英语人>词典>汉英 : 中国蜡 的英文翻译,例句
中国蜡 的英文翻译、例句


Chinese wax · cera sinensis · pe-la
更多网络例句与中国蜡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The man who once described China's leaders as "a group of appalling old waxworks", is imploring the country's government to re-think its development of Beijing.


The properties of light fractions (including naphtha, jet fuel and light hydrogenated lube base oil) from the 300 kt/a lube isodewaxing unit of SINOPEC Shanghai Gaoqiao Company were reviewed and a proposal for optimizing utilization of these fractions was presented, such as producing AR petroleum ether from naphtha; superior odorless kerosene and rolling oil of aluminum foil from jet fuel fraction; transformer oil, high quality white oil and jelly wax from light base oil fraction.


In order to improve the level of quality control in solvent dewaxing unit,overcome the fluctuating of quality in finished oil's big tank for the delay of general analysis,and decrease unnecessary waste,SINOPEC Jinan Company was successful to put online instrument for analyzing dewaxing oil solidifying point into action for the first time.


Based on the survey and preexisting data, this paper deals with with the distributions, the characteristic of vertical distribution and horizontal distribution and habitat of Chimonanthus germplasm in China.


The distribution range of Chimonanthus germplasm includes 13 provinces which is wide and continuous, the current distribution center is from the South of Qinling Mountains to the East of Hengduan Mountains.


Chinese wax scale was first introduced into Europe in 1615 and got its species name Coccidae pela in 1848, later modified to the present name.


The man who once described China's leaders as "a group of appalling old waxworks", is imploring the country's government to re-think its development of Beijing.


Dollars, with five pad assembly line, in dyeing and finishing capacity of 150 million meters, the company leading product for export cotton jacquard fabrics, real wax printed cloth, cotton, linen, canvas, plain cloth, T / C cloth, knitting cloth, etc., with singeing, calendering, silk-ming, pre-shrinking, super-soft, waterproof, sand , sanding and other finishing capabilities, export cotton jacquard fabric series, real wax printed cloth series has enjoyed a high reputation in West Africa, the company has become a major exporter of cotton jacquard fabric dyeing and finishing, dyeing and finishing of the leading linen large enterprises and exports, according to "China Bast net" Customs statistics show that: in 2006 January-August linen and ramie woven fabrics exports ranked Division I ranks No.


Constant sea is Sinopec Maoming Petrochemical Co., Ltd.,"the South China Sea card" downstream products distribution unit, responsible for the delivery to the factory, price concessions, now the main products are:"the South China Sea card,"# 58,# 56 Food packaging wax,# 58,# 56 all refined white wax,# 58,# 56 white semi-refined paraffin, wax saponification, chlorinated paraffin, solvent oil, white oil, toluene.


This paper is going to prove the undoubted existence of lost-wax casting process at that age in china through an argumentation on its origin, source, the historic condition in which it came into being, and through an analysis of the experiments in duplicating it.


更多网络解释与中国蜡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Chinese tung oil; Chinese wood oil:[中国]桐油

"Chinese insect wax","中国石蜡" | "Chinese tung oil; Chinese wood oil","[中国]桐油" | "Chinese wax","虫蜡;中国蜡"

glossy paper:蜡光纸

2007年5月25日,美国商务部对中国出口美国的广东冠豪高纸业公司的蜡光纸(glossy paper)征收99.65%的临时反补贴税. 当年底,新西兰经济部对原产于中国、中国香港和马来西亚的日记本作出反倾销终裁,决定自2008年2月1日起,反倾销税.

Chinese privet:山蜡树

Chinese pottery中国陶瓷 | Chinese privet 山蜡树 | Chinese puzzle(七巧板、九连环等)中国智力玩具;复杂难懂的事物;难解之谜

serpent eagle:蛇鹫

大冠鹫所属的蛇鹫属(Genus Spilornis)共有6种蛇鹫(Serpent Eagle),除了大冠鹫分布范围广大,其他种皆生存於东南亚岛屿中. 大冠鹫区分为21个亚种,分布於琉球、台湾、海南,中国东南、西南,中南半岛、马来半岛,印度到尼泊尔,苏门答蜡、爪哇、婆罗洲等地.

Chinese tallow tree:乌桕

Chinese wax 白蜡,中国蜡 | Chinese tallow tree 乌桕 | Chinese tannin 倍子单宁

Chimonanthus praecox:蜡梅

我们为你提供六盘水花卉批发 六盘水花木种子批发的资讯信息, 蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox) 蜡梅科蜡梅属落叶或半常绿灌木. 花被片无萼、辨之分,外轮蜡质黄色,内轮蜡黄中带暗紫色条纹,自初冬至早春叶前开放,具浓香,花期甚长. 原产中国.


飞虱属于同翅目(Homoptera)、头喙亚目(Auchen orrhyncha)、蜡蝉总科(Fulgoroidea)中的飞虱科(Delphacidae). 蜡蝉总科分为21种,中国记载的为16种,飞虱科同Asche1985年报道,全世界记载的飞虱种类为283种属1845种,迄今初步估计超过300属和近2000种.

Chinese wax:白蜡

在近代石油蜡与启前,中国白蜡(Chinese wax)独放异彩,新近因昆虫蜡性质独特而优异,又有渐起之机. 本文探讨了中国养殖蜡虫的历史和养殖蜡虫事业的发展和白蜡西传欧洲的过程,为进一步研究中国经济昆虫养殖史奠定基础.

Chinese wax:中国蜡

由于虫白蜡仅产于中国,外国人称为"中国蜡"(Chinese wax),"白蜡"(Pd--la)或"虫白蜡"(Insect white wax),在国内称为"川蜡". 峨眉山市生长和利用虫蜡有1300多年的历史,产量和质量居全国之首

Chinese wax:白蜡,中国蜡

Chinese gall nut 五倍子 | Chinese wax 白蜡,中国蜡 | Chinese tallow tree 乌桕