英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状虫 的英文翻译,例句
丝状虫 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The heartworm is a type of filaria, a small thread-like worm.


In contrast, the AS sludge was composed of large floes; few free-swimming bacteria; and higher amounts of filamentous organism, ciliates, and nematodes.


Opening the disease fish opercular,we can see maggot-like worms on gills .A lot of mucus are on the gills at a serious infection and the gill-terminal expands ,there is congestion or bleeding or a "mud drag" phenomenon.


He present paper deals with six species of Setaria: S. labiato papillosa, S. equina, S. digitals, S. marshalli, S. tangi sp. nov. and S. erschovi sp. nov., found in the peritoneal cavity of the cattle, sheep and horse in Peking, Shanghai.


A structure of delicate,threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spider s or certain insect larvae.


The sludge in SBMBR1 presented granular characteristics and settled very well. The sludge in SBMBR1was brown and the sludge flocs was smashed by the shear force due to high intensity of aeration. The sludge size decreased and the sludge flocs blended with water forming ropy solutions, and there was no distinguish interface between water and sludge. Low sludge age and high loading operation enabled the sludge in SBMBR1 keeping higher sludge activity and the MLVSS/MLSS ratio and SOUR values of SBMBR1 were higher than SBMBR2. Both in SBMBR1 and SBMBR2, there were large amount of zoogloea, bacillus, coryneform of bacteria, and pediococcus. However, in SBMBR1 there were also a lot of Protozoa like epistylis and etc. A certain amount of filamentous bacteria can also be found in SBMBR1. The biological species in SBMBR1 were much more abundant than that in SBMBR2.3. Membrane fouling on flat-sheets membrane was observed and analyzed with AFM, SEM and TEM. After the measurement of membrane surface EPS and membrane surface ETX analysis, the pollutants composition on the surface of flat-sheets membrane was calculated.


The female prosopon body oval,body long 2.3-3.5mm,antenna 7,the body by the white cotton and kapok shape wax silk,many insect\'s wax silk often is fused densely in together,forms the cotton and kapok to be spherical,after the dewaxing the insect body becomes the purple red.


Mammography showed multiple serpiginous, tubular calcifications, which are characteristic of calcified filariasis, in both breasts.


Out of 19 cases were co-infected with Clonorchis sinensis and 1 caes was co-infected with Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Enterobius vermicularis.


Nanking, Wuhan, Kwangsi, Kunming, Kweiyang, Changchun, Hailar, Talien. Harbin, and Turfan, the last two species being new to science . The percentage of infection as observed is fairly high in cattle and horse, but rather low in sheep. Un-lortunately. for the study ...

在马、牛、羊腹腔中所找到的丝状线虫有六种: 1唇乳突丝状线虫 S.labiato-papillosa;2指形丝状线虫 S.digitata;3马氏丝状线虫 S.marshalli;4马丝状线虫 S.equina;5唐氏丝状线虫新种 S.tangi sp.nov。;6叶氏丝状线虫新种 S.erschovi sp.nov。。

更多网络解释与丝状虫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


filar 丝的 | filaria 丝状虫 | filariae 丝虫属


丝状细菌 filamentous bacteria | 丝状虫属 Filaria | 班氏丝虫 Filaria bancrofti

Dictyocaulis filaria:丝状肺虫

\\"肺虫属\\",\\"Dictyocaulis\\" | \\"丝状肺虫\\",\\"Dictyocaulis filaria\\" | \\"牛肺虫\\",\\"Dictyocaulis viviparus\\"


\\"核染质\\",\\"caryotin,chromatin\\" | \\"丝状虫性皮肤炎(牛)\\",\\"cascado\\" | \\"树皮\\",\\"cascara\\"

filar:丝的; 丝状的 (形)

filamentous 丝状的 (形) | filar 丝的; 丝状的 (形) | filaria 丝状虫; 丝虫属 (名)

filarial:丝虫的 (形)

filaria 丝状虫; 丝虫属 (名) | filarial 丝虫的 (形) | filariasis 丝虫病 (名)


杀丝虫的,杀丝虫药 filaricide | 丝状的 filariform | 丝状乳突 filariform papillae

filariform larva:丝状蚴

丝状蚴(filariform larva)长约0.5~0.7mm,体表覆有鞘膜,口腔封闭,在与咽管连接处有2个角质状的矛状结构,称口矛或咽管矛,其形状有助于虫种的鉴定. 丝状蚴的咽管细长,约占虫体的1/5. 2.驱虫治疗 常用驱虫药物有甲苯达唑(mebendazole)和阿苯达唑(albendazole).


文章摘要:丝状线虫是指丝状科(Setariidae)丝状属(Setaria)的一些线虫,多寄生于有蹄类动物的腹腔内,故又称腹腔丝虫. 腹腔丝虫口孔呈圆形,口环的侧突起为三角形,背、腹突起上有凹迹. 雄虫长40~50mm,两根交合刺,长分别为130~140μm和250~270μm.


filaria 丝状虫 | filariae 丝虫属 | filarial 丝虫的