英语人>词典>汉英 : 严厉的法律 的英文翻译,例句
严厉的法律 的英文翻译、例句


draconian law
更多网络例句与严厉的法律相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The first countermove is to constitute/establish stricter laws and regulations to deter potential criminals.


The first countermove is to enact more rigid laws and regulations to deter would-be criminals.


The government on its part should also lay out stricter laws to promote...


Michael: That's good, because there are strict laws about sexual harassment in the workplace.


Strict laws and alternate agricultural opportunities for farmers have helped bring an end to most of Thailand's opium production.


Some states have decided that harsher sex laws are not always better.


The government is realizing this and needs to make harsher laws to scare the hackers more.


More rigid laws and regulations should be laid down to safeguard the security and property of the public.


Stricter laws and regulations should be implemented to protect the limited water resource we have.


That package of reforms would bring America in line with the strictest laws in other rich countries.


更多网络解释与严厉的法律相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


按照这三个阶段划分法,第二阶段的代表人物和性法律是19世纪下半叶的美国人康斯托克(Comstock)及其所创之法,人称康斯托克法. 这是一部对性持严厉态度的法律,生于1844年,1873年竭力促成了美国的反淫秽法案的通过. 一言蔽之,


刑法典第57条规定,如果没有相反的特别法律条款规定,财产刑的价值不得少于3000德拉克马(drachma)和不超过100万德拉克马. 然而,一种犯罪是由贪财图利的动机引起的或者在数罪并罚的情况下,则可使用更严厉的财产刑(即可超过前述限制).

exorbitant: a.1:(收费)过高的,过高的; 2.不在法律范围内的

excoriation: n.1.擦伤...皮肤,剥皮 2.严厉指责,痛骂 | exorbitant: a.1.(收费)过高的,过高的; 2.不在法律范围内的 | complementary: a.补充的,互为补充的,相配的

heinous crime:重罪

harsh laws 苛刻和严厉的法律 | heinous crime 重罪 | hero-figure 英雄人物


法律学派 (School of Law),或者说法家 (Legalist) 的支持者,寻求与儒家倡导的完全不同的社会. 他们没有悲叹黄金时代的没落,而是在努力设计适应新形势的制度. 他们认为人本性是恶的,必须受到法律的严厉约束. 臣民的主要任务是服务国家,

Penny stock:小额股票

规定公司首席执行官和首席财务官必须对财务报告签字担保,对参与欺诈行为的人将施以更加严厉的法律制裁,刑期最高达20年,还提高了对自然人和非自然人的罚款金额(第1106节);禁业规定,如禁止在小额股票(penny stock)发行中有违规行为的

excoriation: n.1:擦伤...皮肤,剥皮 2.严厉指责,痛骂

permissive: a.1.宽容的,放任的 2.放纵的 3.予以准许的 | excoriation: n.1.擦伤...皮肤,剥皮 2.严厉指责,痛骂 | exorbitant: a.1.(收费)过高的,过高的; 2.不在法律范围内的

Slowly, stricter laws and regulations are being passed by Congress:慢慢地,在国会(表决)通过了更严厉的法律法规

15) They are more interested in profit than... | 16) Slowly, stricter laws and regulations are being passed by Congress. 慢慢地,在国会(表决)通过了更严厉的法律法规. | 17) We hope they will improve the ...

The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice:最严厉的法律有时会变成最大的不公

The safety of the people is the supreme law.||人民的安... | The strictest law sometimes becomes the severest injustice.||最严厉的法律有时会变成最大的不公. | This document is legally binding.||该文件具有...

Throw the book at him:给他最严厉的处罚

[16:14.88]Is that too much to ask? ;这样是过分的要求吗? | [16:17.69]Throw the book at him. ;给他最严厉的处罚. | [16:20.07]People with money think they're above the law. ;富人以为法律拿 他们没辙.