英语人>词典>汉英 : 不脸红的 的英文翻译,例句
不脸红的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
unabashed  ·  unblushing

更多网络例句与不脸红的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can't trust him all ,he doesn't get flushed when telling a lie .


You can not believe all he said,for he is a man who doesn't get flushed when telling lies.


He was born to be a lier.


You shouldn't believe all what he says, for he is a lier who never get ashamed.


You must always take what he says with a grain of salt ,he is a born lier


Suspicious about what he said, he is a good lier


These cartoons are not full of skimpily clad girls with attitudes that would make an adult blush - they are from the good old days of innocent entertainment.


He would find every opportunity to stab in the


You must always take what he says with a grain of salt.


You must always take what he says with a grain of salt,he's born liar.


更多网络解释与不脸红的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abash: To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert. Synonym: embarrass:使羞惭,使不安;使窘迫, 使脸红

bargain-basement adj. 质量不佳的; 便宜的 | abash: To make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert. Synonym: embarrass 使羞惭,使不安;使窘迫, 使脸红 | Nothing can abash him. 没有什么能使他感到惭愧.

either make or break:做某些事,我们的确需要拿出全部的勇气

4. Grasp all,lose all.你是个完美主义者吗?你是否相信这句话呢... | 5.Either make or break.做某些事,我们的确需要拿出全部的勇气. | 6.Blushing is virtue's color.一个任何时候都不会脸红的人八成是个铁石心肠的...

to have a fit of the blues:沮丧的、低沉的

a light blue 伊顿公学的男生 | to have a fit of the blues 沮丧的、低沉的 | to blush like a blue dog 一点也不脸红

to have a fit of the blues:沮丧的.低沉的

a light blue 伊顿公学的男生 | to have a fit of the blues 沮丧的.低沉的 | to blush like a blue dog 一点也不脸红


unblooded 尚无经验的 | unblooded 非纯种的 | unblushing 不脸红的


unblocking /解除闭塞/ | unblooded /非纯种的/尚未见到血的/尚无经验的/ | unblushing /不脸红的/脸皮厚的/不客气的/


unblooded 非纯种的 | unblushing 不脸红的 | unbodied 离去躯体的


unblooded /非纯种的/尚未见到血的/尚无经验的/ | unblushing /不脸红的/脸皮厚的/不客气的/ | unbodied /离去躯体的/无实体的/无形的/


unblushing 不脸红的 | unbodied 离去躯体的 | unbolted 未筛过的

often makes me blush for the unworthiness:常令我脸红羞愧,如此渺小卑微的

( for so I must call the excess of his love,)因他爱我太深,我必须... | often makes me blush for the unworthiness常令我脸红羞愧,如此渺小卑微的 | of its object, and I wish I could be more deserving我配不上...