英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界劳工组织 的英文翻译,例句
世界劳工组织 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

World Federation of Trade Unions
更多网络例句与世界劳工组织相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The UN not only preserved international cooperation organs like the World Health Organization, the International Labour Organization, and the International Court of Justice, and facilitated the transformation of the world from a Eurocentric to a global system; but also provided a focus for world politics. But it has not succeeded in creating an international security framework conceived by its fathers and a new world order from which every state gains a security shield.


Sources included the International Labor Organization, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program.


Sources included the International Labor Organization, theWorld Health Organization and the United Nations Development Program.


It needs to be in U.N.-affiliated agencies such as the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization — not because Taiwan's independence is right and good, but because it is real.


Union, World Intellectual Property Organisation, International Monetary Fund, Universal Postal Union and International Labour Organisation.


HKSARG representatives also participated as members of delegations of the PRC more than 60 times in international conferences limited to states, including those organised by the International Telecommunication Union, World Intellectual Property Organisation, International Civil Aviation Organisation, International Monetary Fund, Universal Postal Union and International Labour Organisation.


HKSARG representatives also participated as members of the PRC delegation in more than 150 international conferences limited to states, including those organised by international organisations such as the International Telecommunications Union, World Intellectual Property Organisation, International Civil Aviation Organisation, International Monetary Fund, Universal Postal Union and International Labour Organisation.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations* International Atomic Energy Agency* International Civil Aviation Organization* International Fund for Agricultural Development* International Labour Organization* International Maritime Organization* International Monetary Fund* International Telecommunication Union* United Nations Children's Fund* United Nations Conference on Trade and Development* United Nations Development Programme* United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization* United Nations Environment Programme* United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees* United Nations Human Settlements Programme* United Nations Industrial Development Organization* United Nations International Drug Control Programme* United Nations Population Fund* United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East* Universal Postal Union* The World Bank Group * World Food Programme* World Health Organization* World Intellectual Property Organization* World Meteorological Organization* World Trade Organization WTO


A new report by the International Labor Organization, ILO, says child labor, especially in its worst forms, is in decline for the first time across the globe.


Invites international and regional organizations linked with my Office, if necessary: the United Nations, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Asia-Europe Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum, the Group of Eight, the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation, the Asia Cooperation dialogue, the League of Arab States, Arab Maghreb Union, the Arab Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Arab Parliamentary Union, the Andean Community, the Eastern and Southern Africa Common Market, the East African Community, the ASEAN and China, Japan, South Korea summit meeting, Association of Southeast Asian Nations East Asia - Latin America Cooperation Forum, the Organization of African Unity, the International Telecommunication Union, Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Maritime Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the International Finance Corporation, the International Development Association, the International Labor Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, the Bank for International Settlements, the International Criminal Police Organization, the International Organization for Migration, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation, Organization of the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America, the Latin American Economic System Latin American Integration Association, the Latin American Parliament, the Rio Group, UNESCO, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Commission for Social Development, the Organization of American States, Inter-American Development Bank, the Southern African Development Community, Mercosur, the South Center, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Group of 77, World Economic Forum, the World Tourism Organization, the World Trade Organization, the World Energy Council, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Health Organization, the Pacific Community, Pacific Islands Forum


更多网络解释与世界劳工组织相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and the American Federation of Labor is not:而美国劳工联合会不是

the IWW is a revolutionary union|世界产业工人组织是革... | and the American Federation of Labor is not.|而美国劳工联合会不是 | To think we can infiltrate the American Federation of Labor|想打入美国劳工...

Equal Opportunity:机会平等

由联合国、世界银行和国际劳工组织合作建立、秘书处设在国际劳工组织的联合国青年就业网络向联大提出促进青年就业的四个全球性的关键因素(即4E),把就业能力(Employabiliy)与其他三要素:青年男女机会平等(Equal Opportunity)、创业精神(Entrepreneurship)、创造就业机会(Employment Creation),

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU:国际自由劳工联盟

World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU 世界劳工组织 | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟 | International Chamber of Commerce,ICC 国际工农商会

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU:国际***劳工联盟

World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU世界劳工组织 | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU 国际***劳工联盟 | International Chamber of Commerce,ICC 国际工农商会

International Labor Organization:国际劳工组织

据 国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)预测,受全球经济危机影响,2009年亚洲失业人数可能会较去年增加720万人. 该组织预计,2009年亚洲失业大军可能会膨胀到9,700万人. 近年来亚洲在世界经济领域表现出色,

International Labor Organization,ILO:国际劳工组织

今天贴第二部分 二、国际劳工组织和世界贸易组织对中国劳动政策的影响(一)国际劳工组织与中国国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization ILO)成立于1919年,是第一次世界大战结束后召开的巴黎和会的成果之一.

World Federation of Trade Unions:世界劳工组织

●International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能组织 | ●World Federation of Trade Unions 世界劳工组织 | ●Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center 香港会展中心

World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU:世界劳工组织

International Atomic Energy Agency,IAEA 国际原子能组织 | World Federation of Trade Unions,WFTU 世界劳工组织 | International Confederation of Free Trade Unions,ICFTU 国际自由劳工联盟

I.W.W. Industrial Workers of the World:世界劳工(国际工业劳工)

I.T.O. International Trade Organization 国际贸易机关(组织) | I.W.W. Industrial Workers of the World 世界劳工(国际工业劳工) | JJ. journal 分类帐

ILO:劳工组织 国际劳工组织

此后层且多柱的年金体制概念,为世界银行(World Bank)与国际劳工组织国际劳工组织(ILO)亦认为没有一种单一的制度设计可以适合所有国家一种的混合模式回应世银模式.