英语人>词典>汉英 : 丝状 的英文翻译,例句
丝状 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与丝状相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper takes conchocelis of Porphyra yezoensis as experiment material, analyzes the toxicity of heavy metal ions on 6 parameters of chlorophyll a content, soluble protein content, mannite content, peroxidase activity, malonaldehyde content and the growth of conchocelis. In experimental conditions, samples were exposed to mercuryHg~(2+, copperCu~(2+, cadmium Cd~(2+, plumbumPb~(2+ and zincZn~(2+ at different concentrations and were taken after exposure for different hours.


Ciliata consists of two elements, the robust and short filamentous chloronema which is composed of 4~6 oblate cells and the thin and long caulonema like osier on which there are many clavae of 2~5 cells.


In the past books will be any color was filamentous, strip parallel bars, while all have a directional structure of emerald known as "golden species", the author still feels that the "gold" and " Jessie,"to separate will be more aware, more conducive to species identification, distinction and appreciation; if both have an emerald green, yellow filaments or ribs, you can call it the" Golden kinds "- with a gold and emerald silk Tsui.


Sinense, the spores germinate inside their exospores and then divide into massive protonemata;the massive protonemata can form two kinds of protonemata of which one is clubbed protonema with papillae,and the other is caulonema composed of long and cylindrical cells ; the gametophyte archaeocytes only occur on the massive protonemata.


To investigate the effect of p38MAPK signal conducting pathway on livercancinoma cell's malignant phenotype induced by VEGF,we take theexperiment with cell growth test,scanning microscope and laser scanningconfocal microscope so that observe effect of p38MAPK signal conductingpathway on liver cancinoma cell growth,pseudopodium formation andframework of cytoskeleton induced by VEGF.results indicate that the cellbecame ellipse and there were more and thick pseudopodium in the cell'ssurface after being treated by VEGF,and destroyed framework ofcytoskeleton,which can be blocked by pretreated with a special inhibitor ofp38MAPK SB203580 so that VEGF promote metastasis by enhancing livercell migration and movement via p38MAPK signal conducting pathway,butVEGF promote cell growth without p38MAPK signal conducting pathway.


The spermatozoa are embeded in a extracellalar matrix composed of high dense fibrils matrix and flocculent and concentric vesicles similar to that in the primary spermatophore layer, but the later lack of spermotozoa. The flocculent and concentric vesicles are often seen to release their contents around the main body of spermatozoa. The spermatozoa may absorb the contents to form vesicular zone and membrane zone in sperm nucleu. The secondary spermatophore layer is distinctly subdivided into inner region and outer region. The loose outer region consists of canaliculated reticulum and large flocculent vesicles.


Filamentous bacteria exists in every activated sludge system,the problem of sludge bulking will happen only when filamentous bacteria grows over than zoogloea ,the obove-mentioned problem will not occur when filamentous bacteria and zoogloea equally grow.


Ecological control of sludge bulking is highly important, especially in preventing sludge bulking through ecological relationship such as prey and autoeciousness of microorganisms.


At the same time, the whole process is illustrated and taken photographs. The results show that the protonemal system of E.


Nanking, Wuhan, Kwangsi, Kunming, Kweiyang, Changchun, Hailar, Talien. Harbin, and Turfan, the last two species being new to science . The percentage of infection as observed is fairly high in cattle and horse, but rather low in sheep. Un-lortunately. for the study ...

在马、牛、羊腹腔中所找到的丝状线虫有六种: 1唇乳突丝状线虫 S.labiato-papillosa;2指形丝状线虫 S.digitata;3马氏丝状线虫 S.marshalli;4马丝状线虫 S.equina;5唐氏丝状线虫新种 S.tangi sp.nov。;6叶氏丝状线虫新种 S.erschovi sp.nov。。

更多网络解释与丝状相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

filamentous actin:(纤)丝状肌动蛋白

filament severing protein|纤丝切割蛋白(质) | filamentous actin|(纤)丝状肌动蛋白 | filamentous bacteriophage|丝状噬菌体

filiform corrosion:丝状腐蚀

(58)丝状腐蚀(Filiform corrosion) 漆膜由于其下的金属表面发生细丝状腐蚀而呈现的疏松状隆起的现象. 这种丝状腐蚀常由-'或几个腐蚀生长点辐射而成. 对于钢铁底材.这种病态也称丝状锈蚀,俗称"起红丝".

filamentous microorganism:丝状微生物

filamentous fungi|丝状真菌 | filamentous microorganism|丝状微生物 | filamentous phage|丝状噬菌体


放射菌科;丝状菌科 Actinomycetaceae | 放射菌目;丝状菌目 Actinomycetales | 辐射状菌类;丝状菌类 Actinomycetes;ray fungi


成丝 filamentization | 丝状体型;丝状的 filamentous | 似线叶肢介属 Filarisestheria

filamentous phage:丝状噬菌体

filamentous microorganism|丝状微生物 | filamentous phage|丝状噬菌体 | filamentous type colony|丝状(型)菌落

filar:丝的; 丝状的 (形)

filamentous 丝状的 (形) | filar 丝的; 丝状的 (形) | filaria 丝状虫; 丝虫属 (名)


杀丝虫的,杀丝虫药 filaricide | 丝状的 filariform | 丝状乳突 filariform papillae

filariform larva:丝状蚴

丝状蚴(filariform larva)长约0.5~0.7mm,体表覆有鞘膜,口腔封闭,在与咽管连接处有2个角质状的矛状结构,称口矛或咽管矛,其形状有助于虫种的鉴定. 丝状蚴的咽管细长,约占虫体的1/5. 2.驱虫治疗 常用驱虫药物有甲苯达唑(mebendazole)和阿苯达唑(albendazole).


文章摘要:丝状线虫是指丝状科(Setariidae)丝状属(Setaria)的一些线虫,多寄生于有蹄类动物的腹腔内,故又称腹腔丝虫. 腹腔丝虫口孔呈圆形,口环的侧突起为三角形,背、腹突起上有凹迹. 雄虫长40~50mm,两根交合刺,长分别为130~140μm和250~270μm.