英语人>词典>汉英 : 两性生殖 的英文翻译,例句
两性生殖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gamogenesis  ·  zoogamy  ·  amphigenesis  ·  amphigony

更多网络例句与两性生殖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Of the 12 bisexual Artemia strains from China 10 morphological characteristics were studied with the hierarchica cluster analysis and principal components analysis, and were compared with those of A.

对中国两性生殖卤虫12个品系的10个品系形态特征进行了聚类分析和主成分分析,并与 A.urmiana进行了比较研究。

Taxonomic status and relationship of 22 different geographic strains from bisexual and parthenogenetic Artemia in China were studied by means of isozymes and DNA fingerprints.


Having both male and female sexual organs; hermaphrodite


In this thesis, the integrated cDNA sequences of hira genes have been isolated from full-matured ovary SMART cDNA library of gynogenetic gibel carp and bisexual coloreded crucian carp by PCR and RACE-PCR.

本研究通过PCR和RACE的方法,分别从天然雌核发育银鲫和两性生殖彩鲫成熟卵细胞的SMART cDNA文库中克隆出hira全长基因。

But through has the actor\'s wig to the cover and does not cover two kind of processing Dactylopius confusus\'s bosom egg quantity dissection result analysis which the actor\'s wig grows naturally to be possible to know,grain\'s reproduction way is the sexual reproduction,and is through spawns the hatching,but is not the viviparity.


This article sums up the influence of amphigony function brought by the polution of environmental estrogens .


The high identity of hira gene ORF in gibel carp and colored crucian carp indicates that the function distinction may be caused by the expression distinction regulated by regulation region of gene.


On the other hand, gonochoristic reproduction produces abundant genetic variation, and creates genetic diversity.


Three differential protein bands were revealed between the gynogenetic silver crucian carp and gonochoristic color crucian carp.


The results indicated that the interspecific competition induced the production of males and the formation of ephippia in D. magna, and high density of males might promote to switch from parthenogenic females to sexual females in D. magna.


更多网络解释与两性生殖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bisexual reproduction:两性生殖

bisexual paedogenesis 幼体两性生殖 | bisexual reproduction 两性生殖 | bisexualism 雌雄异体

bisexual paedogenesis:幼体两性生殖

bisexual flower 两性花 | bisexual paedogenesis 幼体两性生殖 | bisexual reproduction 两性生殖


gamo 雌雄同体 | gamogenesis 两性生殖 | gangen; ganger; ganging 延绳钓枝绳


gamogastrous /合生子房的/ | gamogenesis /两性生殖/雌雄生殖/ | gamogenic /合生的/

amphigony;sexual reproduction:两性生殖;有性生殖

"合子形成","amphigenesis" | "两性生殖;有性生殖","amphigony;sexual reproduction" | "两性融合,有性生殖,杂交","amphimixis; amphimixy"

sexual reproduction; amphigony:两性生殖

\\"生殖周期;性周期\\",\\"sexual periodicity; sexual cycle; reproductive cycle\\" | \\"两性生殖\\",\\"sexual reproduction; amphigony\\" | \\"性别选拔\\",\\"sexual selection\\"


synergism 药物的配合使用 | syngamy两性生殖 | synonym 同义词

amphigenesis:有性生殖, 两性生殖

amphigamy | 受精作用 | amphigenesis | 有性生殖, 两性生殖 | amphigenetic | 有性生殖的, 两性生殖

amphigenetic:有性生殖的, 两性生殖的

amphigenesis | 有性生殖, 两性生殖 | amphigenetic | 有性生殖的, 两性生殖的 | amphigenous | 生于叶子两旁的


两性生殖amphigonygamogenesiszoogamy | 两性生殖期amphigonium | 两性生殖腺ovariotestis