into tracked rubber roller and close the shot-blast chamber door. Then setup shot-blast time and push the RUN button. Now, the shot-blast cleaning is beginning. The track circumrotates in the forward direction. The work-pieces can be equably and completely cleaned with equal emission of high-speed shots from the impeller of shot-blaster.


By the way of X-ray stress measurement, the characteristics of residual stress distribution of specimens, which were shot peened and polished, were studied; by the way of three-point bending fatigue tests, the influence of polishing after shot peening on fatigue properties was studied; on this basis, the reason why Shot Peening Standards provide that the depth of metal removal does not exceed 10% of the specified arc height was analysed.


The main products are: Q32 series shot blasting machine, Q35 series shot blasting machine, Q36 series shot blasting machine, Q37 series shot blasting machine, Q38 series shot blasting machine, Q69 series shot blasting machine, QH Series through-type cleaning machine, such as shot blasting, large artificial playing sand Housing, S11 Series mixer machine, various types of special wear-resistant alloy castings, matching pieces.


The main products are: Q32 Series Shot Blasting Machine, Q35 Series Shot Blasting Machine, Q36 Series Shot Blasting Machine, Q37 Series Shot Blasting Machine, Q38 Series Shot Blasting Machine, Q69 Series Shot Blasting Machine, QH series, such as through-Blasting cleaning machine, A large artificial sand room, S11 Series Mixer, various types of special wear-resistant alloy castings, matching pieces.


更多网络解释与丸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shot blast:喷丸加工;喷砂加工;喷丸加工

shot blast 喷砂;喷清理;喷砂清理;喷净法 | shot-blast 喷加工;喷砂加工;喷加工 | sand blast machine 喷砂机

orchitis brucellosis:布氏杆菌睪丸炎

炎 orchitis | 布氏杆菌睪炎 orchitis,brucellosis | 流行性腮腺炎睪炎 orchitis,mumps

cloudburst treatment:喷丸处理,喷丸硬化处理,表面倾淋处理

cloudburst process 喷硬化法,钢球喷射法 | cloudburst treatment 喷处理,喷硬化处理,表面倾淋处理 | cloudbursting 喷



testicular feminization:睪丸女性化

testicle,testis,testes | 睪女性化 testicular feminization | 睪女性化综合症 testicular feminization syndrome

testicular feminization syndrome:睪丸女性化综合症

女性化 testicular feminization | 睪女性化综合症 testicular feminization syndrome | 睪 testis

pellet getter:丸式吸气剂, 收气丸

perseverate [医]患持续言语症 | pellet getter 式吸气剂, 收气 | have a right 有资格..., 有权...


正常成年睪(testes) 是产生精子的器官,也分泌雄激素睪酮(testosterone). 正常成年男子的睪不断地产生精子,没有妇女般的周期性改变. 睪的病变,例如腮腺炎并发睪炎等,可影响生成精子的数量和质素. 有些性染色体异常的遗传性疾病,

shot blasting machine:拋丸机

机喷砂机 抛机 (shot blasting machine) 利用抛器抛出的高速弹清理或强化铸件表面的铸造设备. 抛机能同时对铸件进行落砂﹑除芯和清理.

shot blasting machine:丸机

机喷砂机 抛机 (shot blasting machine) 利用抛器抛出的高速弹清理或强化铸件表面的铸造设备. 抛机能同时对铸件进行落砂﹑除芯和清理.