英语人>词典>汉英 : 临场 的英文翻译,例句
临场 的英文翻译、例句


take an examination in the examination hall · go to the site or spot
更多网络例句与临场相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

S last-minute jilting by Microsoft is that the marriage would only have failed dismally.


This is our last huddle!


There will also cook their own spot because of changes in mood to make some kind of improvised play.


Hides Yu Weimen under to raise the type loudspeaker, matches the entire vehicle nine Boston speakers to have extremely with 100 tile heavy low sound boxes is on site to shock the actually such power hypothesis, regarding many domestic consumers, will not feel extremely in strange, because will trade in the local market the domestically produced Mitsubishi blue Chinese zither 2.0 liters vehicle types, have then used the same engine and the gear box disposition, only then slightly will make merely the change in the correction part, but in domestic introduction's Dodge in the very abundant vehicle type, this engine may output 156 most high powereds and 19.4 kilogram-meter's biggest torsions.

隐藏于尾门的下掀式喇叭,搭配全车九支Boston扬声器与100瓦重低音箱极具临场震撼其实这样的动力设定,对于许多国内消费者来说,并不会感到太过于陌生,因为在本地市场所贩卖的国产三菱蓝瑟 2.0升车型,便采用了相同的发动机与变速箱配置,仅仅只有在调校部分略做改变,而在国内引进的道奇酷博车型上,这具发动机可输出156匹最大马力和19.4公斤米的最大扭力。

But the most important thing is how you perform on-the-spot.


Therefore, it is very important to study on-the-spot psychological quality changes to improve the level of referees' judgement.


Compared with Huaqiao University Basketball Team,the other three teams have some obvious weaknesses on the shooting percentage of hits,penalty shot percentage of hits,the attack ability,etc.


According to the statistic disposal and considering the matchsystem's features the article analyzes the relationship between the women university student players' psychology,their places and the shooting average of penalty shots through the approach statistic of the penalty shot skill of all the players in every match of the 2nd CUBA.


All thanks to a quick-thinking member of Warner's organising committee.


Furthermore, the influence of the soft conditions on the self-regulated learning activities is relative and interactive.


更多网络解释与临场相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


因为赵学而(Bondy)的关系,本来要去看>舞台剧,种种原因,错过了首演,但竟没有错过赵学而,因为她在最后彩排,弄伤足部而要临场退出. 因此知道>7月重演,马上订了门票,为看学而在舞台上的演与唱.


cairophobia 临场恐怖症 | caitiff 卑鄙的人 | Cajal method 卡捷法

Reservoir Dogs:霸道橫行

这段长达七分钟一镜到底的快餐店闲聊,镜头围绕著桌边的四位女孩子一直旋转,实在非常考验演员的临场反应和导演的场面调度功力,让人联想到>(Reservoir Dogs)片头那段精彩的早餐会谈.

Duke Ellington:艾灵顿公爵

>("C-JAM BLUES")是爵士乐世纪大师、作曲家和钢琴家艾灵顿"公爵"(DUKE ELLINGTON)的手笔. "JAM"在英语里是个多义词,在爵士乐里有着特定的含义,它是特指在一些小场合进行的爵士乐即兴演奏,强调其自由即兴、临场多变、随意铺陈的特点,

huddle up:临场会议

Come on! Hurry! We're running out of time.|快过来,我们没时间了 | Huddle up!|临场会议 | This is our last huddle!|这是最后一次临场会议了

Soldier of Fortune II:命运战士

在完成重返柏林的任务之后,再度踏上亚洲,虽然名称是硫磺岛战役,但是由於亚洲战...作为2002年最受期待的射击游戏,以追求真实气氛和临场体验而著称的Raven Software工作组给我们带来的<<命运战士(Soldier of Fortune II)有着极其明显的优势

briefings, accent familiarization:译出发言稿;约见讲话人

熟悉术语, 作词汇表 glossary ; | 译出发言稿;约见讲话人briefings, accent familiarization | B.临场准备 Last-minute preparation

same-sex parenting:同性家长;同性恋者担当家长

same-sex union;同性结合;; | same-sex parenting;同性家长;同性恋者担当家长;; | right of presence;现场出现权;临场出现权;;