英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状体 的英文翻译,例句
丝状体 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
protonema  ·  protonemata

更多网络例句与丝状体相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Up to now, the mechanism of singnal transduction involved in heterocyst differentiation is still unclear.

Anabaena PCC7120是一种丝状蓝细菌,在培养基中缺失化合态氮源的条件下,丝状体上分化形成异形胞执行固氮的功能。

The biochemical and physiological effects of Pb~(2+) on conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis was lower relatively, at the beginning, the algae still grew under the condition of higher concentration-40 mg/L, mannite content and POD activity appeared a tendency to first increased and then decreased, but chlorophyll a content declined slightly, on the contrary, MDA content went up quickly.

Pb~(2+)对条斑紫菜丝状体的毒性相对较弱,在浓度40 mg/L时,处理早期(12h时)丝状体仍有生长,此浓度下藻体的甘露醇含量和POD活性均随处理时间的延长呈现先升后降的趋势,而叶绿素a含量逐渐下降,与此相反,丙二醛含量迅速上升。

This paper takes conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis as experiment material, analyzes the toxicity of heavy metal ions on 6 parameters of chlorophyll a content, soluble protein content, mannite content, peroxidase activity, malonaldehyde content and the growth of conchocelis. In experimental conditions, samples were exposed to mercuryHg~(2+, copperCu~(2+, cadmium Cd~(2+, plumbumPb~(2+ and zincZn~(2+ at different concentrations and were taken after exposure for different hours.


SEM observation of the earliest skeletal fossils from the late Sinian Dengying Formation in southern Shaanxi, China indicates that the tube wall of Sinotubulites levis is encrusted by phosphate spherical and filamentous structure, possibly reflecting microbially mediated phosphatization of tube wall. Three preservational microfabrics detected, namely mat-like structure formed by intertwining of rigid filaments, densely packed spheres with a distinctive framboidal external surface and hollow centers and tightly packed spherical bodies with extremely smooth external surface, may refer to different types of mineralized cyanopytes.

陕南晚震旦世高家山生物群中骨骼化石的电镜扫描显示,Sinotubulites levis壳壁中具有丰富的磷酸盐化球状和丝状体,可分为3种不同类型的微生物组构:1由相互缠绕的丝状体所组成的藻席状组构;2由外表面成莓球状,内部中空的球状体紧密堆叠所形成的组构类型;3由表面极为光滑的球状体堆叠所形成的组构。

Sinense, the spores germinate inside their exospores and then divide into massive protonemata;the massive protonemata can form two kinds of protonemata of which one is clubbed protonema with papillae,and the other is caulonema composed of long and cylindrical cells ; the gametophyte archaeocytes only occur on the massive protonemata.


Taking the advantage of microsatellite marker in individual identification, plan to verificate the blades of pure line on molecular level.


The vegetative body of the filamentous algae (e.g. Spirogyra), composed of a line of similar cells joined by their end walls.


Young thalluscells of low development are easy to dedifferentiate and grow intoseedings directly,while mature thallus cells have to releasemonospores to form seedings through a stage of multicellular groupfor dedifferentiation.Old thallus,mainly of productive cells,releasecarporspores to form conchocelis at last.


Samples of conchocelis and gametophytic baldes of both SF-1 and Y-6 (isolated from SF-1 line) lines had a unique allele on PC40 locus, indicating that it can be used as a marker to distinguish these two lines from the others.


Nutrient cells were obtained from these pigment mutants by enzymatic method and conchocelis were got by parthenogenesis. When the conchocelis were mature and conchospores were released, they were cultured singly and picked up as F1 gametophytic thallus.


更多网络解释与丝状体相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

filamentous fungi:丝状真菌

1.概念: 霉菌(mould,mold)是丝状真菌(filamentous fungi)的一个通俗名称. 回本节目录 在细胞质中存在着液泡、线粒体、内质网、核糖体、泡囊和膜边体(lomasome)等. 膜边体是一种特殊的膜结构,位于细胞壁和细胞膜之间,由单层膜包围而成,形状变化很大,


这些丝状体有的在子囊形成后消解,有的仍然保存,主要有以下几种类型: 1.侧丝(paraphysis) 一种从子囊果基部向上生长,顶端游离的丝状体. 侧丝生长于子囊之间,通常无隔,有时有分枝,侧丝吸水膨胀,有助于子囊孢子释放.


孢子成熟后,从孢蒴中散出,在适宜的环境中萌发形成具分枝的丝状体,称为原丝体(protonema),从原丝体上再生出配子体,即苔藓植物的营养体. 由此可见,苔藓植物生活史中具有明显的世代交替,并以配子体世代占优势. 苔藓植物广布全球,


protonation 质子化 | protonema 丝状体 | protonema 原丝体


protonation /质子化/ | protonema /原丝体/丝状体/ | protonephron /原肾/


又称为胶团群体. 若细胞分裂面有一主导方向就形成了丝状体型. 在这一个主导方向上,相邻细胞以壁相贴,沿此主导方向细胞反复分裂则形成丝状体. 一条丝状体,包括里面的藻丝(trichome)和外面的胶鞘,又称为丝体(filament).

filamentous form:丝状体

naegite 苗木石, 锆铀矿, 稀土锆石 | filamentous form 丝状体 | engine shield 发动机罩

filariform larva:丝状蚴

丝状蚴(filariform larva)长约0.5~0.7mm,体表覆有鞘膜,口腔封闭,在与咽管连接处有2个角质状的矛状结构,称口矛或咽管矛,其形状有助于虫种的鉴定. 丝状蚴的咽管细长,约占虫体的1/5. 2.驱虫治疗 常用驱虫药物有甲苯达唑(mebendazole)和阿苯达唑(albendazole).


枝原体属(Mycoplasma) 枝原体目枝原体科的1属. 旧称类胸膜肺炎微生物(PPLO),是一组无细胞壁、高度多形性的革兰氏阴性微生物. 细胞体积微小,直径不超过300纳米,可通过细菌滤器. 球状、环状、丝状,有些呈分枝状. 丝状体可长达150微米.

fibrous subunits:丝状亚基

在早前期微管带、纺锤体及成膜体中也有大量微丝存在. 中间纤维是一类柔韧性很强的蛋白质丝,其成分比微丝和微管复杂,由丝状亚基(fibrous subunits)组成. 不同组织中的中间纤维有特异性,其亚基的大小、生化组成变化都很大.