英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界性政策的 的英文翻译,例句
世界性政策的 的英文翻译、例句


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With the proposition of dual-polarization criminal policy, the problem of criminalization and decriminalization has become a global trend.


In considering how development projects and policies are experienced in daily life in urban and rural areas in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Melanesia, this course asks what are the underlying political, economic, social, and gender dynamics that make "development" an ongoing problem world-wide.


You know, it's very specialized and world-wide question, also it will last long term.


Several studies have put all this together to estimate the overall impact of a pandemic on economic growth. In 2006 Warwick McKibbin and Alexandra Sidorenko found in a study for the Lowy Institute for International Policy in Sydney that even a mild pandemic could shave 0.8% off world GDP.

一些研究把所有这些加在一起来估算一场世界性大规模疫病流行对经济增长的总体影响。2006年Warwick McKibbin和Alexandra Sidorenko在一项为悉尼Lowy国际政策中心所作的研究中发现即便是一场温和的世界性大规模疫病流行也可造成全球国内生产总值萎缩0.8%。

In the worldwide basis tax reform policy and the domestic macro economic environment changes under the condition, at present Our country Enterprise income tax's tax revenue collection system, is manifesting the tax revenue fairly with the effic ie ncy, the display tax revenue to economic structure aspects and so on control action, tax revenue collection pattern and method, tax source monitoring and tax revenue services structure has many problems, adapted the socialist market economy objective request not completely, must analyze the question which earnestly the enterprise income tax collection aspect exists, and e XP lores the concrete countermeasure which positively the enterprise income tax collection reforms.


Checking against the inside request of the economic globalization and the international tax system reform trends,the current revenue tax system of our country still exists many shortage. We should follow the tax system reform wave of the world and reform the tax system of our country from tax system,tax advertises,exporting the rebate,tax policy mechanism and the tax lawmaking layer etc.


更多网络解释与世界性政策的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cosmopolite 世界公民 | cosmopolitical 世界性政策的 | cosmopolitism 世界主义

cosmopolitism:世界主义, 大同思想

cosmopolitical | 世界性政策的 | cosmopolitism | 世界主义, 大同思想 | cosmorama | 世界风俗景物的照片展览


cosmopolitical 世界性政策的 | cosmorama 世界风俗景物的西洋镜 | cosmosphere 天球仪

Voice of America:美国之音

"美国之音"(Voice of America)相继成立,分十一个短波对外广播,报道美国的外交政策与政绩. 1953年以后,美国的对外宣传已从区域性走向世界性,到1956年"美 国之音"已经能以四十三种语言向世界各地广播. 特别是在美国和前苏联"冷 战"时期,