英语人>词典>汉英 : 严格的检查 的英文翻译,例句
严格的检查 的英文翻译、例句


going-over · goings-over · narrow examination
更多网络例句与严格的检查相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The entire process all the strict implementation of the system of check and acceptance, so that stable and reliable product quality.


When bilge water is mixed with waste or sludge oil which should be discharged in other way, more strict inspection should be carried out.


He's had it too cosy in that job;we ought to keep a stricter check on him.


For its part, DOH officials have insisted that strict inspection measures are in place to ensure the public's safety.


All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.


The company's comprehensive quality assurance system, from raw material to finished product to stringent checks.


With such a loose check, you can easily use any old registration card to take a couple of friends to wine and dine free of charge .


But most of the questions appeared to reflect the careful vetting of the crowd by the Chinese.


Perishables are stacked on deck under cover, awaiting rigid inspection before they are struck below.


All battery products produced by their own factories and undergo strict examination; the company in 2000 and successfully obtained ISO9001 international quality system certificate CERT.


更多网络解释与严格的检查相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baggage claim:领取行李

>>2个相似问题近几年非法移民潮猖獗,澳洲的入境检查也越来越严格. 当检查人员在您的护照上盖上入境章时,就表示一切无误,核准入境. 第三步: 领取行李(Baggage Claim) 在领取托运的行李时,要核实自己的行李,以

check list:检查表

要使项目不因疏忽而发生意外的延迟,检查表(Check List)的使用不可或缺. 我初次使用检查表还是十多年前在H公司做DRAM芯片产品工程师的时候,作为主管新产品引进的工程师,从投入晶圆切割到最后封装测试完成,都有严格的计划,

Desk checking:桌面检查

代码检查包括桌面检查(Desk Checking)、代码审查(Inspection)、代码走查(Walk through)和技术评审(Review)四种情况. 当然在实际工作,我们完全不必要被概念所束缚住,而应根据项目的实际情况来决定采取哪种静态测试形式,不用严格去区分到底是代码走查,


goggles 风镜 | goglet 冷水瓶 | going-over 严格的检查

Process Control:过程控制

(五) 过程控制(Process Control) 所有影响涂饰质量的工序都将被控制,严格的检查将贯穿整个涂饰工程以确保涂饰过程无条件的服从施工规范,措施包括: 1) 专业的建筑师、工程师和合同管理官员将监督涂料的施工质量.

scrupulous adj.1:一丝不苟的, 严格认真的 2.谨慎的, 小心的

scrutinize v.详细检查, 细看 | scrupulous adj.1.一丝不苟的, 严格认真的 2.谨慎的, 小心的 | sear v.烧灼, 烧焦; 烤焦

narrow down:变窄

narrow capillary segment 毛细管颈 | narrow down 变窄 | narrow examination 严格的检查

Tightened inspection:更严格的检查

thrust load 纵向载荷 | tightened inspection 更严格的检查 | tilt 斜的

goings on:行为

going-over 严格的检查 | goings on 行为 | goings-on 举动

goings on:举动/发生的事情

going-over /严格的检查/苛斥/毒打/ | goings-on /举动/发生的事情/ | goiter /甲状腺肿/肿物/瘤/