英语人>词典>汉英 : 世界之毁灭 的英文翻译,例句
世界之毁灭 的英文翻译、例句


the end of the world
更多网络例句与世界之毁灭相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Already had I made sure that a rooted and anchored affection had come to me from out the emptiness and nothingness of the world and was to feed my soul henceforward; already had I changed the mood of long years and felt a conversion towards the life of things, an appreciation, a cousinship with the created light----and all that through one new link of loving kindness----when whatever it is that dashes the cup of bliss from the lips of mortal man up and dashed it good and hard.


His wings made of bone are surrounded by an aura of darkness and evil in the form of wings powered by the crown, they cover the land in shadows.


You have harnessed the chains of malice and incompetency to drive your hellish steeds of destruction and despair through the rejoicing worlds of the living and ruin DotA in the process.


While the two filmmakers might not appear to have much on common on the surface, they've both been technical innovators, both been driven to the point of obsessiveness and both shared a cold eye for futuristic technology (Dr Strangelove's Doomsday device and Skynet, for example).

然而这两名导演在表面上看起来并没有太多的相同之处,但他们都是技术的创新者,都强迫自己奋发图强,也都展现了未来技术冰冷的一面如奇爱博士(Dr Strangelove毁灭世界的装置和天网。

But what is the origin of this enigmatic trait that the suffering and the fate of the hero, the most painful triumphs, the most agonizing oppositions of motives, in short, the exemplification of this wisdom of Silenus, or, to put it aesthetically, that which is ugly and disharmonic, is represented ever anew in such countless forms and with such a distinct preference--and precisely in the most fruitful and youthful period of a people?


But the plight of the world compels his unwilling attention, and when he sees that human stupidity and greed are about to plunge Europe into chaos and destroy the most glorious civilization which the world has known, he feels that it is high time for men of good sense and good will to intervene and to take politics out of the hands of the plutocrats of the Right and the woolly-minded idealists of the Left.


Fallenness . Were it not for the restraining hand of God, indeed, our world would long since have degenerated into a self destructive chaos of iniquity, in which social order and community life would have been an impossibility.


For the thousands of years between the Sundering and the destruction of the Demon Soul, blue dragons were all but unheard of, but they have begun to emerge in the world once again.


They left interrogatives when the World Stone was destroyed.


Nay, it is unlikely that mankind will see the like of this calamity, until the world comes to an end and perishes, except the final outbreak of Gog and Magog.


更多网络解释与世界之毁灭相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


大灾变,又被称为分裂(Sundering)或剧变(Cataclysm),发生於大约一万年前,上古之战的结束之时. 这一事件使整个艾泽拉斯的世界格局发生了变动. 永恒之井的毁灭导致了大灾变的发生.

RG Veda:圣传

缔结契约,获得神力,他将付出何等代价?背负血海深仇,遭遇残酷现实,他将何去何从?儿时的伙伴,神秘的少女,命运之轮已悄然而动!这个罪恶的世界,是走向毁灭,还是重获新生......圣传(RG VEDA)一词来源于印度宗教著作"Rig



Prakriti:自性 印度哲学概念

Prakprasiddha 意为曾经风行后来过时的拉格 | prakriti 自性 印度哲学概念 | pralaya 宇宙解体 梵日之末所发生的世界的解体或毁灭

North by Northwest:北西北

这几个总统头像闻名于世,<<超人2>>(Superman II),电影<<星战毁灭者>>,小说<<Better Than Life>>等都在这几个头像上大做文章,更有电影<<美国之队:世界警察>>(Team America:World Police)、<<北西北>>,(North