英语人>词典>汉英 : 严肃的 的英文翻译,例句
严肃的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
grave  ·  serious  ·  severe  ·  sober  ·  solemn  ·  unmirthful  ·  unsmiling  ·  severer  ·  smileless  ·  soberer  ·  graves  ·  sobered  ·  sobers  ·  solemnest  ·  sterns

更多网络例句与严肃的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Usually do not get too coddle, and the serious time is necessary to serious.


I don't mean to be flippant in serious times, but if you take every thing see seriously, you're going to want jump off a building.


Life, for Lowell, was a serious matter, just as he was a serious man.

对于 Lowell 来说,生活是件严肃的事情,正如他本人是一个严肃的人。

Ife, for Lowell, was a serious matter, just as he was a serious man.

owell 认为生活是件严肃的事情,就象他是一个严肃的人一样。

Lyrically, low puns mesh with high motives to craft a tone that is serious for its refusal to take itself seriously.


Then he patters away into the town, and talks in a highly serious voice to the tobacconist, incidentally buying an ounce of tobacco; perhaps he meets one or two others of the world's thinkers and talks to them in a highly serious voice, then he patters back here and announces with increased importance, 'I've just been talking to some men in the town about the condition of affairs in Mexico.


"He has already proven himself serious about his role in the Middle East peace effort -- and what needs to happen now is that Prime Minister Netanyahu needs to respond in a serious fashion," Wexler said.


Stef的bodY language, when they were kissing he's hands were always ALWAYS touching somepart of Brian's body(notice how he slid his left hand down Brian's arm slowly, and his right arm sort of CRADLED Brian's torso), and at all time his eyes were closed, that must be one earthshaking kiss for Stef....he's taking it slow to feel and share...isn't it beautiful??

另外亲吻背后的原因是很严肃的,少数人群总是被大众排斥的(我想是人的天性会恐惧和自己不同的事物),而作为大众他们的数字已经决定了他们的影响力。有些时候即使少数人的做法/选择是对大众没有威胁的也会受到打击--cause they are different。而同性恋这件事是个自然现象,你不能剥夺别人选择的权利/爱的权利,大众的选择不是以本质的对错为标准的而是自己的利益。

The amusement of the news means the news overweights soft news in content, reduce the proportion of the serious news, excavate its amusement value from the serious political, economic change .


The Chinese Government is very strict on this point and any violations of these regulations are dealt with severely.


更多网络解释与严肃的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The play was amusingly written,but its subjuct was a serious one:(文学、音乐等)严肃的

Getting married is a serious matter.重要的;须认真对待的 | The play was amusingly written,but its subjuct was a serious one.(文学、音乐等)严肃的 | He is not serious about literature.感兴趣的(+about)

decent: a.1:合宜得体的 2.高雅严肃的,正派的

decent: a.1.合宜得体的 2.高雅严肃的,正派的 | standard of conduct: n.行为标准,行为准则 | mandate: v.1.把...委托别国管辖 2.批准,颁布

florid: solemn:鲜艳的:严肃的

241.flippant: reverential 轻率的:尊敬的沮丧的 | 242.florid: solemn 鲜艳的:严肃的 | 277.implausible: believable 不可信的:可信的

e.g. in earnest:坚定不移的, 严肃的

live up to one"s reputation 不负盛名; 名副其实 | 10. earnest adj. 认真的, 热心的, 重要的n.真挚, 认真, 热心 | e.g. in earnest 坚定不移的, 严肃的

jocular serious:搞笑的严肃的

jocular lachrymose诙谐的爱哭的 | jocular serious搞笑的严肃的 | jocund dour欢乐的阴郁的

jocund serious:欢乐的严肃的

jocund morose欢乐的郁闷的 | jocund serious欢乐的严肃的 | jovial drab快活的单调的

no-nonsense adjective:实际的,严肃的

midway adverb 在中途,在半路 | no-nonsense adjective 实际的,严肃的 | pharmaceutical adjective 制药的

playful: a.1:嬉戏的,顽皮的 2.闹着玩的,不当真的,不严肃的

realistically: adv.1.现实地,注重实际地 2.逼真地,现实主义的,真实地 | playful: a.1.嬉戏的,顽皮的 2.闹着玩的,不当真的,不严肃的 | supernatural: a.1.超自然的 2.神的,妖魔鬼怪的

rigorous:严格的; 严肃的; 严厉的

aspect 模样;面貌 | rigorous 严格的; 严肃的; 严厉的 | vigorous 精力充沛的;精神饱满的


"严肃的"(Serious)的涵义除了"严肃的",还兼具"认真的、庄重的、正经的、郑重的、恳切的"、"重大的"、"重要的". 而在翻译的时候,我们偏偏选取"严肃"来表示"serious",其表层意思与"轻松"、"逗乐"、"轻浮""相反,