英语人>词典>汉英 : 不能翻译的 的英文翻译,例句
不能翻译的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不能翻译的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No matter how fast you jump, sprint, or cartwheel, the resulting warp your waves make on space is so weak that it's utterly unmeasurable—perhaps 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times less so than the warp made by massive exploding space objects.

无论你跳,跑,翻跟头,得多么剧烈,结果是你产生的引力波是完全的不能测量的----可能是天空中那些物体所产生的 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 分之一!我一个没过4级的人,大家将就一下,我本人还是希望别人能在我之前来翻译

IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 Yesterday, the 2nd APEC (Asia-Pacific is organized via closing) peak of medium and small businesses of Asia-Pacific of industrial and commercial advisory board can ring down the curtain formally, and in the time in two days, new discovery of civilian network reporter, the business circles old man in of all kinds success people in show to be nodded jointly fully.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 What what golden cruel game develops in 7 years is new " devildom ", play a way in order to was full of originality all the time and celebrated, and all sorts of among them PK systems, war of the consortium battle, battle that attack a town, country, more can dare players the warm blood in the heart and enthusiasm, after a fight closely the feeling of the sort of delighted dripping wet, any game cannot are likened to, achieve for a time for this piece at the same time online number of 380 thousand be proud person achievement.


Redneck woman的歌词希望有人能翻译 Well, I ain't never been the Barbie doll type No, I can't swig that sweet champagne, I'd rather drink beer all night In a tavern or in a honky tonk or on a four-wheel drive tailgate I've got posters on my wall of Skynyrd, Kid and Strait Some people look down on me, but I don't give a rip I'll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip 'Cause I'm a redneck woman an' I ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin'I say 'hey ya'll' and 'yee-haw' And I keep my Christmas lights on on my front porch all year long And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song So here's to all my sisters out there keepin' it country Let me get a big 'hell yeah' from the redneck girls like me, hell yeah Victoria's Secret, well there stuff's real nice But I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal-Mart shelf half price And still look sexy, just as sexy as those models on TV I don't need no designer tag to make my man want me Well, you might think I'm trashy, a little too hard core But in my neck of the woods, I'm just the girl next door Hey, I'm a redneck woman an' I ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin' I say 'hey ya'll' and 'yee-haw' And I keep my Christmas lights on on my front porch all year long And I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker song So here's to all my sister's out there keepin' it country Let me get a big 'hell yeah' from the redneck girls like me, hell yeah I'm a redneck woman an' I ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin' I say 'hey ya'll' and 'yee-haw' And I keep my Christmas lights on on my front porch all year long And I know all the words to every ol' Bocephus song So here's to all my sister's out there keepin' it country Let me get a big 'hell yeah' from the redneck girls like me, hell yeah Hell yeah, hell yeah Hell yeah I said hell yeah!

那么,我是不是从来没有芭比娃娃型不,我不能swig即甜香槟,我宁愿喝啤酒整夜在tavern或在honky tonk或一辆四轮驱动车我已经得到海报,我的墙skynyrd ,孩子和海峡有些人瞧不起我,但我不给扯裂我会站在barefooted在自己的前院,与婴儿对我的髋关节'原因我是一个redneck女子是一个'我是不是不高阶层广泛我仅仅是一个产品的,我raisin'i说'嘿ya'll '和'绮山楂'我保持我的圣诞灯就对我的前面门廊所有年之久我知道所有的话,以每查理丹尼尔斯歌因此这里的,以我所有的姐妹们有keepin '它国让我碰到一个很大的'地狱啊'从redneck女孩喜欢我,地狱啊维多利亚的秘密,有好东西的真正尼斯不过,我可以买到同样的妈的事就沃尔玛货架半价还是看性感的,就像性感的,因为这些模式上电视我不需要任何设计者标签,使我的人要我那么,你可能会认为我trashy ,有点太硬核但在我脖子上的树林里,我只是女孩隔壁嘿,我是一个redneck女子是一个'我是不是不高阶层广泛我仅仅是一个产品,我的葡萄干'我说:'嘿ya'll '和'绮山楂'我保持我的圣诞灯就对我的前面门廊所有年之久我知道所有的话,以每tanya宋塔克因此这里的所有我和妹妹的列有keepin '它国让我碰到一个很大的'地狱啊'从redneck女孩喜欢我,地狱啊我是一个redneck女子是一个'我是不是不高阶层广泛我仅仅是一个产品,我的葡萄干'我说:'嘿ya'll '和'绮山楂'我保持我的圣诞灯就对我的前面门廊所有年之久我知道所有的话,以每醇' bocephus歌因此这里的所有我和妹妹的列有keepin '它国让我碰到一个很大的'地狱啊'从redneck女孩喜欢我,地狱啊地狱呀,是地狱啊地狱啊我说,地狱啊!

My point? The translator must not simply translate literally, word-for-word, as we say in English.


The translator must not simply translate literally, word-for-word, as we say in English.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 Yesterday, the 2nd APEC (Asia-Pacific is organized via closing) peak of medium and small businesses of Asia-Pacific of industrial and commercial advisory board can ring down the curtain formally, and in the time in two days, new discovery of civilian network reporter, the business circles old man in of all kinds success people in show to be nodded jointly fully.


You were not uncomfortable being a small infant who offered no action or words, for you remembered the Well-Being of the Universe; you remembered your intentions in coming forth into your physical body, and you knew that there would be plenty of time for acclimating to the language and ways of your new environment; and, most of all, you knew that even though you would not be able to translate your vast knowledge from your Non-Physical environment directly into physical words and descriptions, it would not matter, for the most important things to set you on a path of joyful creation were already emphatically in place: You knew that the Law of Attraction was consistently present and that your Guidance System was immediately active.


Catchier译成印象深刻,科林斯辞典的解释:catchy(If you describe a tune, name, or advertisement as catchy, you mean that it is attractive and easy to remember.


It is undeniable fact that translationhas caused changes in Chinese,but such changes are subject to limitations due to thefact that there exist two forces competing and interacting with each other:on the onehand,Europeanized grammar,as an external force,triggered changes in variousaspects of Chinese ranging from vocabulary,grammar,to discourse;on the other hand,the intrinsic rules of Chinese constantly govern the changes resulted fromEuropeanization,absorbing which can be fitted in and rejecting which can\'t.


更多网络解释与不能翻译的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ecological footprint:生態足跡

对于翻译上遇到的问题,特别一些关键词的翻译,例如"过冲"(overshoot)、"生态足迹"(ecological footprint)等,我同王智勇博士通过电子邮件进行了反复商讨,在意见不能达成一致的地方最后大多是按照我的想法敲定的.


还有,五羊(Five Goats)牌自行车的"羊"(goat)在英语中常常用来比喻"不正经的男子、色鬼". 由此可见,译者不能满足于商标词表层的物质指称概念,单纯使用音译或意译法从音、字层面翻译商标,而应该从文化深层结构来考虑,进行深层翻译.


"身份"(Identity)有时就是这么一个悖论. 面对此次展览的英文翻译问题,各方专家,美国东亚系教授、金庸小说的翻译等,都不能从英语中找出相对应的词,只能直接使用拼音将其翻译为"JIANG HU". 事后,西方媒体的报道也显现出对"江湖"概念各自的理解,

Kill two birds with one stone:一箭双雕

注:汉语中有些数词可以直接翻译成英文,如:"沧海一粟"(a drop in the ocean),"一箭双雕"(kill two birds with one stone)等. 但是,也有不少数词不能进行等值翻译,上面所列的就是一例. 除此之外,还有"乱七八糟"(at sixes and sevens),"再三考虑"(on second thought),




而是指不合时宜的翻译或表达不符合习惯等导致交流不能取得预期效果的失误. 比如,荷花在中国是纯洁、高雅的象征. 但如果要把产品销往日本便不能使用"荷花"(Lotus) 这个译名,也不能采用荷花之类的图案,因为在日本,荷花是死亡的象征,一般只在举行葬礼时才使用.

Initiate attack manuever Sacrosanct:根据Sacrosanct 条例展开攻击行动/开始攻击 (兔子半妖翻译)

Time for death, scum!你的死期到了,渣滓! | Initiate attack manuever Sacrosanct.根据Sacrosanct 条例展开攻击行动/开始攻击 (兔子半妖翻译) | Don't let them get past us!不能让他们突破我们!

根据Sacrosanct 条例展开攻击行动/开始攻击 (兔子半妖翻译):Initiate attack manuever Sacrosanct

Time for death, scum!你的死期到了,渣滓! | Initiate attack manuever Sacrosanct.根据Sacrosanct 条例展开攻击行动/开始攻击 (兔子半妖翻译) | Don't let them get past us!不能让他们突破我们!


原文中的cattle有"牲畜"和"牛"二义,这里因与"羊"(sheep)对置,根据种属概念不能并列的逻辑规则,cattle只能作"牛"解. 王宗炎先生说,辨义为翻译之本. 只有正确地理解原文的每一个字词,才能保证翻译的准确性. 当然,

fingernails bit down to the quick:手指迅速的敲着(这句有点翻译不通)

stepping out where there's no floor 大步走在没有落脚的地方 | fingernails bit down to the quick 手指迅速的敲着(这句有点翻译不通) | I can't go on like this 我不能这样下去