英语人>词典>汉英 : 不能预测的 的英文翻译,例句
不能预测的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不能预测的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Age-related plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels increased at 24 hours after ALB but did not predict cardiac adverse events.


Distance of greater than 20 miles from the patient's home to the medical center was associated with failure to complete hCG follow-up ( P =.001). Other factors including age, gravidity, parity, marital status, and insurance type did not predict compliance with recommended follow-up.

病人住所与医学中心的距离超过20英哩与没有完成hCG追踪有关(P =。001),其它的因素包括年龄、妊娠、婚姻状况及保险类型等不能预测追踪依从性。

RESULTS: Fractal signature of the medial tibial plateau at baseline was predictive of medial knee JSN progression (area under the curve 0.75, of a receiver operating characteristic curve) but was not predictive of osteophyte formation or progression of JSN in the lateral compartment.

结果:内侧胫骨平台的基线分形特征可以预测膝内侧关节间隙缩窄的进展(接受者操作特征曲线下面积 0.75),但不能预测骨赘形成和外侧关节间隙缩窄的进展。

They may not be able to predict each shock, but they know the probability distribution of these shocks.


The establishment of The Theory of Random Walk and many tests of it support that the stock price could not be predicted.


Not doubts about making the League or anything, especially because the scoring was obvious then, but his skinniness drove me to distraction and I could not project NBA greatness for him.

不是说我质疑他不能进入联盟打球或是其他的,而是因为虽然他最显而易见的是他尤为突出的得分能力,但是他的身板实在太过单薄了,以至於我对他产生一些质疑,而我也不能预测他在 NBA 日后能够取得多伟大的成就。

The following data were obtained and compared between resistance and responder: white blood cell,neutrophil,hemoglobulin,C-reactive protein,erythrocyte sedimentation rate,albumin,and lactate dehydrogenase.Male patients with decreased albumin may be related with resistance,but they could not be good predictors of resistance.


The birth of random ramble theory and the support that a lot of demonstration examine proved stock price is the conclusion that cannot forecast.


And he says he can not predict when t roop reductions w ould resume.


Science cannot really explain electricity, magnetism, and gravitation; their effects can be measured and predicted, but of their nature no more is known to the modern scientist than to Thales who first looked into the nature of the electrification of amber, a hard yellowish-brown gum.


更多网络解释与不能预测的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's a fashion house of cards:时尚就是这样不可预测

I saw that Dior is showing something similar right before you.|迪奥有类似的设计 | It's a fashion house of cards.|-时尚就是这样不可预测 | I can't wear jeweled underwear.|-我不能穿珠宝内裤


但我低估了这项区分的重一个重要的观点,影响深远,这就引进了不确定(indeterminacy) 的因素,使得主体不能遵循普遍原则(gener-alizations) --预测(predictions)、解释(explanations)的方式加以处为基本面之一而塑造价格的演化,


inscroll 载入卷册 | inscrutability 不能预测 | inscrutable 难以了解的


inscroll /载入卷册/ | inscrutability /不可预测/不可解/不可思议/ | inscrutable /难以了解的/不能预测的/


inscrutability 不能预测 | inscrutable 难以了解的 | inscrutably 高深莫测地


inscrutable 不能预测的 | inscrutably 莫测高深地 | inseam 内接缝

inscrutably:高深莫测地 (副)

inscrutable 难以了解的; 不能预测的 (形) | inscrutably 高深莫测地 (副) | inseam 内接缝 (名)



uncertainty principle:不确定原理

量子论中的"不确定原理"(UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE)用之于股市是再恰当不过的──没有人能在长期的市场预测中始终立于不败之地. 正因如此,在预测的基础上不断用各种新的因素对原有的结论做出微调方能得到比较切合客观实际的结果.


inscriptive 铭文的 | inscroll 载入卷册 | inscrutability 不能预测