英语人>词典>汉英 : 不能站立 的英文翻译,例句
不能站立 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与不能站立相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Leakage examine is old age 1 times chronic bronchitic and patient of anxiety of emphysema, lung, because this patient cannot stand, adopt lie an around cast according to the method.


At 14 postoperative days, the paralytic limbs'function of the survived rats were evaluated with the Ducker's method (grade 0: pamplegia grade 1: automatic action but could not support the body mass grade 2: could stand but could not walk grade 3: could walk but with difficulty and accompanied by spasm grade 4: could run accompanied by mild incoordination grade 5: normal movement).


I could not rise or fall, and no one could catch me.


He could see, but not speak, could not even sit up unassisted. Yet, he knew when it was his day to go ride.


As he is climbing across a gangplank to get to Scylla, the tank falls. Sucre grabs it before it hits the floor, his feet dangling on the plank.


So I hobbled out barely able to stand...


The archer will not stand his ground, the fleet-footed soldier will not get away, and the horseman will not save his life.

02:15 拿弓的不能站立,腿快的不能逃脱。骑马的也不能自救。

Thus they lay on hard wooden boards, unable to stand up or move around.


Hold on till I git a knife,' I says--for his hands was just dangling at his side; and he says nottings cause he couldn't, he was most gone, and I knowed I wouldn't have time to git no knife but I saw it was a rope was pretty bad worn and so-- so I just run and jumped and ketched it in my hands, and being I'm so fleshy it couldn't stand no more and it broke! And, oh!


Inability to stand because of motor incoordination.


更多网络解释与不能站立相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

astasia abasia:站立行走不能

associated movement:联合运动 | astasia abasia:站立行走不能 | astatic seizure:起立不能发作

heat apoplexy:热射病

如脑炎(cephalitis)、脑膜炎(cephalitis meningica)、日射病(heliosis)、热射病(heat apoplexy)、中毒(intoxation)及某些传染病的初期. 如同时伴有踢咬和攻击人畜,则是狂犬病地特征. 典型的木马状站立姿势:呈头颈平伸、肢体僵硬、四肢关节不能屈曲、尾根挺起、鼻孔开张、瞬膜露出、牙关紧闭等形象,


astarboard 向右舵 | Astarte 阿施塔特神 | astasia 不能站立




惊颤--追踪(stalk)时绝对不能犯的错误:急速起立与杵在当场. 第二行政(Leopoldstadt)区--普拉特公园. 两臂内建的液态金属(Flussigmetail)与硬化装置瞬间启动,双手手指放射出钢丝--降低切断机能、想捆绑住对方,拉往自己站立之处的剎那间.

Please stand up:起立

牐燞e was too weak to stand. 他太虚弱了,不能站立. | 牐燩lease stand up. 起立. | 牐營 can't stand walking in such cold weather. 我无法忍受这么寒冷的天气在外边走路.


Astarte 阿施塔特神 | astasia 不能站立 | astatic 不安定的

he clings to it:8:15 他要倚靠房屋、房屋卻站立不住.他要抓住房屋、房屋卻不能存留

8:14 他所仰賴的必折斷、... | 8:15 他要倚靠房屋、房屋卻站立不住.他要抓住房屋、房屋卻不能存留. 8:15 He leans on his web, but it gives way; he clings to it, but it does not hold. | 8:16 他在日光之下發青、蔓子...

So I hobbled out barely able to stand:所以我自己几乎不能站立

I never get tired of that story.|我从没有放弃过 | So I hobbled out barely able to stand...|所以我自己几乎不能站立... | Did I mention my leg was broken?|我有提到我的腿断了吗?

milk fever:产乳热

产乳热(milk fever)是一种与低血钙(Low Blood Calcium)有关的代谢紊乱. 由于牛奶中含有大量钙离子,泌乳会造成血液中钙离子减少. 钙离子为肌肉正常收缩所必需,缺钙会导致动物步态不稳、发抖、不能站立、直至死亡. 美国8%的奶牛患有严重的产乳热,