英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝虫的 的英文翻译,例句
丝虫的 的英文翻译、例句


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When one collector's dogs were seized, she fought to keep them from receiving heartworm treatment.


The heartworm is a type of filaria, a small thread-like worm.


In order to clarify the taxonomic status of Dirofilaria sp. of Ailurus fulgens,the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of rDNA of Dirofilaria immitis from dogs in Ya'an in Sichuan Pro-vince and of Dirofilaria sp.from Ailurus fulgens in Chengdu and Chongqing were sequenced and compared.


He discovered that the mosquito is the intermediate host of the human filarial worm.


The filarial antibody levels were detected by using IFAT.

应用常规厚血膜法对残存微丝蚴血症进行追踪观察和定期对全民进行普查,在流行季节解剖致倦库蚊观察幼丝虫的感染率和感染度,以及应用 IFAT进行人群抗丝虫抗体水平测定。

In the examination of IgG_4 antibodies of 69 bancroftian microfilaremic cases by ELISA,the positive rate was as high as 97.10%at1:100 dilution,Showing a prominent elevation of IgG4 antibodies in filarial infection.

应用马来丝虫成虫抗原、鼠抗人 IgG_4单克隆抗体和碱性磷酸酶标记的羊抗鼠 IgG_4结合物做ELISA,对69份班氏丝虫微丝蚴血症者血清测定 IgG_4抗体。在血清稀释度1:100时阳性率高达97.10%。

AIM: To determine whether immunization with recombinant filarial chitinase or a fragment containing the epitope recognized by McAbMF1 and SXP 1 could protect jirds against microfilaremia resulting from infection with B.malayi.


As a rule the swine infested with the lungworms carrying the "masked virus" did not develop swine influenza immediately upon infestation with the lungworm.


Results: This probe hybridized with DNA of W.bancrofti only, not with DNAs of B. malayi , some animal filariae and normal mosquitoes.


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更多网络解释与丝虫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


微...第八节 丝虫 丝虫(filaria)是由节肢动物传播的一类寄生性线虫,虫体细长如丝而得名. 寄生在人体的丝虫有8种,即:班氏吴策线虫[Wuchereria bancrofti(Cobbold,1877)Seurat,1921](班氏丝虫)、马来布鲁线虫[Brugia malayi(Brug,


心丝虫可经由许多品种的蚊子传播,雌蚊则在其生活史中扮演中间宿主的角色,经由吸 食已感染犬只血液而得到幼丝虫(Microfilaria),幼丝虫在蚊虫体内经过10-14天发育成 具有感染力的第三期虫仔(感染力可维持60-75天),

onchocerca volvulus:盘尾丝虫

据美国>杂志在线新闻报道,当人们被携带了一种名为盘尾丝虫(Onchocerca volvulus)的线虫的墨蚊叮咬后便会感染上盘尾丝虫病. 随着这些线虫幼虫的成熟和交配,每天会有1000多个仔虫诞生,后者会迁移到人体皮肤的表层以及眼中. 当这些仔虫死亡后,

filar:丝的; 丝状的 (形)

filamentous 丝状的 (形) | filar 丝的; 丝状的 (形) | filaria 丝状虫; 丝虫属 (名)


filariae 丝虫属 | filarial 丝虫的 | filariasis 丝虫病

filarial:丝虫的 (形)

filaria 丝状虫; 丝虫属 (名) | filarial 丝虫的 (形) | filariasis 丝虫病 (名)


丝虫的,杀丝虫药 filaricide | 丝状的 filariform | 丝状乳突 filariform papillae

Loa loa:丝虫

罗阿丝虫(Loa loa)成虫液浸标本(示教)4. 犬恶丝虫(Dirofilaria immitis)成虫液浸标本(示教)(3) 以分子生物学为基础,通过制备特异性的探针与疟原虫的基因组DNA进行杂交即探针技术. 通过基因扩增,检测疟原虫某特异片段的DNA序列,

onchocerca volvulus:盘尾丝虫

据美国<<科学>>杂志在线新闻报道,当人们被携带了一种名为盘尾丝虫(Onchocerca volvulus)的线虫的墨蚊叮咬后便会感染上盘尾丝虫病. 随着这些线虫幼虫的成熟和交配,每天会有1000多个仔虫诞生,后者会迁移到人体皮肤的表层以及眼中. 当这些仔虫死亡后,


filaria 丝状虫 | filariae 丝虫属 | filarial 丝虫的