英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状叶的 的英文翻译,例句
丝状叶的 的英文翻译、例句


silky leaved
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Abaxial surface of leaves with arachnoid hairs, and very prominent parallel cross-bars on veinlets.


Branches not arachnoid hairy when young; leaf apex aristate awned, awn sometimes deciduous; flowers usually 4-6 per glomerule; stamens usually 2; seed vertical.

分枝幼时没具蛛丝状毛的;具芒的叶先端具芒,芒有时脱落的;每团伞花序通常的花4-6;通常的雄蕊2;种子垂直 1 H 。

Sinense, the spores germinate inside their exospores and then divide into massive protonemata;the massive protonemata can form two kinds of protonemata of which one is clubbed protonema with papillae,and the other is caulonema composed of long and cylindrical cells ; the gametophyte archaeocytes only occur on the massive protonemata.


Leaves adaxially with sparse arachnoid tomentum when young, then glabrescent; branchlets and inflorescence axis with sparse arachnoid tomentum.

幼时的正面的叶具具稀疏蛛丝状毛,后脱落有具稀疏蛛丝状毛的小枝和花序轴。 32 V。 bellula 美丽葡萄

Leaves not cordate; inflorescence racemose, corymbose, or filiform, terminal spikelike panicle.


Young thalluscells of low development are easy to dedifferentiate and grow intoseedings directly,while mature thallus cells have to releasemonospores to form seedings through a stage of multicellular groupfor dedifferentiation.Old thallus,mainly of productive cells,releasecarporspores to form conchocelis at last.


Nutrient cells were obtained from these pigment mutants by enzymatic method and conchocelis were got by parthenogenesis. When the conchocelis were mature and conchospores were released, they were cultured singly and picked up as F1 gametophytic thallus.


Leaves petiolate, sheath narrow; blade ternate-pinnate or pinnatisect, membranous; ultimate segments filiform to lanceolate.


Basal leaves rosulate; petiole 1-10(-15) cm; leaf blade broadly oblanceolate, oblong or lanceolate in outline, pinnatisect, pinnatifid, or runcinate,(2-)5-20(-35)×(1-)2-8(-10) cm; lateral lobes (3 or)4-6(-8) on each side of midvein, smaller than terminal one, oblong or lanceolate, entire, dentate, or lobed. Uppermost cauline leaves with narrowly linear to filiform lobes.

基生叶莲座状;叶柄1-10(-15)厘米;宽倒披针形的叶片,长圆形或披针形轮廓,羽状全裂,羽状半裂,倒向羽裂的或,( 2-)5-20(-35)*(1-)2-8(-10)厘米;侧面裂片(3或者)4-6(-8)在中脉两边各,最上部的茎生叶具狭线形到丝状裂片。

Nanking, Wuhan, Kwangsi, Kunming, Kweiyang, Changchun, Hailar, Talien. Harbin, and Turfan, the last two species being new to science . The percentage of infection as observed is fairly high in cattle and horse, but rather low in sheep. Un-lortunately. for the study ...

在马、牛、羊腹腔中所找到的丝状线虫有六种: 1唇乳突丝状线虫 S.labiato-papillosa;2指形丝状线虫 S.digitata;3马氏丝状线虫 S.marshalli;4马丝状线虫 S.equina;5唐氏丝状线虫新种 S.tangi sp.nov。;6叶氏丝状线虫新种 S.erschovi sp.nov。。

更多网络解释与丝状叶的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

axial filament:轴丝

叶状伪足(lobopodium)呈指状或舌状. 根状伪足(rhizopodium)细小如丝状,有分枝,分枝可愈合为网状. 丝状伪足(filopodium)细小如丝,一般只含外质,有时亦有分枝,但分枝不愈合. 有轴伪足(axopodium)形状细长,较固定,中央具有弹性的轴丝(axial filament).


苔藓植物根据营养体的形态和结构,分为苔(liverwort)和藓(moss)两类,合称为苔藓. 苔类是苔藓植物中的原始类群,接近藻类,茎叶分化呈片或呈丝的叶状体;藓类是苔藓植物中较高等的类群,一般有根、茎、叶的分化,但根、茎、叶不具有复杂的维管束构造,

silky leaved:丝状叶的

silkworm 蚕 | silky leaved 丝状叶的 | silo 青贮室

Cirsium setosum:刺儿菜

半个世纪前在大学课程中有杂草学,在课程的田间实践中印象最深刻的,该是刺儿菜(Cirsium setosum)了:椭圆状至长椭圆状披针形叶,叶缘有羽裂或齿裂,并有硬刺,两面被蛛丝状毛;淡紫红色的头状花序,内层苞片也有刺;用手拔除时常遭刺痛;若用小锄铲除,


John's wort科名:金丝桃科(Clusiaceae) 金丝桃又叫土连翘,为金丝桃科的半常绿小灌木,小枝纤细且多分枝,叶纸质、无柄、对生、长椭圆形,花期6-7月,常见3-7朵集合成聚伞花序着生在枝顶,此花不但花色金黄,而且其呈束状纤细的雄蕊花丝也灿若金丝,


其中约有200种生于淡水中,其余均为海产,珊瑚藻属(Corallina)的红藻植物体多为丝状体、叶状体或枝状体,少数为单细胞或群体. 藻体常有一定的组织分化,如某些种类分化有"皮层"和髓. 细胞壁分两层,内层由纤维素组成,外层为果胶质组成,


成丝 filamentization | 丝状体型;丝状的 filamentous | 似线叶肢介属 Filarisestheria


该植物於 上,归於 (Xanthop异鞭藻目(Heterochloridales)为 之一植物目. 该植物於 上,归於 (Xant轮藻门(Charophyta)在生物分类学上是 的一个门. 藻体有单细胞、群体、丝状体、叶状体、管状多双星藻目(Zygnematales)为 之一植物目.

vallate papillae:轮廓乳头

根据形态与功能的不同分为四种:丝状乳头(filiform papillae)数量最多,呈白色,具有一般感觉功能;菌状乳头(fungi-form papillae)呈钝圆形,鲜红色;轮廓乳头(vallate papillae)体形最大,排列在界沟的前方;叶状乳头(foliate papillae)在人类为退化的结构;


(一)根足亚纲:(Rhizopoda)伪足为叶状、指状、丝状或根状. 大变形虫即属于本亚纲. 变形虫的种类很多,它们的伪足都与大变形虫的相似,生活在水中,也有生活在潮湿土壤中的,有些种类是寄生的,与人生关系密切的,如痢疾内变形虫. 此外,