英语人>词典>汉英 : 两属的 的英文翻译,例句
两属的 的英文翻译、例句


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Speculating on the origin of Gaultheria, two different hypotheses were suggested, one of Gondwanan origin, and the other of Laurasian origin In the present paper, recent advances in molecular phylogenetics and biogeography of Gaultheria are summarized and some problematical issues within the genus discussed.


Pinna venation pattern and pinna anatomy of two species, Stangeria eriopus and Bowenia serrulata, representatives of the two genera in Stangeriaceae were studied in this paper.

详细研究了托叶铁科两属的2种代表植物Stanngeria eriopus和Bowenia serrulata的羽片脉序和羽片解剖学。

The results showed that Mephitinae was divided from Mustelidae firstly,and then the remain were divided into two branches.Martes species and Wolverine were contained in one branch which was formed a sister group with Eurasian badger of Melinae;Lutrinae species and Polecat of Mustelidae formed a sister group,and Marbled polecat was sister to the clade of Lutrinae species and Polecat.They formed another branch.Eurasian badger has the closest relationship with the Sable of Martes,and Lutrinae has the closest relationship with Mustelidae.


Britannica Book of English Usage对其的定义则说得更为明白简洁:zeugma makes one word refer to two items when it properly refers to only one of them.


The monotypic genus Macrovalsaria previously of uncertain taxonomic position turns out to be a member of Botryosphaeriales and seems to be related to Botryosphaeria. The placement of Neopeckia and of Dothidotthia is in Dothideales and Botryosphaeriales, respectively. The genera Plowrightia and Botryosphaeria as currently defined are not monophyletic. Species of Plowrightia appear to be associated with three genera, Dothidea, Neopeckia and Sydowia; those of Botryosphaeria tested are recognized as three groups.


Judged by the important valuecalculated based on the individuals with DBH3cm, major tree species were Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides, Pistacia weinmanni folia, Neolitsea homilantha and Olea yunnanensis.


The results indicate that the tribe Oryzeae should be divided into two subtribes and that Leersia is the most closely related genus to Oryza. The present data clearly demonstrate that Porteresia coarctata should be treated as a member in Oryza rather than as a separate genus.

本研究结果支持将稻族分为两个亚族(Oryzinae和Zizaniinae)的处理,稻族中假稻属Leersia与稻属Oryza最近缘,Porteresia coarctata不应该单独成属而应处理为稻属的成员。

The characteristic in liquid culture of the purified strains were described, and the relation between the characteristic and the taxonomic traits was researched for the first time. The two groups of Myxobacteria differentiated according to the shape character of the myxospores and vegetative cells had different characteristic in liquid culture.


Judged by the important valuecalculated based on the individuals with DBH≥3 cm, major tree species were Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides, Pistacia weinmanni f olia, Neolitsea homilantha and Olea yunnanensis.


Taxonomic history of two confused genera, Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed.


更多网络解释与两属的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


菊科(Asteraceae)春黄菊属(Anthemis)植物. 草本约100馀种,产欧亚大陆. 也指菊科果香菊属(Chamaemelum)的一种相似植物. 两属的头状花序都有黄色或白色的边花,和黄色盘花. 春黄菊属有几个种,尤其是春黄菊(A. tinctoria),


Andes mountains 安第斯山脉 | Viscacha 南美绒鼠科的两属,和栗鼠是近亲 | accessory 饰品


其中,以按蚊属(Anopheles)、伊蚊属(Aedes)和库蚊属(Culex)最为重要. 它们一旦将口器刺入宿主的皮肤,就会通过两颌的交替运动而进行"打孔",然后将吻管插入真皮下面并注入少许的唾液. 蚊子的唾液中有一种具有舒张血管和抗凝血作用的物质,


熊猫科 属哺乳纲-食肉目,这个科仅包括大熊猫属(Ailuropoda)或小熊猫属(Ailurus)或二 者都包括,此两属个仅有一种,即大熊猫和小熊猫. 这个科是因大熊猫而来的,而拉丁文的词干是从小熊猫来的. 而小熊猫通常被归类为浣熊科.


王企鹅属(Aptenodytes):有两种,是最大型也是最漂亮的企鹅. 皇企鹅,身高一米以上,体重可超过30千克,是唯一在南极大陆沿岸一带过冬的鸟类,并在冬季繁殖,皇企鹅每次只产一枚卵,孵化时由雄企鹅将其放在两脚的蹼上并用肚皮盖住,此其间,


Bibos | 蝎属 | bibracteate | 具两苞的 | bibromide | 二溴化物

bigeneric:两属的, 属间杂交的

bigener | 属间杂种 | bigeneric | 两属的, 属间杂交的 | bigerminal | 双胚的, 双卵的


色球藻目中除上述两属外,常见的还有粘球藻属(Gloeocapsa)、粘杆藻属(Gloeothece)、平裂藻属(Merismopedia)和腔球藻属(Coelosphaerium)(见图). 、管孢藻属(Chamaesiphon)属于管孢藻目. 植物体单细胞,长杆形,有极性分化,




Rasoloarison, Goodman & Ganzhorn(2000)对倭狐猴属(Microcebus)的修订和 Groves(2000)对鼠狐猴属的(Cheirogaleus)修订同样导致了对新种的描述. 倭狐猴属(Microcebus)的很多新种以及至少两个鼬狐猴属(Lepilemur)的种类将在不远的将来得到描述.