英语人>词典>汉英 : 中间外侧的 的英文翻译,例句
中间外侧的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
mediolateral  ·  intermeaiolateral

更多网络例句与中间外侧的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Figure 1 is a composite graph that illustrates the "mound" of conditioner on the lane going from channel to channel. As you can see, this graph does not show a wall. The heavy application of "oil" in the middle of the lane can make a bowling ball "bounce" as though it has hit a wall when delivered from the middle of the lane toward a part of the lane outside the 10 board.


After treatment of CCl4 through oral route for four weeks, we have observed an interesting phenomenon in the animal model. That is the significantly decreased condition of nitric oxide synthase. The locations are sympathetic T7-T10 dorsal root ganglion, T7-T10 intermediolateral cell column, celiac ganglion, parasympathetic nodose ganglion, solitary tract nucleus, and dorsal motor vagal nucleus.


Neuronal cell bodies and fibers with moderate mGluR7-LI were seen in the olfactory bulb,anterior olfactory nucleus,piriform cortex,septofimbrial nucleus,bed nucleus of the strial terminalis,lateral hypothalamic area,paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus,supramammillary nucleus,medial and lateral mammillary nuclei,most part of the thalamus,medial and lateral geniculate bodies,nucleus of the optic tract,red nucleus,substantia nigra,interpeduncular nucleus,pontine nuclei,lateral parabrachial nucleus,superior olivary complex,nucleus of the trapezoid body,motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve,facial nucleus,ambiguus nucleus,cochlear nucleus,vestibular nuclei,nucleus of the solitary tract,hypoglossal nucleus,prepositus hypoglossal nucleus,medullary reticular formation,Purkinje cells of the cerebellum,nucleus raphe obscurus,intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord,Onuf′s nucleus and lamina X of the spinal cord.


The number of visible barium dots on the imaged slice will determine the cephalocaudal plane, and can be confirmed with the CT table position.


Rostral to the obex,which consisted of dorsomedial vagal-solitary complex and area postrema,ventrolateral medulla and nucleus ambiguous,intermediate reticular formation.

结果 该带在猫存在于从锥体交叉至闩以上2.9mm,吻尾长约7.0mm,脑干横切面上宽0.4~2.5mm的弧形带状区,由背内侧的迷走孤束复合体和最后区、腹外侧的疑核和延髓腹外侧区,以及位于二者之间的中间网状结构所构成。

An accelerometer was used to record triaxial acceleration while the patient was walking (x-axis: superoinferior direction, y-axis: anteroposterior direction, and z-axis: mediolateral direction).


The volume of stimulant amino acid in the hypothalamic tuberal part of rat is dcreased,the volume of rejective amimo acid increased,the volume of Catecholamines drceased,the volume of the stimulant amino acid in spinal cord intermediolateralis,the rate of stimulant amino acid and rejective amimo acid,and the volume of Catechomamones dcreased,the volume of NE in spleen tissue dcreased,all of which means the irritability of sympathetic nervous circulus in spleen is restrained.


The effect of the friction between rolls and ring can be ignored and the effect of the spread velocity of rolling on the deformation of ring is illustrated.


The upper shell and the lower shell are provided with an operating window for rotating the intermediate shell and a driven portion, which is engaged with a rack bar passing outside the operating window for rotating the intermediate shell up to a predetermined position, is provided on an external peripheral face of the intermediate shell.


An outer set of poles kept the bark in place on the sides and roof. Somke holes were built into the roof at about twenty-foot intervals. Two families shared the stonelined hearth beneath each smoke hole.


更多网络解释与中间外侧的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amacrine cell:无长突细胞

(4)水平细胞(horizontal cell)、无长突细胞(amacrine cell)和网间细胞(interplexiform cell):这三种细胞均为中间神经元,参与局部环路的组成. 水平细胞的胞体位于内核层的外侧份,发出许多水平走向的分支伸入外网层的内侧份,





manubrium sterni:胸骨柄

(1)胸骨柄(manubrium sterni) 位于胸骨的上部,外形略呈六角形. 胸骨柄上缘中部为颈静脉切迹,在成人约平第二胸椎下方的椎间盘,上缘两外侧的卵圆形关节面,称为锁骨切迹,与锁骨的胸骨端相连接,下缘与胸骨体相连. (2)胸骨体(corpus sterni) 胸骨的中间部分,




当脚跟完全下落,脚跟骨通常趋向内转(pronation);当脚部进一步摆动至外侧,脚部趋向外转(supination)通常韧带和肌肉会限制这些不稳定的状态. 但当脚部承受更多压力或疲劳时,扭伤将可能发生. 内置支撑区域通过鞋底的中间区吸震可降低这种不稳定性.


缝匠肌(sartorius)呈扁带状,是人体最长的肌,起自髂前上棘,斜向内下方,经膝关节内侧,止于胫骨上端内侧面. 其作用为屈髋关节和屈膝关节. 股四头肌(quadiceps femoris)是全身中体积最大的肌. 该肌有4个头,分别称为股直肌、股内侧肌、股外侧肌和股中间肌.

sympathetic nerve:交感神经

(一) 交感神经(sympathetic nerve) ) 1 , 交感神经组成 低级中枢: 脊髓胸1 低级中枢: 脊髓胸1~腰3节段的中间带外侧核 交感干 周围部: 交感N 周围部: 交感N节 节的分支 交感N丛 交感丛 椎前N节 椎前节 椎旁N节 椎旁节 腹腔N节 腹腔N 肠系膜上N 肠系膜上N节 肠系膜下N节 肠系膜下N 主动脉肾N 主动脉肾N节 2,



