英语人>词典>汉英 : 中强 的英文翻译,例句
中强 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mezzo forte · moderately strong
更多网络例句与中强相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results show that there are serious water phase trapping, serious alkali sensibility, serious acidulous sensibility, middle to serious stress sensibility in this area.


According to these results the rate-changing trend of the corrosiveness of soil in Beijing city was charted, which is an important basic reference for the development and construction of Beijing city.


The result of seismic"static stress triggering effect"is independent of earth tide has been obtained.


Cloning of murine mem-brane-type-1-matrix metalloproteinase(MT-1-MMP)and its metanephric developmental regulation with respect to MMP-2and its inhibitor [J].Kidney International,1998;54:131-142.[3]Chamers AF,Matrisian LM.Changing views of the role of ma-trix metalloproteinases in metastasis [J].


During embryogenesis, CaM mRNA was expressedstronger in the endosperm cells than in the proembryo cells at earlier stage but it wasreversed at embryo differentiation stage.


It was found that 3 h after beginning of seizure there started a dramatic decrease in dynorphin in hilus, mossy fiber of hippocampus but an increase in leu- enkephalin in subiculum, CA1 area of hippocampus and some other limbic structures.


BSP appeared to be concentrated in mineralized tissues, but OPN was concentrated in the mineralizing frontier.


The number and distribution of intense scatterers in radar returns can be estimated.


By synthetically analyzing the variation characteristics of pre-earthquake anomaly before five moderate-strong earthquakes in East China since 1990,discussing the pre-earthquake anomalous shape of b value and so on we obtained the comprehensive criteria for medium and short-term earthquake anomaly before moderately strong earthquake in East China:high YH value anomaly—low b value anomaly—low C and YH value anomaly—low Ds and Dt and Σ value anomaly and high b value anomaly—earthquake.

通过对华东地区1990年以来5次中强以上地震震前异常变化的综合分析,探讨了b值,Ds,Dt,C值, YH值,Σ值震前异常形态,并归纳出华东地区中强地震发生前测震学中短期异常的综合判据:YH值高值异常(主要出现在震前3年前后)—b值低值异常(平均出现在震前2年前后)—C、YH值低值异常(大体出现在震前1~2年前后)—Ds,Dt值低值异常、Σ值低值异常、b值高值异常(主要出现在震前1年内或稍长)—发震的模式。

In this thesis,we first introduced the multi-configuration Hartree-Fock theory. On the basis of this method,we investigate energy-level structures,transition probability and hyperfine structure for complex atoms.Furthermore,we analysed the strong electron correlation effects in atomand strong relativistic effects in heavy element.


更多网络解释与中强相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mezza bravura:(意)中强

mez.pia.mezzo piano之缩写. | mezza bravura(意)中强. | mezza orchestra(意)半个乐队.

mezzo forte:中强

在钢琴五个八度的音域内,用很强(fortissimo)引进这一段的第一主题(第85小节的降A大调),这主题以其抒情情绪的对比、旋律性和狭小的力度范围令人感到意外(作者建议第85小节用中强(mezzo forte),第89小节按作曲家的标记,

mezzo forte:(缩写为mf)中强,不很强

Mezzo piano (缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻 | Mezzo forte (缩写为mf)中强,不很强 | Forte (缩写为f)强,有力地,响亮地

mezzo forte:(缩写mf)--中强

Mezzo-piano(缩写mp)--中弱 | Mezzo-forte(缩写mf)--中强 | Forte(缩写f)--强

mf Mezzo forte:中强

mp Mezzo piano 中弱 | mf Mezzo forte 中强 | f Forte 强

mezzo piano:(缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻

Piano (缩写为p)弱,轻微地 | Mezzo piano (缩写为mp)中弱,不很轻 | Mezzo forte (缩写为mf)中强,不很强

mezzo piano:(缩写mp)--中弱

Piano(缩写p)--弱 | Mezzo-piano(缩写mp)--中弱 | Mezzo-forte(缩写mf)--中强

mp Mezzo piano:中弱

p piano 弱 | mp Mezzo piano 中弱 | mf Mezzo forte 中强


据肖邦同时代的人说, 肖邦弹琴的最大音量,是中强(mf),而我们现在从演奏会得来的印象则肖邦是在大声说话. 就像机器工业的兴起,使手工业衰落,一般人知觉越来越麻木,越来越需要刺激的量,对于质地反而隔膜了. 辣椒会越吃越要更辣的,


ZNH 中国南方航空 | ABAT 黑龙江中强能源科技 | ACTS 珠海炬力集成电路设计