- 词组短语
- be cut off from the outside world · be cut off from the rest of the world · retire into one's shell
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Aggie is isolated all day in the house.
English Summary/英文概要: Agora is an insular city-state where anything can be bought and sold.
Chinese Summary/中文概要:奥加洛是一个与世隔绝的城市国度,在这里什麼东西都可以买卖交易。
After a long crossing from 2Ushuaia heading 3due east via the 4Falklands , I was able to experience the beauty of Antarctica: 5South Georgia , inside the Antarctic Circle but as green as it is white, and as interesting for its human history as for its inhuman isolation.
After Basha was" discovered" by a French couple in the early eighties, the Miao people of Basha have gradually broken out of their isolated way of life, and their unique culture has become known to the outside world.
For thousands of years, generations of Basha Miao have lived here in this forest cut off the world, finding all the basic necessities of life in the hills, forests, rivers and valleys.
For a wizard living on the butt-end of nowhere, surrounded by trees and ominous peaks, the members of the Kirin Tor were extremely curious about him.
Other risk factors include poverty, childlessness , living alone, social isolation and displacement.
The Chipewyan and Cree Indians there—Boucher is a Chipewyan—were largely cut off from the outside world.
They were cloistered, observing the rule of the Cistercian nuns and wearing a similar habit, but they were under the jurisdiction of the Grand Master of the knights.
Except for one or two places, such as Zermatt and Chamonix , which had rapidly become popular, the Alpines village tended to be impoverished settlement cut off from the civilization by high mountains.
除了 ZERMATT 和 CHAMONIX 这两个已经在很短时间内就出名了的登山区外,阿尔卑斯山,只是一个与世隔绝,穷乡僻壤的地方。阿尔卑斯山山区的小村几乎全是高山环抱,与世隔绝的穷乡僻壤
- 更多网络解释与与世隔绝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
the bewildering amount of:眼花缭乱
cut off from civilization 与世隔绝 | the bewildering amount of 眼花缭乱 | take leave to 冒昧之举
cloistered:隐居的, 与世隔绝的; 设有回廊的 (形)
cloistered 隐居的, 与世隔绝的; 设有回廊的 (形) | cloistral 修道院的; 孤独的; 隐居的 (形) | clomiphene 克罗米酚; 舒经酚 (名)
Fort Dauphin:多凡堡
多凡堡被群山所包围,长期以来它都是岛上最为与世隔绝的城镇之一. 但最近一项在此附近6亿美元的采矿项目为该地区带来了经济的繁荣. 伴随着矿工和其他国外承包人的流入,全国各地的性工作者也在多凡堡(Fort Dauphin)聚集.
希腊>获"关注" 康城金棕榈大奖颁发前夕,另一个竞赛单元"一种关注"率先公布得奖名单,希腊导演欧格斯兰斯莫斯(Giorgos Lanthimos)以讲述一个与世隔绝家庭的电影>(Dogtooth),击败日本导演是枝裕和的>及韩国的>等影片,
帮事发生在一个幻想世界之中,一场空前惨烈的远古战争引发了大陆上的一个巨大裂缝,把世界分割成正义和邪恶两方. Celenheim镇被与世隔绝了起来,成了一块众所周知的被包围的领土(Enclave)但裂缝越来越逼近,而暗黑力量正日渐威胁Cele......
学过一点英语的读者想必都看得出来:"多小山丘陵"(Hilly)跟"崇山峻岭环抱"完全是两码事,而曾静生活的那个小村子也绝非"与世隔绝". 译者好渲染,所以用的字眼就不能不大而重. 另一方面,如果说"遥不可及"尚可根据月亮的比喻补足的话,
当孩子意识到独立并不是为所欲为时,他的自我意识就能与社会意识紧密联系在一起. "独立"(independence)并非与世隔绝,并非孤立,相反,独立为了是能够更好地与他人相处(inter-dependence),也能够有效地避免不必要的伤害.
这类事情有助于鼓励这类与世隔绝(insular)的相法;这种想法导致软件并没有解决任何位于外界人认为值得解决的问题. 我们引用Ron Jeffries的话来加强这个概念:「一个开发者真正需要开始认真工作是直到她已开发她自己的内在品质的意识(sense),
Christmas Island:圣诞岛
螃蟹大军:爬,也要去 圣诞岛(Christmas Island)是澳大利亚领地里一个与世隔绝的小岛,位于印度洋上. 岛上大约有1400个居民和多达1.2亿只圣诞地蟹(Red Crabs). 对岛上居民来说非常幸运的是,这些螃蟹并不是食肉类(
Perfect Seclusion:与世隔绝
诗情画意Poetic Illusion | 与世隔绝Perfect Seclusion | 奇异探险Eccentric Expedition