英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状伪足 的英文翻译,例句
丝状伪足 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与丝状伪足相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Induced activation of Rac1,Cdc42 signal transduction pathway, monitoring the transfer of living cells activated sheet pseudopodium emerged and filopodia obvious morphological changes,such as measured values or fluorescence imaging of fluorescence intensity over time to continuously reduce until almost see the determination or observation.


To investigate the effect of p38MAPK signal conducting pathway on livercancinoma cell's malignant phenotype induced by VEGF,we take theexperiment with cell growth test,scanning microscope and laser scanningconfocal microscope so that observe effect of p38MAPK signal conductingpathway on liver cancinoma cell growth,pseudopodium formation andframework of cytoskeleton induced by VEGF.results indicate that the cellbecame ellipse and there were more and thick pseudopodium in the cell'ssurface after being treated by VEGF,and destroyed framework ofcytoskeleton,which can be blocked by pretreated with a special inhibitor ofp38MAPK SB203580 so that VEGF promote metastasis by enhancing livercell migration and movement via p38MAPK signal conducting pathway,butVEGF promote cell growth without p38MAPK signal conducting pathway.


The activated Rac1 and Cdc42 signaling pathways led to the formation of lamelliopodia and filopodia in the transfected cells respectively.


The cells were shuttle-like, the lamellipodia and many filopodia were extended from the cells.


These structures include filopodia, lamellipodia, stress fiber and focal adhesion.


Cdc42 and Rac1 have similar effects on cytoskeleton. They both promote the actin polymerization in the cell and profit the formation of filopodia and lamelipodia respectively.

Cdc42和Rac促进细胞内肌动蛋白聚合,分别有利于丝状伪足和片状伪足的形成;而RhoA可能具有与Cdc42 和Rac相反的效果,通常造成细胞边缘和突起的收缩及胞体变圆。

Thus the actin-based structures which have tight relation with the migration of VSMC take part in the development of restenosis. These structures include filopodia, lamellipodia, stress fiber and focal adhesion.


Recent studies showed that Rho GTPase played a key role in the reorganization of cytoskeleton and in Swiss 3T3 cells, Cdc42, Rac1 and RhoA, three members of Rho superfamily of small GTPase, regulated the polymerization of actin to produce filopodia , lamellipodia, stress fiber and focal adhension, respectively.


Before treatment,there are abundant microvtlli on the cell surface,many filoplodia on the cell rim,few of endoplasmic reticulums , Golgi complexes and mitochondrions with abnormal structure and lots of free ribosomes in the cytoplasm. The shape of nucleus is irregular with high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, many dark pellets of heteromatin and a few of nucleoluses in which there ar...


The morphology and structure of reconstructed tissue was detected by microscope and scanning electron microscope.Results:(1) Compared with the control group, the cellular proportion of laminin group increased in 62 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly. As shown by the microscope, the cells of control group were in low density. The cells in mass connected tightly. The microfilament appeared reticular formation. The nucleus were the same in size. The cells of laminin group were in high density and put out so many lamellipodia, filopodia, which connected with the surrounding cells. The microfilament increased, elongated, and changed from reticulodromous to sarciniform, which reached to the pseudopods. The nucleus were different in size .(2) As shown by the inverted microscope and the cell growth curve, comparing with the controlgroup, cells of each test group increased evidently. The cellular proportion of each test group increased in S phase and G2 ~M phase, and decreased in Go~Gi phase significantly, but there was no considerable interations between LN and EGF;(3) As shown by the morphological observations, the cultured cat corneal endothelial cells formed an integrated membrane, and attached to the Descemets membrane closely, which was similar to the natural tissue. The cells connected tightly to each other, and some of them arranged in hexagon approximately.


更多网络解释与丝状伪足相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

basal body:基体

A) 核膜孔(nuclear pore) B) 基体(basal body)C) 纤毛(cilium) D) 微绒毛(microvillus)26.制备基因敲除(knockout)小鼠必须用到_________. A) 趋化因子 B) 片状伪足(lamellipodium)30.与动粒(kinetochore)的结构和功能无关的是_________. C) 驱动蛋白(kinesin) D) 有丝分裂原(mitogen)


A) 核膜孔(nuclear pore) B) 基体(basal body)C) 纤毛(cilium) D) 微绒毛(microvillus)26.制备基因敲除(knockout)小鼠必须用到_________. A) 趋化因子 B) 片状伪足(lamellipodium)30.与动粒(kinetochore)的结构和功能无关的是_________. C) 驱动蛋白(kinesin) D) 有丝分裂原(mitogen)

axial filament:轴丝

叶状伪足(lobopodium)呈指状或舌状. 根状伪足(rhizopodium)细小如丝状,有分枝,分枝可愈合为网状. 丝状伪足(filopodium)细小如丝,一般只含外质,有时亦有分枝,但分枝不愈合. 有轴伪足(axopodium)形状细长,较固定,中央具有弹性的轴丝(axial filament).


(2)有壳目(Testacea):体外具几丁质或拟壳质构成的单室壳,或体外有粘液粘着砂粒等外来物形成砂质壳. 壳的一端具有大孔,伪足由此孔伸出,伪足叶型或丝形. 无性生殖是纵二分裂或横二分裂. 有性生殖是异配生殖,但配子也呈变形虫状.


根状伪足(rhizopodium)细小如丝状,有分枝,分枝可愈合为网状. 丝状伪足(filopodium)细小如丝,一般只含外质,有时亦有分枝,但分枝不愈合. 有轴伪足(axopodium)形状细长,较固定,中央具有弹性的轴丝(axial filament).


(一)根足亚纲:(Rhizopoda)伪足为叶状、指状、丝状或根状. 大变形虫即属于本亚纲. 变形虫的种类很多,它们的伪足都与大变形虫的相似,生活在水中,也有生活在潮湿土壤中的,有些种类是寄生的,与人生关系密切的,如痢疾内变形虫. 此外,


根足纲(Rhizopoda)原生动物. 本超纲动物有三种形式的伪足用於行动和消化︰1.细长的网状足,能黏结成网;2.不黏合的丝状足,与网状足相似;3.钝形手指状舌状伪足壳(保护骨架).


capsule 包膜,被膜 | filopodia (复)丝足,丝状伪足 | vinculin 黏着斑蛋白,纽蛋白