英语人>词典>汉英 : 两个都不 的英文翻译,例句
两个都不 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与两个都不相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't want it all either, because it's exhausting.


Both of them rest uncomfortably now in my ancestral memories.


Sitting motionless in the still air with the only sound being the slatting of sails and rigging is b-o-r-i-n-g, and, with neither of us being avid conversationalist, we had apparently exhausted our normal subjects.


Sitting motionless in the still air with the only sound being the slatting of sails and rigging is b-o-r-i-n-g, and, with neither of us being avid conversationalist, we had apparently exhausted our normal subjects.


Both of them are not elected, I do not customs.


Let's hope the both of us won't have such encounters ever!


The Order is eschewing any form of transport that is controlled or regulated or regulated by the Ministry; they mistrust everything to do with the place.


On the contrary, my caring liberates both of us.


NeitIT of us understood how unstable and heavy those auger bit were.


She said"Or maybe she'l】accept both of you,and then you'¨have to move to Utah,if the Mormons Il have you—which I doubt, All that bothers me is that some one of these days you're both going to get lickered up and iealous of each other about that twp faced,little green-eyed baggage,and you'l】shoot each other But that might not be a bad idea either"


更多网络解释与两个都不相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

it was based on you. On us, really:而是根据你 确切说是我们两个

And while it's not based on anything you've written,|这不是根据你的任何作品写的 | it was based on you. On us, really.|而是根据你 确切说是我们两个 | I don't know what to say.|我都不知道说什么好了

These two countries are different geographically, ethnically and linguistically:这两个国家在地理上,种族上和语言上都不相同

3. After a serious illness ... | 4. These two countries are different geographically, ethnically and linguistically. 这两个国家在地理上,种族上和语言上都不相同. | 5. The enemy were defeated not only mil...


因为到头来你还是会一个人在夜里孤孤单单,我们两个都不想这样,而且你不能老是让追星族(groupie)上你的床,那根本没有用. 我不想变成一个浪荡子(swinger). 就像我在歌里说的,我已经经历过一切,而没有任何事情比得上你爱的人抱着你的感觉. "

two months:两个月了

It's been some time.|已经有段时间没见面了 | Two months.|两个月了 | Yeah, I didn't even know your locker. I had to ask Brain.|我都不记得你的存物柜在哪儿 只好去问伯莱


eg.The two coats are cheap,so you can choose either of them.那两件外套不贵,你可以随便挑一件.... | ⑥neither"两个都不",用于否定两者. | eg. Neither Of the books is/are so interesting.那两本书没一本好看的...

You used to stand for something.|Both of you:你曾经有自己的主张|你们两个都是

But what thinking person doesn't?|但是有思想的人不都这样吗? | You used to stand for something.|Both of you.|你曾经有自己的主张|你们两个都是 | Let her go.|随她去吧

symmetric difference:对称差

最后,两个集合的对称差(symmetric difference)定义为只属于两个集合中的一个的(或者两个都不属于)的所有元素. 这没成绩取两个集合的并集,然后从中删除属于两个集合的交集的元素得到. 那是说,

you're both very cagy on the how:你们两个都对这方法三缄其口

26. are you dodging me?你在躲着我吗 | 27. you're both very cagy on the how你们两个都对这方法三缄其口 | 28. I'm quite the celebrity in this town我在镇子里的名气也不小

everything has two sides:事物都有两个方面

3. Everytking is good for something. 凡物都有用. | 4. Everything has two sides. 事物都有两个方面. | 5. The man who is everything is nothing. 什么都是的人什么都不是.

Did you notice we're both wearing Bermuda shorts:你们有注意到 我们两个都穿百慕达短裤吗

Who wouldn't?|谁不喜欢呢... | Did you notice we're both wearing Bermuda shorts?|你们有注意到 我们两个都穿百慕达短裤吗? | Bermudas in Bermuda. You kids were crazy down there!|在百慕达穿百慕达短裤 你们真...