- 更多网络例句与东罗马帝国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
However, in the Byzantine Empire, the study of Plato continued.
Under Justinian this period gave us the Corpus Juris Civilis - an enormous compendium of Roman Law.
The condemnation of Monophysitism alienated the churches of Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Armenia, creating dissention in the Eastern Roman Empire and lessening its ability to withstand the Islamic invasion in the 7th century.
But it was the Will of the Eastern Empire only and the researches of Savigny have shown that in Western Europe the old Mancipatory Testament, with all its apparatus of conveyance, copper, and scales, continued to be the form in use far down in the Middle Ages.
Hunger could no longer be a motive , for Greek slaves supplied them with exquisite viands at the slightest nod . But other desires kept them active four in particular , which we can label acquisitiveness , rivalry , vanity and love of power .
Byzantine Empire, or Eastern Roman Empire in the Western Roman Empire still exist after the collapse of the eastern half of the Roman Empire.
In the wake of Caesar's death, Octavian controlled the Western Roman Empire while Mark Antony ruled the East.
For the edicts of the emperor Constantine, commanding the public to maintain the children of those who were unable to provide for them, in order to prevent the murder and exposure of infants, and institution founded on the same principle as our foundling hospitals, though comprised in the Theodosian code23 were rejected in Justinian's collection.
From 2 century B.C. to 7 century B.C., it was governed by Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire.
South-Eastern Europe and then Eastern Roman Empire is still the rule, although the size of its economy than the heyday of the Roman Empire, but also remained largely unchanged.
- 更多网络解释与东罗马帝国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Byzantine Empire:拜占庭帝国
拜占庭帝国(Byzantine Empire)或东罗马帝国(Eastern Roman Empire)是在西罗马帝国崩溃后依然存在的罗马帝国东半部. 拜占庭帝国一般被认为开始自公元395年直至1453年(实际始于八世纪). 在其上千年的存在期内它一般被人简单地称为"罗马帝国".
Byzantine Empire:拜占廷帝国
拜占廷帝国(Byzantine Empire)罗马帝国的后继者东罗马帝国的别称. 公元330年罗马皇帝君士坦丁一世在古希腊移民城市拜占廷旧址定都,并改名为君士坦丁堡. 395年,罗马帝国分裂为东西两部分. 东罗马帝国建都君士坦丁堡,因此又称拜占廷帝国.
Lower Empire:[史]东罗马帝国
miter box 轴锯箱 | Lower Empire [史]东罗马帝国 | running down clause 碰撞责任条款
当时正值东罗马帝国的查士丁一世、查士丁尼一世叔侄俩前后担任奥古斯都的时期,这场前后葬送近亿人性命的瘟疫也间接导致了东罗马帝国的衰落. 于是这场疫病流行就有了一个遗臭史册的名称:"查士丁尼(Justinian)瘟疫".
justify 正当的 | Justinian 东罗马帝国皇帝 | justle 拥挤
Justinian I:查士丁尼一世
527年,查士丁尼一世(Justinian I)成为东罗马帝国的皇帝. 查士丁尼一世是一位有野心的皇帝,进行了一系列复兴罗马帝国的战争. 首先他派将军贝利萨留(Belisarius)对汪达尔人出兵,在534年灭亡了汪达尔王国,汪达尔人从此在历史舞台上消失.
455 汪达尔人(Vandals)攻占罗马. 457-474 第四六任教皇利欧一世(Leo I)成为罗马帝国剩余的东罗马帝国皇帝. 476 罗马最后一个皇帝罗慕路斯(Romulus Augustulus)遭废黜,西罗马帝国遂亡,从此西欧进入封建社会.
Eastern Roman Empire:东罗马帝国
初为希腊人的殖民地,西元四世纪时,罗马皇帝君士坦丁定都于此,改名为君士坦丁堡(Constantinople).历史上的拜占庭帝国(Byzantine Empire)即东罗马帝国(Eastern Roman Empire),以此为国都凡一千一百余年.西元一四五三年,
Eastern Orthodox Church:东正教
东正教(Eastern Orthodox Church)是基督教其中的一个派别,主要是指依循由东罗马帝国所流传下来的基督教传统的教会 东罗马帝国的势力范围就是你说的希腊和东欧地区咯.