英语人>词典>汉英 : 中世纪精神 的英文翻译,例句
中世纪精神 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medievalism  ·  mediaevalism

更多网络例句与中世纪精神相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boundless The Middle Ages is the age of God rule the whole shoot, God full of omniscience and almightiness made the heroes in the Hebrew myth wanting of independent consciousness and subjective spirit of Greece heroes trevolting and activity, therefore, The heroes in the Hebrew myth were the embodiment of the godship brilliance and reasonableness spirit of God , Their superhuman power and outstanding achievement is just for proving the greatness of God\' s divine nature.


All the thoughts and experience of the world have etched and molded there, in that which they have of power to refine and make expressive the outward form, the animalism of Greece, the lust of Rome, the mysticism of the middle ages with its spiritual ambition and imaginative loves, the return of the Pagan world, the sins of the Borgias.


During the Middle Ages, Asmodeus was considered an evil spirit who caused men to be unfaithful.

在中世纪, asmodeus被认为是邪恶的精神造成男子被不忠诚的表现。

Carolingian Renaissance, as a noticeable cultural event in the early Medieval West, laid the foundation of Western thought and knowledge, and was known as the First Awakening of Europe.


Under the Middle Ages scholar's influence,German scholars began to adopt systematic method and explained causa according to the sprit of that time.


Both tragedy and tragic spirits were originated from ancient Greek and then merged with Judaism in Hebrew and guilty culture in Christianism. The Decameron, Brancaccio's typical works, represented the characteristics of tragic spirits and influence of culture of Hebrew and Greece.


The original sin, the faith and asceticism are the spiritual catalyst of sports of constitutional government of modern times in Christianity; The natural law theory of the theology passes the ancient spirit of constitutional government of ancient Rome of Greece on; dualization structure of religion and politics leads directly to people's freedom of belief in Middle Ages; The struggle for right with the king and noble produces the young type of the modern constitution.


The analysis and generalization of the Middle Ages Europe Philosophy helps us understand and master the spirit of western philosophy and its developing clue.With the development of modern science and technology and reason ,the crisis of life significance and the lost of life value are becoming more and more serious.In this case,emphasis and rethinking of the relationship between reason and belief plays an important role in rebuilding peoples spiritual world and improve social forwardness.


Modern, industrial society, slowly germinating in the shadow of medievalism, burst the bonds of feudalism


Then it was that the great mercantile powers of Spain, France, Holland,and Britain emerged from the combinations of feudal baronies that had kept the Middle Ages in a state of local and constant warfare; that Protestant reformers like Martin Luther and John Calvin finally broke the authority of the medieval chur-state that had dominated Eurpoe since the fall of Rome; that the spirit of inquiry and enjoyment of the senses aroused man to his greatest age of art and learning.


更多网络解释与中世纪精神相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他认为"文明的"(civilized) 和"有教养的" (polished) 这些词汇具有温情脉脉的色彩, 是基于欧洲传统和商业文明而产生的一个判断标准, 其中糅合了中世纪骑士文学对女性的崇拜和侠义精神以及基督教提倡的宽忍和柔顺,


西班牙最有名的就是足球与斗牛,在西班牙人眼中,斗牛(Corrida)是具有悠久历史的全民运动,斗牛士须具有精神极度的集中与十足的勇气. 斗牛的传统可以追溯到中世纪时,原本是西班牙武士所举办的运动,一直到十八世纪前是骑在马上进行,

Courtly Love:典雅爱情

优雅的言谈举止、绅士风度成为骑士行为的标志,从而使得他们迥异于的古代史诗中的"武士",成为中世纪浪漫传奇中"典雅爱情"(courtly love)的男主人公. 在这三种占统治地位的权利团体因为出于自身利益而不断倡导和灌输下所形成的"骑士精神"作为中世纪的主流意识形态塑造了骑士的社会身份.



Martin Luther:路德

无一不对文化的保存与发展做出了巨大的贡献.宗教改革是资产阶级在宗教外衣下进行的一次反封建斗争.天主教会是中世纪西欧封建制度的精神支柱,一切反动势力的总代表.宗教改革是从教会营垒内部进行的针锋相对的斗争,它始于1517年马丁 路德(Martin Luther)在维登堡大学宣布的宗教改革纲领,

Alexander McQueen:亚历山大.麦昆

结合宗教的插画和之前的系列,亚历山大 麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 当时准备的这一季时庄有种诗意和中世纪的美感. 总而言之,这些时庄概括了观于亚历山大 麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 的一切:优质的剪裁工艺和浪漫精神. 高贵宫廷与歌手猫王的经典发型相结合,


mechanical 机械的 | medieval 中古的,中世纪的 | mental 心理的,精神的,


中世纪意大利共和国的长官gonfalonier | 中世精神medievalism | 中世时期的王国navarre


Medium中介 | Medievalism中世纪精神 | Melodrama情节剧


12.medievalism 中世纪精神 | 13.medievalist 中世纪文化研究者 | 14.medium 中间,媒介